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    Hi Gents!

    Would anyone have the following book

    Bibliography of Orders and Decorations by Mulder and Alec Purvis (nice bloke),

    321 pp. 1999. softbound

    I would like to know how it is setup and if it contains any bibliographical notes on

    the House Order of th White Falcon of Sachse-Weimar

    The House Order of the Honor Cross of Schwarzburg-R and S

    The Houde order of the Golden Lion of Kurhessen

    Hope to hear from anyone of you

    Best regards




    The Mulder/Purves book is broken down by country of origin. The entries are classically bilbliographic: full authors' names, full title and subtitle; location of publication, date, page count, plate count (color and monochrome), and size. Some will also have numbers of copies printed and some will have minimal notes (e.g., "Lists recipients" or "Many engravings")

    I find that value lies in the identification of the books out there (I use one copy as an inventory of my own library and another copy as a reference book).

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