Stogieman Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Per DECRETO-LEY No. 240POR CUANTO: La Direcci?n Nacional de los Comit?s de Defensa de la Revoluci?n ha propuesto al Consejo de Estado la creaci?n de una Medalla para ser otorgada a ciu-dadanos cubanos y extranjeros que adquieran m?ritos sufi-cientes en ocasi?n de ejecutar actos relevantes, o asumir posiciones que demuestren su lealtad y fidelidad a la causa revolucionaria. POR CUANTO: A los fines expresados en el Por Cuan-to anterior se requiere la modificaci?n del Decreto-Ley N?mero 30, de 10 de diciembre de 1979, y del Reglamento de la Ley N?mero 17, de 28 de junio de 1978, tal como han sido modificados y se encuentran actualmente vigentes. POR TANTO: El Consejo de Estado en uso de las atri-buciones que le est?n conferidas en el inciso c) del Art?culo 90 de la Constituci?n de la Rep?blica, resuelve dictar el siguiente DECRETO-LEY No. 240 ARTICULO 1.-Se adiciona al Art?culo 6 del Decreto-Ley N?mero 30, de fecha 10 de diciembre de 1979, un nuevo apartado que ser? el n?mero 42, y que dice lo siguiente: 42.-Medalla ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO?, la que se otorga a ciu-dadanos cubanos y extranjeros que adquieran m?ritos su-ficientes en ocasi?n de ejecutar actos relevantes, o asumir posiciones que demuestren su lealtad y fidelidad a la cau-sa revolucionaria. ARTICULO 2.-Los requisitos para su otorgamiento, la descripci?n de la insignia representativa de la Medalla a que se refiere el Art?culo anterior y los dem?s particulares relati-vos a su organizaci?n, se determinan en el Reglamento que como Anexo a este Decreto-Ley ha sido aprobado, y le ser?n de aplicaci?n las disposiciones de la Ley N?mero 17, de 28 de junio de 1978. ARTICULO 3.-Se modifica el Art?culo 10, inciso ch), del Decreto-Ley N?mero 30, de 10 de diciembre de 1979, en el sentido de intercalar despu?s de la Medalla Conmemo-rativa ?50 ANIVERSARIO DE LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS REVOLUCIONARIAS?, la Medalla ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO?. ARTICULO 4.-Se modifica el inciso d), del Art?culo 68, del Reglamento de la Ley N?mero 17, de 28 de junio de 1978, aprobado el 10 de diciembre de 1979 por el Consejo de Estado, en el sentido de intercalar despu?s de la Medalla Conmemorativa ?50 ANIVERSARIO DE LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS REVOLUCIONARIAS?, la Medalla ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO?. DISPOSICION FINAL UNICA: Se derogan cuantas disposiciones legales y re-glamentarias se opongan a lo dispuesto en el presente De-creto-Ley, el que comenzar? a regir a partir de su publica-ci?n en la Gaceta Oficial de la Rep?blica. DADO en el Palacio de la Revoluci?n, en la ciudad de La Habana, a los 27 d?as del mes de junio de 2006. Fidel Castro Ruz Presidente del Consejo de Estado ANEXO REGLAMENTO DE LA MEDALLA ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO? ARTICULO 1.-La Medalla ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO? se otorga a ciudadanos cubanos y extranjeros que adquieran m?ritos suficientes en ocasi?n de ejecutar actos relevantes, o asumir posiciones que demuestren lealtad y fidelidad a la causa revolucionaria. ARTICULO 2.-La Medalla ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO?, se confec-ciona en metal con ba?o de oro. ARTICULO 3.-La Medalla ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO?, se confiere por los m?ritos siguientes: a) demostrar valent?a y abnegaci?n durante acciones a fa-vor y en defensa de nuestra Revoluci?n socialista; b) haber mantenido una labor ininterrumpida en apoyo y en funci?n de las tareas de la organizaci?n cederista, y haber recibido con anterioridad la Distinci?n ?28 de Septiembre?; c) enfrentar y combatir sistem?ticamente las manifesta-ciones antisociales y contrarrevolucionarias, o cumplir misiones especiales en el lugar donde se produzcan hechos o manifestaciones de este car?cter. ARTICULO 4.