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Dear Dave, Markus Wolf writes about that topic on p. 62 - 63 in his last book. He stated, that the only uniform he still haves is the white dinner-jacket and that he did not sell the orders and the other uniforms or gave them away as a present. One normal uniforms without orders and medals he found in a museum in Florida, which belongs to a former CIA-officer, whom he knows personally. That uniform had been stolen from the former Stasi-headquarters in Berlin, Normannstrasse. The parade-uniform with the complete collection of all orders and medals had been stolen from his private office-house ("Villa") in Berlin. After retirering as GDR's spy-chief the government gave him a house with two clerks for writing his book about the life of his filmdirector-brother Konrad Wolf. Markus Wolf says about that uniform + medals, that in the USA there are some spy-museums, one of them in Washington D.C., with a lot of visitors and a special "Markus-Wolf-section". On page XV of the book you find two photographs of Markus Wolf - in parade-uniform - receiving orders from Ulbricht and Honecker. The two uniforms and the orders & medals in the USA are legal property of Andrea Wolf and the children, who keep all the documents and booklets. The market value of the complete "Markus-Wolf-collection" (all orders + medals, documents, booklets, photographs (from the family) and the two uniforms) might be far beyond the USD 100k region, I assume. Markus Wolf had not been one of thousends of generals from the Eastern Bloc, but he has been their greatest spy-chief. Best regards Christian
Fake Is this Soviet ODM real or not?
Christian Zulus replied to usairforce's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Dear "usairforce", in addition to the expertise of Andrew, please look at: - the missing 5th rasberry at the left side of the laurel (typical for a certain series of fakes!) - the fake patina (it is almost impossible to fake a gold patina!) - the odd form of the clock at the Spassky-Tower - the whole propartions of that tower, incl. the star at the top - the s/n. at the rv.: too flat Best regards Christian -
All awards of Col.-Gen. Markus Wolf stolen Gentlemen, what I wrote in my first posting about Wolf's awards might turn into reality sometimes. In has last book (published a few weeks ago) Markus Wolf mentioned, that his parade uniform, with all orders and medals mounted, had been stolen from his office in the time just after the annexion of the GDR by the FRG. He suspects, that his awards are in the USA in a collection in Washington D.C. or Florida. Best regards Christian Markus Wolf's last book (only in German language): The tombstone of the Wolf brothers (Konrad Wolf, 1st Lt. of the Red Army in the GPW and world famous filmdirector):
Gentlemen, in today's world there are only 4 states, who have their own and really free currency: USA, EU, China & Japan. The Russian ruble is more or less linked to the EURO. Think what might happen, if the USA might attack the Iran and the whole operation would end up in a fiasco. The USD might loose dramatically in it's exchange value and Mr. "slava1stclass" might write a whole series of postings "Another Price Threshold is Threatened". So, for comparing the raising prices, we have to look at the currency of the main market for these items - and this is the EUR and not the USD, I assume. Let us take the hypothetic case: The USA produces an Iran-desaster, the USA have to face an economic recession (Greenspan-statement!) and the Russian demand for Soviet Awards is increasing, due to the growing well-off upper middle class in Russia. So, the market prices for rare Soviet Awards in USD might double within very short time. Just my thoughts, why to look at our market via an EUR-perspective for making statistics. Best regards Christian
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
NEW QUESTION WHO DESIGNED THE MAGNIFICENT JET-FIGHTER MiG-15 ? Gentlemen, we all know, that the Soviet Union had built magnificent jet-fighters - MiG-15, -21, -29 or Su 27, etc. At their time, all of them had been superior to the US-jet-fighters: In the late 1940s the MiG-15 and in the early 1980s the MiG 29 had been matchless . In the very early years of the "Cold War" the Soviet Union had problems at two fields of aircraft design: Jet-fighters & heavy bombers, despite the fact, that they had in WW II the best piston-engined fighters, the best ground-attack fighters and the best medium bombers. The problem of the heavy bomber had been solved by Stalin & Co. by producing a 1:1 copy of the US B-29, the Tu-4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupolev_Tu-4 . The problem with a superior jet-fighter had been more difficult, because there had been nothing to copy. First Stalin & Co. got the British for delivering the jet-engines, the Rolls Royce Nene http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolls-Royce_Nene - there had been a Labour-Government at that time in the UK and Churchill had been out of power . Then they got an outstanding german aircraft designer, who