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Dear "Order of Victory" (you don't have a name ), dear Ed, comarade Ivan Kovalev had been one of the most important figures in the GPW! Railroad transportation was a key issue in WW II! The group is incomlepte, but contains the two most important awards to comrade Kovalev. Also his Kutuzov 1cl is a very rare variation! So, I assume, that this imperfect group will find it's buyer . If I would have the money, I would buy the two awards + booklet. That's market economy & capitalism . Best regards Christian
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Dear Simon, send me the attachment(s) via e-mail - I can reduce them also to 150 KB each - an I will post them for you: dialog ET zulusrecords.com Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Congratulations, Simon, you have won Yakov Kreiser had been one of THE top-tank-generals in WW II . And the Jewish people in the Soviet Union got - in relation to the number of Jewish people ! - by far most of the HSU-Gold-Stars (about 150!). Some of them, like General Kreiser, twice. So, Jews had been the greatest heros in the GPW, despite the Shoa , where more than half of the Jewish population in Europe had been murdered. It is your turn now to give us another question . Best regards Christian -
Photograph of a RB #8 Gentlemen, GMIC-member "lentiay" (Maxim) from Russia shows a photograph from a book of an RB #8 in presentation box at that thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=136258 You can read under the photographed RB #8 in that book, that all RBs #8 are unnumbered - without s/n. -, due to the fact, that they had been never claimed. So there are unnumbered RBs #8 at stock somewhere ? As far, as I know, Soviet Orders had been numbered just after production ? Best regards Christian
Soviet What exactly are makers' marks?
Christian Zulus replied to JimZ's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Gentlemen, ALL RBls T 2 have maker marks - so that is quite normal for certain screwback-orders. A RBL T 2 without a maker's mark would be highly suspicous . Nevsky's don't have maker marks, i.e. Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Famous General of the GPW Gentlemen, no idea, who that famous comrade could be ? He got twice the HSU AND a Suvorv 2cl AND a Suvorov 1cl - besides a lot of other high-end decorations. That young colonel ended up as a General of the Army - should have been an easy question . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
NEW QUESTION - GUESS WHO? Gentlemen, - who is that high decorated Soviet General of the GPW you can see at the attached photographs? - what is so special about the first of his HSUs he got in GPW and for which deed did he get him? - what is the nationality of that General? BTW: That comrade promoted very fast through the ranks. He received his first HSU as a young colonel and finshed his military service as a General of the Army. So he also received a Suvorov 2cl and later a Suvorov 1cl. O.K., for this time a very easy question, I think, to speed the procedure up a little bit . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
New reference book for YU-Awards ? Dear Soviet, dear Ivan, this is only one very small publication with bad photographs , Ivan mentioned. I would make sense, to publish a decent guide and reference book of YU-Awards. But a PMD-bible for YU-Awards would cost a fortune and a lot of research has do be done . It can be only done in a so called "public-private-partnership" and we have to wait, which government Serbia will have after the 21st of january 2007 and if they are willing to support such a project (maybe there might be also some money from the EU ). The fact is, that the publication of an ultimate guide to YU-Awards might boost the demand for these items. So - seen as a business man - it would make sense, if the team, which publishes the reference book buys a rather large stock of interesting YU-Awards now, to sell them later and so to finance some of the costs of the book, by selling the awards later - after the publication. Just my first thoughts. Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Many thanks, Christophe . But for 95 % it was the merit of my friend Voja from Belgrade . So I am proud to post a new question . This time not dealing with Yugoslavia or dogs of the leaders, but with a (very) famous Soviet general of the GPW - guess who? Give me 20 minutes for the posting ... Best regards Christian -
Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Awards
Christian Zulus replied to Ed_Haynes's topic in Southern European & Balkan States
Dear "Order of Victory", he very nice award I have no "Military Merits" in my collection - I never got one for a decent price -, but as a compensation I have a "JNA 2cl" and a "JNA 3cl" (large and heavy) . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Nevsky T 2 - s/n. 9534