-La Medalla ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO? tiene las caracte-r?sticas generales siguientes: es de forma circular y mide 30 mil?metros de ancho y 3 de espesor. En su anverso tiene un bisel plano de un mil?metro de ancho; al centro y a relieve aparecen un grupo de casas y edificios, as? como una represen-taci?n de la Plaza de la Revoluci?n. En la parte superior de la fachada de uno de estos edificios, el que aparece justamente al lado de la torre del Memorial Jos? Mart?, puede verse el logo-tipo de la organizaci?n y encima, en la azotea, la inscripci?n CDR, a cuyo lado derecho y en su asta ondea una bandera cubana. En la parte superior y en forma de semic?rculo, aparece la inscripci?n ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA?; en la parte inferior y tambi?n en forma de semic?rculo, la inscripci?n ?Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO?. En su reverso tiene un bisel plano de 1 mil?metro de an-cho; en el centro y a relieve aparece el Escudo de la Rep?-blica de Cuba; en la parte superior en forma de semic?rculo, la inscripci?n ?CONSEJO DE ESTADO?; en la parte infe-rior y tambi?n en forma de semic?rculo, la inscripci?n ?REPUBLICA DE CUBA?. La insignia pende, mediante una argolla, de una cinta de moar? de forma pentagonal de 25 mil?metros de cada lado con franjas de colores azul bandera, verde olivo, blanco y rojo, subdivididas de derecha a izquierda en la forma si-guiente: una franja roja de 5 mil?metros, una franja verde olivo de 2 mil?metros, una franja blanca de 7 mil?metros, una franja verde olivo de 2 mil?metros y una franja azul bandera de 9 mil?metros de ancho. La cinta en su reverso tiene un alfiler de seguridad. El pasador que la representa es de forma rectangular convexa y mide 25 mil?metros de largo por 15 de alto, y est? cubierto por una cinta de moar? con las mismas franjas y colores que las del pent?gono de donde pende la insignia. El pasador en su reverso tiene un alfiler de seguridad. ARTICULO 5.-Est? facultado para proponer al Consejo de Estado el otorgamiento de esta Medalla el Secretariado Nacional de los Comit?s de Defensa de la Revoluci?n. ARTICULO 6.-Los condecorados con la Medalla ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO? tienen los deberes y obligaciones siguientes: a) mantener una actitud ejemplar y consecuente con los principios revolucionarios; b) cumplir en todas sus partes lo establecido en este Re-glamento, en la Ley N?mero 17, de 28 de junio de 1978, y en su Reglamento. ARTICULO 7.-A los condecorados con la Medalla ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO?, se les podr? privar del derecho a su uso, cuando concurra alguna de las circunstancias siguientes: a) ser sancionado por delito de los que hagan desmerecer en el concepto p?blico; b) faltar a alguno de los deberes y obligaciones estableci-dos en este Reglamento, en la Ley N?mero 17, de 28 de junio de 1978 y en su Reglamento. ARTICULO 8.- El uso de esta Medalla y su pasador se regula de la forma siguiente: a) los Miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias y del Ministerio del Interior de acuerdo con sus Regla-mentos de Vestuario, seg?n lo dispuesto en el Regla-mento de la Ley N?mero 17, de 28 de junio de 1978; b) los ciudadanos civiles de acuerdo a lo dispuesto en el Reglamento de la Ley N?mero 17, de 28 de junio de 1978. ARTICULO 9.-La Medalla ?POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO?, no se otorga con car?cter p?stumo. ARTICULO 10.-En caso de fallecimiento del condecora-do la insignia y los documentos acreditativos de ?sta quedan en poder, como recuerdo, pero sin derecho a su uso, de alguno de los familiares que se relacionan a continuaci?n: a) la viuda o viudo; b) los hijos mayores de 16 a?os; c) el padre o la madre; d) o aquella otra persona que por v?nculos afectivos o fami-liares merezca mantener dicha insignia y documentos. No obstante lo dispuesto en los incisos anteriores cuando no existan los familiares antes mencionados o ?stos fallez-can, el Consejo de Estado podr? disponer que la insignia y los documentos acreditativos tengan otro destino, a los efec-tos de su guarda y conservaci?n.
Stogieman Posted September 7, 2007 Author Posted September 7, 2007 Crappy translation:42.-Medalla "BY the DEFENSE OF the MOTHER COUNTRY and the foreign UNIT Of the DISTRICT", the one that grants Cuban citizens and who acquire merits sufficient in occasion to execute excellent acts, or to assume positions that demonstrate to their loyalty and fidelity to the revolutionary cause.