worked for a leading german company during the TR and got rather famous - specially for jet-fighters. That german engineer came to the Soviet Union with some approbriate blue prints, he made in the last years of the TR for his german company. Instead for Adolf Hitler he built now the supreme jet-fighter for Joseph Stalin and for MiG military aviation bureau. So, the magficent MiG-15 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikoyan-Gurevich_MiG-15 was borne - british engines & german design . At the press conference at the presentation of the MiG-15 Mikhail Gurevich (HSL, 5x Stalin Prize & 1x Lenin Prize) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Gurevich said, that his contribution to the design of the MiG-15 had been rather small. My question is: Who from Germany designed the MiG-15 in the 1940s in the Soviet Union ? Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Dear Christophe, many thanks for your congratulations, but Wikipedia is always a great help . Of course, you have to know, where to look after and you have to have a certain basic knowlodge about the topic. My new question - now about Soviet airplanes - will follow soon. Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Answer of question No. 72 Dear Christophe, I hope my answers are right and I can promote to the 1st rank of good answerers again . 1. October 1979 2. West-Berlin 3. VGE (= Val?ry Marie Ren? Giscard d'Estaing) 4. ? To answer question No. 4 is difficult, because VGE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Val%C3%A9ry_G...d_d'Estaing said and wrote quite a lot concerning Germany or divided Berlin, due to the fact, that he and his close friend, the German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmut_Schmidt , had been true allies and THE motor of the Eurpean unity. Both great politicians are still alive and very, very active . Well, during VGE's 1979-visit to West-Berlin, he stated and emphasized, that France will guarantee the security and freedom of West-Berlin. Best regards Christian -
Dear Christophe, many thanks for bringen some light from Anatoli Kutsenko in our discussion . My theory is now, that Suvorov, Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky and Patriotic War hat been converted to screwbacks for mere practical reasons: - Suvorov, Kutuzov & Newsky had been too heavy for wearing them comfortably swinging on the strap. - Patriotic War had 10 sharp and pointed tips of the 2 stars - also not ideal for swinging on the strap. On the other side a Lenin or RB had been rather light in weight and rather "round" in design. The heavy RBL screwback lost a lot of weight in the new version at the 5 sided suspension. So you had some orders for the left and the right side of the chest. Gentlemen, what is your opinion to this theory ? Many thanks for your remarks in advance. Best regards Christian
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Dear Christophe, so the french translation - "Soleil trompeur" = "The deceptive (or: misleading) Sun" - is also a wrong one and in the "Cold-War-Style" . BTW: What are your favorite movies from Nikita Michalkov? Waiting for your new question - the second one within one day . Best regards Christian -
Dear Dave, dear Ed, the fact is, that more collectors buy their items at Igor - or at any other of the main dealers -, than from you, from me or from any other collector (= non-dealer). So, the prices, were selling takes place (Igor sells!), at the main dealers websites represent the larger part of the Soviet phaleristic market. There is another - smaller - market from collector to collector, where selling might take place without a certain "premium", because neither your, nor my business is selling orders & medels: You are a US-Navy-officer or a professor at university and I am a manager for classical music & lobbyist for Serbia. So, we - the collectors - can exchange the items at "true values" and Igor & Co. have to add an "average rate of profit" to the values - according to the Marxist Theory. Another crucial point is the exchange rate of USD vs. EURO. For us collectors in Europe the Soviet awards got a little bit cheaper the last year - due to the strength of the EURO. So, when the USD is depreciating, the prices for Soviet awards have to rise, due to the fact, that they are "European Stuff". It would be more clever to link the prices of the Soviet Orders & Medals to the EURO and not to the USD Russia is calculating in EURO und the Russians are spending their money in Europe. Just a few thoughts ... Best regards Christian