Christian Zulus replied to Christian Zulus's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Dear Jim, dear Ed, wise words . My interest in Soviet Awards is of scientific (as a historian) and of "moral-religious" interest. History of the CCCR was my second subject at university (student of the renowned Soviet historian Michail Voslensky, author of "Nomenklatura") and before I started collecting, I already had an interest in Soviet history for 13 years - also some small knowledge about awards and their function in Soviet society, due to the old Herfurth-book of the 1980s and some APN-publications. At the beginning of 1994 I realized just by accident, how cheap Soviet Awards are offered at the stamps, coins & orders dealers in Vienna. A Lenin was just the value of gold! So I invested in a relativly short time some thousend USD in building up a small and decent collection. I had been fascinated by the history, which is kept in each award and also by the great design of the pieces. I have to admit, that I have also a rather "special" relationship to the experiment of Socialism in the former CCCP . For me it is a proven fact, that the extraordinary welfare of the working class in Europe (partly also in America) from 1945 to 1991 had been a "product" - or result - of the existence (and social-political competition) of the "other" political and economical system beyond the "Iron Curtain". Also it is a proven fact, that not the Western Allies smashed the Nazi-system, but the Red Army and the people of the Soviet Union. So, for me it is also an emotional gesture to keep Soviet Awards . To get one's awards researched, is also an act of justice to the - 90 % - unwritten und unpublished true history of the 20th century and to document the deeds of the people, who liberated Europe. I did not start collecting Soviet Awards for making the "big fortune", this was an unforseen "byproduct", which costs me know some insurance fee year for year . For me a Soviet Award has 3 main qualities: - personal history of the awardee (if researched) - general history of the order in the Soviet system - statutes, regulations, etc. - excellence in design. Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Next try Dear Ivan, so, I will choose these two orders in a first step: - Order of the Partisan Star 1cl - Order of Brotherhood and Unity 1cl Both orders Tito received in 1945. Both orders are for generals. Both orders are rare & prestigeous. But the Partisan Star with the golden wreath might be for an Partisan-General of more prestige . I guess, that Koca had been one of the very first awardees of the Partisan Star 1cl. As I read, he got another Partisan Star 1cl in later years. BTW: Who is the actual owner of Koca's orders & medals? They would be a great display for a museum . Our Military Museum at the Kalemegdan in Belgrade doesn't have many orders . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Nevsky T 2 - s/n. 9534
Christian Zulus replied to Christian Zulus's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Dear Dave, I feel really sorry for wasting your precious time with such a worthless and unrepairable piece of scratch . I hope, that my dealer will take my "broken" Quasi-Nevsky back for the initial USD 280,- . Sorry Dave, your remark is not correct, as everyone can read out of the discussion in the thread: I set the (insurance) value of my disgraceful piece of scratch AFTER the discussion in the forum and AFTER my research at the dealers websites - and not before. I presented reasonable arguments after the discussion, why I assume a value of EUR 1600,- for the insurance list. If a collectible is stolen, the insurance company refunds the actual price of the piece, which is asked from the well known dealers at the market, and/or will orient at the result-lists of the well known auction houses. I believe, if the "broken" Quasi-Nevsky would be in your proud collection, you would write a rather similar value into your insurance list . Best regards Christian -
Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Awards
Christian Zulus replied to Ed_Haynes's topic in Southern European & Balkan States
Well, maybe the order has no serial number at all - Milan could help us? As the dealer writes, there is NO further conection between the medal & the documents. USD 2800,- is a rather high starting price, which almost represents the market value . I also can't afford it in the moment .... Best regards Christian -
Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Awards
Christian Zulus replied to Ed_Haynes's topic in Southern European & Balkan States
Gentlemen, are there no scans of the rv. with the s/n. at ebay to check, if it is actually 138? Milan, have you an idea about the price ranges for these stuff? Best regards Christian -
Soviet Nevsky T 2 - s/n. 9534
Christian Zulus replied to Christian Zulus's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