Guest Rick Research Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Soonvery soonto be known as the"Last Ditch Medal."Ranking after the medal for 50th anniversary of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, this is for combating 'anti-social and counter-revolutionary" elements, while displaying "fidelity to the revolution in the neighborhood."It requires previous bestowal of the 28th of September Medal.This is the Communist "neighborhood watch" readying itself forwell, we all know what's coming.They do too, which makes this really foolish. Soon.
Taz Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 This is a CDR medal (Committees of Defense of the Revolution) and will be awarded for the first time on the 28th September to 400+ members of the group as part of the commemorative activities for the 47th anniversary of the CDR.Regards Eddie.
Taz Posted April 27, 2008 Posted April 27, 2008 (edited) Medal "For the Defense of the Motherland and Neighborhood Unity"Full translation to folow asp.LAW DECREE, N? 240.ARTICLE 1. A new 42nd section is added to Article 6 of Law Decree N? 30, of December 10th, 1979, saying the following:42. Medal "For the Defense of the Motherland and Neighborhood Unity", awarded to cuban and foreign citizens who gain enough merits when executing relevant actions, or when assuming attitudes that prove their loyalty to the revolutionary cause. Edited April 27, 2008 by Taz
Taz Posted April 27, 2008 Posted April 27, 2008 Another excellent translation from Esteban who has been a great help, thanks very much!!The Medal now has a decent sounding name MEDAL FOR THE DEFENSE OF MOTHERLAND AND NEIGHBORHOOD UNITYLAW DECREE N? 240SINCE: The National Direction of Revolution Defense Commitees has proposed to the State Council the creation of a medal to be bestowed upon cuban and foreign citizens who gain enough merits when executing relevant actions, or when assuming attitudes that prove their loyalty to the revolutionary cause.SINCE: because of the expressed motifs in the latter Since, the modification of Law Decree N? 30, of December 10th, 1979 and Regulations of Law N? 17, of June 28th, 1978 is required, as they have been modified and are currently governing.SINCE: The State Council, making use of the given attributions expressed in paragraph c), of Article 90 of the Constitution of the Republic, decides to pronounce the followingLAW DECREE, N? 240.ARTICLE 1. A new 42nd section is added to Article 6 of Law Decree N? 30, of December 10th, 1979, saying the following:42. Medal "For the Defense of the Motherland and Neighborhood Unity", awarded to cuban and foreign citizens who gain enough merits when executing relevant actions, or when assuming attitudes that prove their loyalty to the revolutionary cause.ARTICLE 2. The requirements for their awarding, the description of the representative badge of the medal to which the latter article refers and other particular information related to its organization, are determined in the annex-approved Regulations to this Law Decree, and provisions of Law N? 17, of June 28, 1978, will be applied to it.ARTICLE 3. Article 10, paragraph ch) (NOTE: in spanish alphabet, "ch" is considered a letter, placed after C), of Law Decree N? 30, placing after the Medal "50th Anniversary of Revolutionary Armed Forces" the Medal "For Defense of Motherland and Neighborhood Unity".FINAL PROVISION.UNIQUE: All legal or regulation provisions opposing the stated in this Law Decree will be derogated, which will govern after its publication in the Oficcial Gazzette of the Republic.GIVETH, in the Palace of the Revolution, Havana city, June 27, 2006.Fidel Castro RuzPresident of the State CouncilANNEXREGULATIONS OF THE MEDAL "FOR THE DEFENSE OF MOTHERLAND AND NEIGHBORHOOD UNITY"ARTICLE 1. The Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF MOTHERLAND AND NEIGHBORHOOD UNITY" is awarded to cuban and foreign citizens who gain enough merits when executing relevant actions, or when assuming attitudes that prove their loyalty to the revolutionary cause.ARTICLE 2. The Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF MOTHERLAND AND NEIGHBORHOOD UNITY" is made of gilt metal.ARTICLE 3. The Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF MOTHERLAND AND NEIGHBORHOOD UNITY" is awarded upon the following merits:a) Showing courage and unselfishness during actions on behalf and defense of our Socialist Revolution;b) Keeping an uninterrupted labor in support and function of the Revolution Defense Committees? duties, and being previously awarded the distinction "September 28th";c) To sistematically confront and fight antisocial and counter-revolutionary riots, or to accomplish special tasks where these kind of actions take place.ARTICLE 4. The Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF MOTHERLAND AND NEIGHBORHOOD UNITY" has the following general specifications:It?s round shaped, measures 30 mm wide and it?s 3 mm thick. The obverse shows an 1 mm border; the center shows an