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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Dear Christophe, congratulations to your victory . I will have to show more activity - otherwise I might lose my 40-score-leadership .... Waiting for your question . Best regards Christian
    2. Gentlemen, some better pics taken with a camera. Best regards Christian RB & RB#2 group Red Army Airforce
    3. Dear Slava, many thanks for your prompt information . The fact is, that the price increase of Full Cavalier sets or Glory 1cl is really rather moderate in comparison to other awards . The same is true for HSU. So, the asked USD 28k look almost like "peanuts", if you look at the price tags of other groups or orders. What's the reason for these "bargain" prices for true and authentic hero awards ? Best regards Christian
    4. Dear Oleg, have a look at the initial posting by me at the beginning of this thread, that's what I am thinking too. Sorry, these are the best pics I shot .... If it helps, I might send the original photographs - much more KB - to you via E-Mail ? Best regards Christian
    5. Gentlemen, you will find some new photographs (in better quality) at some threads of the different items and groups I have presented here. The links to these - partly rather large - threads you will find here my presentation. Many thanks for your interest . Best regards Christian
    6. Gentlemen, here are some additional pics, I shot recently. Best regards Christian "Glory-Trio"
    7. Dear Jim, many thanks for your commentary . Two more pics of the reverse. BTW: The part of the rv. around the s/n. is not "blue", as seen at the second pic, that was just a reflection of light. The back is in a homogenious "gun blue". Best regards Christian
    8. Dear Ed, many thanks for your prompt remarks . The position of the s/n. is absolutly correct for that version. There is nothing "muddy" around the screw post - just some patina ... If you compare my images "at an angle" to Igor's ones, than you will see the difference in quality of manufacture ... What's your point ? Listen, the forger in Eastern Europe in 1993 would had been a complete stupid guy, to invest weeks of work to create a "genuine" Kutuzov, instead of casting some RB screwbacks or strucking some Nakhimov Medals . At those "glorious" days (1993-95) the price gap between a RB screwback, Nakhimov Medal and a Kutuzov 2cl wasn't that big: 3 RB screwbacks or Nakhimov Medals against 1 Kutzov 2cl. So, where is the business concept ... BTW: If you look at the patina (specially on the enamel), at the red colour of the tiny star, at the chip, at the nicks on the silver, at the quality of manufacture etc. etc. - these are realities, you can hardly fake, I guess. Best regards Christian
    9. Gentlemen, what's your opinion about this outstanding beauty ? Many thanks for your expertise . Best regards Christian BTW: Igor has a rather ident item for sale - mere 48k bucks ... http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=19515
    10. Dear Irmin, I am not a Russian expert with some access to the military archives in the former Soviet Union, but there a few of these genuine experts here at GMIC. I found that information (in German language) for you: http://www.stendell.de/Aktuelles/2008/item...-Ballentin.html . For getting into contact with Russian experts in military history I would recommend to post your topic at the Soviet-section here at GMIC: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showforum=127 . Best regards Christian
    11. Dear Humberto, many thanks for your congratulations Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Ian, many thanks for your BZ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bravo_Zulu SKKH Otto von Habsburg confers even more interesting decorations : - THE (AUSTRIAN) ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_Golden_Fleece , which is out of reach for non-aristocrats . - THE KNIGHTLY ORDER OF SAINT SEBASTIAN IN EUROPE http://www.egs-schuetzen.com/Flash/Spracha...rder/order.html , which comes from the "European Society of Historic Marksmen". Best regards Christian
    13. Dear Megan, no problem, you are free to use the scans of my medal and my document . The most senior expert for current Austrian awards is Kabinettsvizedirektor Dr. Heinz Anton HAFNER heinz.hafner@hofburg.at http://www.hofburg.at/organigramm/organigramm.htm , deputy head of staff in the office of The Federal President of the Republic of Austria http://www.hofburg.at/index.php?sid=48&amp...amp;language=en . All Austrian awards go over his desk . Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Megan, many thanks . That's correct: The SIGNUM MEMORIAE can be worn on the uniform of the Austrian Armed Forces . There is a wide range of non-state-decorations, which can be worn in uniform (NGOs, church and others). Usually the organisation or person, who confers the decoration, has to apply at the "Chancellary for Decorations" at the Austrian Government for getting the permission, that the special decoration can be worn officially in uniform. Best regards Christian
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