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    Hi everyone,

    I bought this pictures recently and I need your help to discover what is the meaning of the patch that this NCO is wearing on the left sleeve of his tunic.

    Besides that, any other info about the inscription in the back of the postcard is welcome!

    Thanks in advance,


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    The single flamed bursting bomb insignia is that of a Richtkanonier (gun layer) of the foot artillery. His mounted troops style belt and sword, black piped Brandenburg cuffs, black cap band all verify this. He is a Bavarian Vizefeldwebel and is wearing the officer's pattern cockade on his cap and the Bavarian officer's pattern sword knot for foot troops.


    Edited by Chip
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    Are you able to read the reverse? The PC seems to be sent to the platoon sergeant pictured in the photo, unless the sender and addressee are very similar soldiers, based on Chip's information. Despite the smudges, the writing is basically very good, if a bit curious to me. If you post an enlarged scan of the text of the message, oriented right side up, Perhaps someone or myself will read it for you. But, usually the stamps, cancellations, etc. tell more than the text, which usually is of the vein "warm socks, rotten food". PC seems to be sent from a civilian location, not a military unit.

    Bob Lembke

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    the sender is his wife!


    Lieber Heinrich! ... In der Hoffnung auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen gr??t dich herzlich deine dich innig liebende Frau & Kinder"

    "Dear Heinrich! ... ... wife and children,"



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    the sender is his wife!


    Lieber Heinrich! ... In der Hoffnung auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen gr??t dich herzlich deine dich innig liebende Frau & Kinder"

    "Dear Heinrich! ... ... wife and children,"



    I didn't even try with the text; my eyes are less than perfect and I don't read Suetterlin well lying on my side. But I had hoped that the text would sort out who was the sender and if the guy in the photo was the recepient, or a very similar sergeant. Was the card sent from a place on the Rhine? Not from Bavaria? I can't work on this now.

    Bob Lembke

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    Hi Bob,

    it is from FRIESENHEIM, a part of LUDWIGSHAFEN:



    At that time (1915) Ludwigshafen is a part of Bavaria! The "Bayerische Provinz Pfalz" (1816-1947):


    And Vize-Feldwebel Heirich Reu? is a member of the

    2. bayerischen Reserve-Fu?artillerie-Regiments (see PC: 2. bay. Res. Fu?. Art. Regt.) (bavarian)

    1. Bataillon, 4. Batterie

    33. Reserve-Division



    Edited by speedytop
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    Thanks for the help. I had read the address easily, and had not attempted the text. I was not sure where Friesenheim was, and actually did not know that the Pfalz was part of Bavaria. Until a few hours ago I was in a terrible time press, fortunately now eased off.

    Bob Lembke

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    Hi all,

    Firstly, thanks for all your efforts to help me with this postcard. I really appreciated that.


    It's nice to talk with you. I've seen for years in several forums around our efforts regarding the flamethrowers and your father' service in WWI. Keep on the nice work!


    Here is a better shot of the reverse, now in colors, with a 150% close up and in the right position.

    Hope it helps you.



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    it is the picture of Heinrich Reu?, because his wife wrote:

    "Friesenheim, 26.3.1915.

    Lieber Heinrich!

    ?bersende dir dein liebes Bild, m?ge dich es so gesund und munter antreffen, wie es uns verl??t.

    In der Hoffnung auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen gr??t dich herzlich deine dich innig liebende Frau und Kinder"

    Send you your dear picture, ... !



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