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    Coin sized Arromanches medallion

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    Hi there, I have registered on this forum to try and discover anything at all about a coin sized medallion that came into my possession about 3 years ago. I'm not sure what it is, so it's possibly insignificant and irrelevent to this website, but I can't find any where else to ask. Anyway here's the description:

    It's small, probably about the size of a 2p penny, but a bit heavier. On the front is a soldier, holding a rifle, with what looks like a building and several flags behind him. Along the top reads "Arromanches" and below the image reads "6 Juin 1944". On the rear is Saint Christopher. Here's a blurry picture:


    If anybody can help I'd be very grateful,

    Thanks in advance,


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    Hi Daniel,

    Welcome to the forum. What a curious item this is. I`ve certainly never seen on before. I`m assuming that the 6 Juin 1944, relates to D Day. Arromanches-les-Bains, is a place & was at the heart of the Normandy landings (Gold Beach). The Mulberry harbours where set up here also. But where St Christopher fits in, I can`t really help.

    I`m going to make an educated guess & say that this medal hasn`t something to do with D Day, but I maybe wrong. Thanks for sharing it with us!!!


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    Thanks for the reply! It's seeming impossible to discover anything about this thing, all internet searches have come back without any help and if nobody on here's seen it then I don't know what else I can do to find more about it.

    I'm assuming the St Christopher image is just a good omen for travellers, as he is the patron saint for travellers.

    Thanks anyway!

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    Hi Daniel, sorry I can`t be of more help. But maybe someone else on the forum can. The whole St Christopher thing sounds, about right. I thought he was the saint of travellers, but wasn`t 100%. Come on guys can anyone else shine any light on this for Daniel?


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