My "broken" Nevsky Dear Dave, dear Jim many thanks for your always appreciated remarks . Years ago, Dave presented a collapsible "Motherland 3cl" to us, as far, as I can rember. What happened to that piece? Gentlemen, if that is the problem, I can go to my juweller and he will hit carefully at the 3 rivets and the "broken" Nevsky will be fixed forever . At the moment two other "less than perfect" Nevsky's T 2 in a rather similar condition to mine one are offered at the market: - USD 1995,- at Igor's website - USD 2750,- at Dimitry's website Let us wait for a few weeks and look, if they sell - the market tell the truth. As long, as the main US-dealers sell their stocks, their prices should reflect the situation at the market. That is how capitalism works, I guess . Right now I will take my Nevsky T 2 with EUR 1600,- into the insurance list. Jim, you are right: The price situation at the market now is horrible and it is for normal people hardly possible to buy some really nice items - except you want to spend a fortune . But on the other side, collectors who bought in the mid-1990s the right stuff, made a profit of at least 400 % (some of us made a even a profit of much more than 1000 %) - that is more than you could have ever made at the stock exchange . I for my part will investment now my money step for step into the research of my modest collection - also a good investment and interesting for the collectors community - and for historians. Dave showed us the way - he was the first, who published the research results of his great collection years ago at his website . Best regards Christian -
Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Awards
Christian Zulus replied to Ed_Haynes's topic in Southern European & Balkan States
Dear Soviet, many thanks for the information and the scans of that great, perfect and complete piece of history . Due to the date of issue, it should be the version made of massive gold . What does the seller write? Is it already YU-made, or still a Soviet manufactured piece? What is the asked price? For the gold-version it might be around USD 3000,-. Rather recent Yugoslavian productions in gilt bronze shall sell for about USD 500,-. (Both prices are still a bargain considering the importance and rarity - 1346 had been awarded.) Best regards Christian P.S.: Due to the fact, that a use a "german" browser, I have NO access to the militaria-site of ebay . -
Soviet Nevsky T 2 - s/n. 9534
Christian Zulus replied to Christian Zulus's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Dear Jim, many thanks for your highly interesting remarks about the market . But there is a growing demand (from Russia) for high-end Soviet orders and we have a lot of "agressive" buyers. So I have no doubt (as long, as there is enough money in Moscow & St. Petersburg), that the price tags of high-end items will be for a long time on the move upwards. May I explain: - My Nevsky does not "come to pieces"! It is fixed with the 3 rivets and you need force to pull apart. I just wanted to show to the interested GMIC-members, how an old Nevsky looks inside and how repair works can be done in a rather professional way. - A Nevsky T 2 in "good condition" costs today USD 2850,- at Prof. Eugene Rabkins website, who is known for very moderate price tags & good stuff. If you have your source for getting good restored Nevsky's T 2 for well under USD 1000,- in Switzerland or Europe, then you might make good money with them and a profit of about 100 % . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Nevsky T 2 - s/n. 9534
Christian Zulus replied to Christian Zulus's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Nevsky T 2 - present market realities Dear Soviet, dear Ed, I just took the time and checked some of the major US-dealer sites for a Nevsky T 2 - without documents, unresearched and without PMD-certificate. The result is, that Igor - USD 1995,- - has the best offer in terms of price/quality . Dimitry Markov asks for a Nevsky T 2 with rather severe scratches and rather bad enamel USD 2750,- and Prof. Eugene Rabkin for a truley nice example - good enamel, well preserved gold and no scratches - USD 2850,-. O.K., these prices are asked and our Russian friends in the USA sell their stocks . And: Due to it's superior design, rarity, statutes, etc., a Nevsky is one of the most wanted Soviet orders among collectors, which also acclerates the price movement. I don't think, that Igor is soooo expensive at the level of high-end awards - i.e. he offers a RBL T 2 with PMD-certificate, but restored - for under USD 1000,-! But for "cheaper" awards his price tags are rather high. Coming back to YU-Awards at Igor's website: The prices of the more rarer and higher ranking awards are still in a moderate region, but I would not spend about USD 30,- for a YU-guards-badge or for a YU-borderguards-badge. Generally: In my modest opinion, the price tags for YU-Awards are far too low: About USD 100,- for a Soviet-made "Partizan Star" is a bargain . Best regards Christian -
Soviet Soviet & Eastern Block Quiz
Christian Zulus replied to Christophe's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
Dear Ivan, I guess: Order of the National Liberation ? That award was instituted on August, 15, 1943, only 262 awardees and very rare. Koca is also one of the 7 awardees of the "Order of Freedom", the counterpart of the Soviet "Order of Victory" and the only YU-Award Tito wore in "full size" at his white uniform. Best regards Christian -
Soviet Nevsky T 2 - s/n. 9534
Christian Zulus replied to Christian Zulus's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Dear "Order of Victory", many thanks But as long, as I don't HAVE to sell parts of my collection, I won't sell awards . It is important for me - and my (expensive) household-insurance - to know the market values of the items. Best regards Christian