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    I know we have some real experts on the German effort in China. I am looking for the names of Bayern Army officers that were involved in the China campaign. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.


    I know we have some real experts on the German effort in China. I am looking for the names of Bayern Army officers that were involved in the China campaign. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.

    Do you look for someone special? Between 80 and 100 Bavarian army officers were involved in the China campaign.



    I am not looking for someone special. I would like a list of Bayern Officers who served in China so that I can look for them in the DOA 1908/09. I have a ribbon bar I am trying to trace and the last two ribbons are the Ludwig and Bayern Jubilee or Turkish TM.

    Guest Rick Research

    None of them fit. It's a NAVAL bar.



    the majority of the Bavarian officers served in two formations:

    II./4. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment and II./6. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment. Below are the Bavarian officers as initially gazetted for the first deployment.

    As gazetted in the Milit?r-Wochenblatt with effect 9 July 1900:

    4. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment:


    Oberstleutnant Wallmenich (1. Inf.-Regt.)

    II./4. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment:

    Kdr. - Maj. Graf von Montgelas (Gen. Stab 1. Div.)

    Hptm. Frhr. v. Feilitzsch (3. Inf.-Regt.)

    Hptm. Schr?der (1. J?g.-Bat.)

    Hptm. Steinbauer (1. Inf.-Regt.)

    Hptm. Passavant (4. Inf.-Regt.)

    Oblt. Pl?tz (16. Inf.-Regt.)

    Oblt. Frhr. v. Reitzenstein (Inf.-Leib-Regt.)

    Oblt. Epp (19. Inf.-Regt.)

    Oblt. K?bel (2. Fu?art.-Regt.)

    Lt. Mieg (9. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Pitrof (15. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Leisner (4. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Westermayer (19. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. M?ller (7. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Reu? (1. J?g.-Bat.)

    Lt. Giehrl (Rudolf) (2. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Lutz (16. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. v. Griesheim (11. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Heinzmann (10. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Rohe (18. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Metzner (5. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Frhr. v. Stengel (22. Inf.-Regt.)

    Stabsarzt Dr. Wolffh?gel (Inf.-Leib-Regt.)

    Oberarzt Dr. Ruidisch (11. Inf.-Regt.)


    Adjutant of 2. Ostasiatische Infanterie-Brigade:

    Oblt. v. Lossow (Inf.-Leib-Regt.)


    Lt. Frhr. Schenk v. Stauffenberg (1. Schw. Reiter-Regt.)


    Hptm. T?ubler (1. Feldart.-Regt.)

    Leichte Munitionskolonne:

    Lt. v. Allweyer (1. Feldart.-Regt.)

    And As gazetted in the Milit?r-Wochenblatt with effect 18 August 1900:

    6. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment:

    Kdr. - Oberst Gr?ber (2. J?g.-Bat.)

    II./6. Ostasiatisches-Infanterie-Regiment:

    Kdr. - Maj. Lidl (8. Inf.-Regt.)

    Hptm. Kast (23. Inf.-Regt.)

    Hptm. v. L?neschlo? (16. Inf.-Regt.)

    Hptm. Graf v. Verri della Bosia gen. v. K?lberg auf Gansheim u. Berg (Inf.-Leib-Regt.)

    Oblt. Danner (17. Inf.-Regt.)

    Oblt. F?rber (11. Inf.-Regt.)

    Oblt. Vogel (Georg) (11. Inf.-Regt.)

    Oblt. Graf v. Freyen-Seyboltstorff Herr zu Seyboltstorff (2. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Hiemer (9. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Inderwies (8. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Funk (5. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Raila (2. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Staubwasser (21. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Gemmingen Frhr. v. Massenbach (Inf.-Leib-Regt.)

    Lt. Correck (3. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Meyer (Hans) (19. Inf.-Regt.)

    Lt. Neumaier (10. Inf.-Regt.)

    Stabsarzt Dr. Weindel (4. Inf.-Regt.)

    4. Eskadron Ostasiatisches-Reiter-Regiment:

    Lt. Ritter v. Poschinger (1. Ulan. regt.)

    2. Batterie Schwerer Feldhaubitzen:

    Hptm. Fehl (2. Fu?art. Regt.)

    Lt. M?ller (Otto) (1. Fu?art. Regt.)

    Ostasiatisches Eisenbahn-Bataillon:

    Hptm. H?rnle (Eisenbahn-Bat.)

    Assist. Arzt Dr. Heim (5. Inf.-Regt.)

    3. Eisenbahn-Bau-Kompagnie:

    Oblt. Hatzler (1. Pion. Bat.)

    Infanterie-Munitionskolonne Nr. 2:

    Lt. Pfannenstiel (3. Chev. Regt.)

    Artillerie-Munitionskolonne Nr. 2:

    Hptm. Graf v. Zech auf Neuhofen (5. Feldart. Regt.)

    Feldlazareth Nr. 5:

    Oberarzt Dr. Mayer (2. Train-Bat.)

    Assist. Arzt Dr. M?ller (4. Inf.-Regt.)

    Feldlazareth Nr. 6:

    Assist. Arzt Handl (2. J?g.-Bat.)




    I am not looking for someone special. I would like a list of Bayern Officers who served in China so that I can look for them in the DOA 1908/09. I have a ribbon bar I am trying to trace and the last two ribbons are the Ludwig and Bayern Jubilee or Turkish TM.

    Is it possible to get a picture of that ribbon bar?


    Hello Bernd,

    I think we are still talking about this one...

    tientsin ribbon bar


    So, this medal bar is not a Bavarian one, but a navy one as said before. Following units took part in the campaigns for the clasp TIENTSIN:

    SMS Hansa, SMS Hertha, SMS Gefion, SMS Iltis, SMS Kaiserin Augusta, SMS Irene and 1. and 2. company of the III. Naval Infantry Regiment. All together about 970 soldiers.

    With the combination RAO 4. , KO 4. and Long Service it could be a naval officier, a doctor, an engineer, elder deck officier or similiar. I think nobody of the naval infantry and the last ribbon is a Turkish one.


    Everyone - thanks for the help. The ribbon bar with the Tientsin clasp has been a real pain for me. What got me started on the Bavarian Army track is that the last two ribbons are a wartime ludwig and a Bavarian Jubilee or Turkish . Also as I was going looking through the 1908/09 DOA for something else I found at least 2 Bayarian officers with the China medal, PKO4, RAO4, Bay Jubilee and, of all things, a Prussian 25 year LSC, and in a Bavarian Army Unit.

    So the last ribbon can be either a Bavarian Jubilee or Turkish TM. With the ludwig ribbon I am inclined to think the last medal is a Jubilee. But you never know.

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