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Dear Simon, but to adress Ed as "Mr. Smartass" is not just funny "bantering", but a real insult - just my opinion. Your reaction had been out of all proportion to Ed's pro-Soviet statements. So, please Simon, say sorry to Ed and everything will be in proportion again . Many thanks . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Dear Christophe, more than perfect answers - congratulations . Due to the fact, that Nikita Michalkov's great movies had been French productions, I assumed, that you will answer the questions . Nikita Michalkov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_Mikhalkov is my favorite filmmaker and "Burnt by the Sun" is my favorite movie. I am happy to have even "A Quiet Day at the End of the War" with German subitles on video . The original title of "Burnt by the Sun" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burnt_by_the_Sun should be - if you translate from Russian to English - "These, who are weary (or tired) with the sun". That's a little bit different to the "Hollywood-Title", but still somehow o.k. The big scandal had been the German title of the movie in old "Cold-War-Manner": "The sun, which cheats us" ("Die Sonne, die uns t?uscht"). Not even Goebbels would have dared to rename the Soviet Eisenstein-movies . Christophe, what is the English translation of the French title of the movie? Here, the English cover of the DVD (Michalkov + daughter): Here, the German cover of the DVD, with the "Cold-War-Title", but showing Michalkow with 3 RBs : If you don't know the movie, please get the DVD - you won't regret . I also want to present the 2 versions of the Soviet/Russian anthem written by Nikita's father Sergey http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Mikhalkov in 1944 and 2001: Michalkov?s 1944-version of the anthem: The unbreakable union of free republics Great Russia has welded forever; Created by will of the peoples, long live The united, mighty Soviet Union! Chorus: Be renowned, our free Fatherland, Reliable bulwark of the friendship of peoples! Soviet flag, people's flag Let it lead from victory to victory! Through tempests shined on us the sun of freedom, And the great Lenin lit us the way. Stalin brought us up -- on loyalty to the people, He inspired us to labor and to heroism! Chorus: ???? We developed our army in battles, We will sweep the vile aggressors from the way! In battles we settle the fate of generations, We will lead our Fatherland to glory! Chorus: ???? Michalkov?s 2001-version of the anthem: Russia?our sacred state, Russia?our beloved country. A mighty will, a great glory Are yours forever for all time! Chorus: Be glorious, our free Fatherland, Ancient union of brotherly peoples, Ancestor given wisdom of the people! Be glorious, country! We are proud of you! From the southern seas to the polar region Lay our forests and our fields. You are one in the world! You are one of a kind, Native land protected by God! Chorus: ???? Wide spaces for dreams and for living Are open to us by the coming years. Our faith in our Fatherland gives us strength. So it was, so it is, and so it will always be! Chorus: ???? I actually prefer the lyrics of the 1944-version . Here is a photograph of Sergey Michalkov from the 2005 Victory-Day-Celebrations (he is always wearing his HSL): Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
NEW QUESTION AN OUTSTANDING SOVIET/RUSSIAN ARTISTIC FAMILY Who are they? For what got they famous? 4 people - all still alive: Father (HSL, Stalin Prizes 1941, 1942 & 1950), Mother, older son & younger son. Father and mother are well known writers for poetry, lyrics and children books. The two sons are well known filmmakers. Since last year the younger of the two brothers works as a keen lobbyist for Serbian interests - Kosovo, etc. 1. Question: What are the exact names of the 4 family members? 2. Question: Which are the two best known works of the father? - Everyone knows them 3. Question: Which was the first movie the older brother produced in America? 4. Question: Which movie of the younger brother won the two most important competions (USA & France) for movies in the western world? 5. Question: Which movie had been the graduation-work of the younger brother at VGIK and what is the content of that short film? Due to the fact, that the questions are not really difficult or tricky, the winner has to answer ALL questions in a sufficient way. Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Dear Christophe, many thanks for giving me the prize, despite the fact, that I only answered a little bit more than 50 % of the questions . Now I promoted to the 1st rank of Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz answerers (9 good answers) - maybe we should create a own medal for members, who answered 10+ questions: "Meritorious Answerer to the GMIC Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz" . My new question will follow in a few minutes. Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