engraved group of houses and buildings, as well as the Revolution Square. In the upper part of these buildings, located just aside of the Jos? Mart? Memorial Tower, the organization logo, and in the roof,"CDR" can be seen. To its right, there is a Cuban flag waving. In the upper side of the medal it is written in a semicircle shape, "FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE MOTHERLAND"; in the lower part of it, also in semicircle, "AND NEIGHBORHOOD UNITY"The reverse shows a 1 mm wide plain border; the center shows an engraved Coat of Arms of the Republic of Cuba; the upper part shows a semicircle writing saying "STATE COUNCIL"; in the lower part, also in semicircle, "REPUBLIC OF CUBA".The badge hangs, with a link, of a pentagonal shaped, 25 mm moar? ribbon with royal blue, olive green, white and red color stripes, divided from right to left as: Red 5mm, olive green 2mm, white 7mm, olive green 2mm and royal blue 9mm.The reverse of the ribbon has a safety pin.The ribbon bar is rectangular and convex shaped, measures 25mm long and 15mm high, covered by a moar? ribbon with the same stripes and colors that the medal suspension has. The reverse of the ribbon bar has a safety pin.ARTICLE 5. The National Secretariate of the Revolution Defense Committees has the power to propose to the State Council the awarding of this medal.ARTICLE 6. The Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF MOTHERLAND AND NEIGHBORHOOD UNITY" recipients have the following duties:a)To keep an exemplary attitude, matching the revolutionary principles;b) To obey, in all their provisions, the established in these Regulations, in Law N? 17, and its Regulations.ARTICLE 7. The recipients can have their use revoked, when any of the following occur:a) To be sanctioned for a crime that ruins public image;b) Disobeying any of the duties established in these Regulations, in Law N? 17 and its Regulations.ARTICLE 8. The wearing of this medal and its ribbon bar is regulated as the following says:a)Members of Rev. Armed Forces and Interior Ministry, according to their dress regulations, according to the stated in Law N? 17;b) Civilians, according to the stated in Law N? 17. ARTICLE 9. The Medal "FOR THE DEFENSE OF MOTHERLAND AND NEIGHBORHOOD UNITY" will not be posthumously awarded.ARTICLE 10. Upon the death of the recipient, the medal and its documents can be kept as a memento, but not allowing its use, of the following relatives:a) The widow;b) Children over 16 years old;c) The mother or father;d) OR any other person that due to affective or family bond deserves to keep such medal and documents.Nevertheless the stated in the latter, upon the non-existance or death of these relatives, the State Council can dispose the medal and documents to have another destination, for storage and conservation purposes.
Stogieman Posted April 27, 2008 Author Posted April 27, 2008 I find this part very interesting:"ARTICLE 10. Upon the death of the recipient, the medal and its documents can be kept as a memento, but not allowing its use, of the following relatives:a) The widow;b) Children over 16 years old;c) The mother or father;d) OR any other person that due to affective or family bond deserves to keep such medal and documents.Nevertheless the stated in the latter, upon the non-existance or death of these relatives, the State Council can dispose the medal and documents to have another destination, for storage and conservation purposes."
Guest Rick Research Posted April 27, 2008 Posted April 27, 2008 That's a quirky new regulation addition! Guess they think the regime is going to outlive the Anti-Rioteers!
Guest Rick Research Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 ???? Aiyeea, THERE is a Shock Trooper Of The Revolution going to crush anti-social rioting!!!! *** And... note that while THIS medal regquires already holding the 28 September Medal... Nana isn't wearing it. *** PS: Has there BEEN any "anti-social rioting" so far that we've all missed? :catjava:
fizztouch Posted March 13, 2009 Posted March 13, 2009 This is a CDR medal (Committees of Defense of the Revolution) and will be awarded for the first time on the 28th September to 400+ members of the group as part of the commemorative activities for the 47th anniversary of the CDR.Regards Eddie.hi, edie this greg just come back from cuba have some rare interesting orders medals if interested let me knoe will send more info etc. best regards greg
Taz Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 hi, edie this greg just come back from cuba have some rare interesting orders medals if interested let me knoe will send more info etc. best regards gregHi Greg welcome back,Pm sent,Best regards Eddie.
Vic11 Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 Medalla POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO
Vic11 Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 Medalla POR LA DEFENSA DE LA PATRIA Y LA UNIDAD DEL BARRIO
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