2. Firearm: a) S. S. Kamenev & S. M. Budyonny. b) January the 26th, 1921, Order No. 28 by the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic. 3. 1930 Sword: a) S. S. Vostretsov "for outstanding feats in extinguishing the conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway in 1929". b) The sword shows a portrait of Karl Marx at the upper part of the grip. 1. The Sword: I can only guess: a) S. S. Kamenev & S. M. Budyonny ? b) 1920 ? Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Dear Ed, I hope, you will - as a true comrade - stay in our quiz . Nesterov had been a really important guy in aviation and he is also mentioned in all books dealing with Soviet aviation or Soviet airforce. He died as a young man in august 1914. But I am sure, that he would have joined the Red Army, if he would have survied WW I . I regarded your commentary more from the metaphorical side - you are right: As a person, Nesterov had nothing to do with CCCP, but for the further development of Soviet aviation he had been important. For that aspect, I assume, the RF devoted a medal to him. Simon's adressing you as "Mr. Smartass" for your metaphorical commentary has no metaphorical character and is simply an insult - specially, if he takes your love to the Russian people and your achievments in phaleristics concerning Communist Awards into account. A nice excuse towards you from Simon might be approbriate . Best regards Christian -
Gentlemen, as we can see, Igor sells his Glories . The market makes the prices and not the expertise of phaleristics. The fact is, that a Glory 1cl is much rarer, than a HSU. Glory 1cl is also the result of 3 heroic deeds and it had been never a "birthday-present" like many HSUs. So, let us wait for a Glory 1cl offered (and sold) for 10k . Best regards Christian
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Christian Zulus, RedThreat has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Who am I? ' alt='' class='ipsImage' > Dear "Red Threat", sorry, you gave the answer by yourself . The scanned photo shows the name in it's code .... as I saw in the mail from GMIC: attachment=74265:GenBrusilov.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksei_Brusilov famous for: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brusilov_offensive in WW I. Please post another question . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Dear Gerd, o.k., it is now Belaruski's turn to surprise us with a difficult question . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Belaruski & Gerd are the winners Dear Belaruski, dear Gerd, both of you answered parts of my question - congratulations . So you have to decide, who will put the new question . O.K., the second part of my question had been to difficult . The Soviet constructors feared the strong German anti-tank guns in spring 1941, due to (wrong!) informations by the NKVD. So they applied to the already strong KV-1 armor so called appliqu? armor. There are two photographs to be seen at the Wiki-link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KV-1 . So, the KV-1 "appliqu?" was invincible to any sort of German guns or tanks, except the famous 8.8-anti-aircraft-gun at short range. But the fact had been in summer 1941, that the Germans did not have approbriate anti-tank guns at all and also the guns of the inferior German tanks had been very uneffictive. So the constructors reduced the armor of the KV-1 and improved the speed and manouverability. The Germans had been deeply impressed by the KV-1 "Dicker Bello" and by the T-34 and copied both tanks. The result: - Tiger I as a KV-1 copy - Panther as a T-34 copy But the Soviets also improved their magnificent tanks. The result: - IS 2 & IS 3 as improved KV-1 (they had been the strongest main battle tanks in WW II) - T-34 / 85 with the great 85 mm gun At this thread you will find a great citation of a IS-2 tank commander, who fought in Berlin (Dave purchased the documented group): http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14938 Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Dear Belaruski, No. 1 of the question is korrect: It is the KV-1 . But No. 2 of the question is far too uspecific . What had been the real causes, why the constructurs gave such a thick armour - and even an applique armour ! - to the KV-1 before GPW started? What did the constructurs (& the army-chiefs) fear so much? No. 3 you might find via GOOGLE or Wikipedia . I hope you will make the race . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Order of Lenin multiples
Christian Zulus replied to Bob's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
No. 13 Gentlemen, the young General No. 13 should be Anatoly Gribkov, General of the Army, Chief of Staff of the Warshaw-Pact, 3 Lenins: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoly_Gribkov Great & wise general - I read his memoirs . Best regards Christian BTW: Moskalenko looks already very, very ill at that photograph . -
Soviet Order of Lenin multiples
Christian Zulus replied to Bob's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Dear Dave, good theory . Comrade Ustinov had been one of the most brilliant managers the economy of the CCCP ever had. I assume, that he did not have a proper military education, nor did he visit one the the famous academies . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
To part 1. of the question: That famous heavy tank was named after an old Bolshevik, who become in later years head of state of the CCCP. To part 3. of the question: The first word of the German nickname is "Dicker ....." ("Fat ...."). And the second word has something to do with a dog. So, it should not be too hard, to answer the rest of the question . Best regards Christian