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    Order of Lenin, Nr. 47676

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    I think this will probably be a military long service award from the 6 November 1947 batch, but the ONLY number I have for that is 47,621. :beer:

    Tracking serial numbers with known dates =


    ... then the awardee - after 25 years in service - might have been a Civil War Veteran :jumping::unsure: ?

    Bill, congratulations to that Lenin :cheers: .

    Best regards :beer:


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    • 4 months later...

    Record card

    Order book No 933772

    1. Last name: GAVRILOV

    2. First, middle names: Fedor Alexeevich

    3. Military rank: Major

    4. Sex: Male

    5. Year of birth: 1897

    6. Place of birth: Spiridonovka village, Shugorovsky district

    7. Party membership since:

    8. Education: elementary

    9. Nationality: Mordvinian

    10. In the Red Army since: 1920

    11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied when awarded: Board of military commandant of supply station No 17 - military commandant

    12. Current place of service and position: station Kopotoy, Board of military commandant of station - deputy military commandant

    13. Home address of the awardee: Kopotoy, railway station 16, flat 1

    14. Record of previous awards

    Names of orders, medals Their numbers Document numbers Ground for award


    Order of the Red Banner 161791 074105 Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR ? for long service in the Red Army of November 03, 1944

    Order of the Patriotic war, 2nd class 577735 ?3? №157252 Order to forces of 47th Army № 0227/N of June 17, 1945

    For the seizure of Berlin medal - A № 349291 Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR ? of June 9, 1945

    For Victory over Germany medal - Б № 0308599 Decree of Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR ? of May 9, 1945

    Order of Lenin

    47676 294234 Decree of November 05, 1946

    Signature of awardee (signed) ________________________

    Data correctness and signature of awardee

    attested by: Military commandant of the railway station ?

    Captain (signed)

    April 19, 1946

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    On awarding generals, officers, and sergeants of an additional service with orders and medals for a long service in the Soviet Army

    For a long and blameless service in the Soviet Army award with:



    Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme

    Council of the USSR N.SHVERNIK

    Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme

    Council of the USSR (signed) A. Gorkin

    Moscow, the Kremlin, November 05, 1946

    Personal file No 281

    I?ve analyzed the award material and checked up the order draft:

    Senior department officer

    Lieutenant colonel


    5 copies of 4th draft of the decree for inspection commission of Kiev military district received: head assistance of the 3rd section of Kiev military district personnel department

    Captain of executive department (signed) /Kush?/

    September 07, 1946

    Code. 1946

    Awarded with the Order of Lenin by Decree of the USSR Supreme Council Presidium of November 05, 1946

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    1. Last name, first name, patronymic GAVRILOV Fedor Alexeevich

    3. Nationality

    4. What languages, but the native one, knows, to what extent 2. Born on May 28, 1897

    Mordovian Russian and Mordovian 13. Military rank conferred Service

    Year Order No (PCD)

    5. Place of birth Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Shugurovsky district executive committee of Spiridinovka village Captain 41 271 1936 0579

    6. Party membership

    C.P.S.U(B) member since 1942

    Non-party - Non-party

    Other party membership None

    Party penalties(what, by whom, when, what for) None Major 276 00349

    14. Civil education (names of institutions)

    a) General Shentala second-class school ? two grades

    б) Special - None



    7. Social position and social origin Employee from peasants

    8. Marital status Married 15. Military education in Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (name of institution)

    Infantry school in Omsk, 1930

    16. Party education ? None

    9. Occupation (profession)

    Military man 17. Military education in the old army

    Training team, 1916

    10. Participation in campaigns


    11.Wounds and contusions received

    None Data 18. Academic status 19. Academic degree

    None None

    12. Government awards (orders, medals)

    Order of the Red Banner

    Order of the Patriotic war, 2nd class

    For seizure of Berlin medal 32. Home address


    Wife ? Zoya Ivanovna


    20. Enrolled on service in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army

    Place of unit Position Year Month and day By whose order No

    Commandant board of Altayskaya station Clerk 1920 January, 18 Z of Omsk ?

    Taken on the staff of the commandant of Altayskaya station Clerk 1920 February, 02 Head of Altayskaya station commandant's office № 1

    Board of commandant?s office head of railway district, Barnaul Military dispatcher 1920 March, 06 Commandant?s office head of railway district, Barnaul № 34

    Board of military assistance of the head of 5th line department of Siberian communication lines department Orderly of military traffic 1922 January, 16March ZLNP 5 № 1

    Board of military communications Head of West-Siberian MD Orderly of military traffic 1924 February,01 ZО West-Siberian MD № 24

    Department of military traffic, Siberian MD Senior orderly of military traffic 1924 May, 16 Military traffic of Siberian MD №61

    Board of commandant?s office head of railway district, Novonikolaevsk Commandant?s assistant 1925 October, 15 Military traffic of Siberian MD №169

    Detached to Omsk pilot school for passing through the 3rd course Cadet-commander 1929 September, 28 Board of commandant?s office head of railway district №165

    After completing Omsk infantry school arrived to the Board of commandant?s office head of railway district, Novonikolaevsk Commandant?s assistant 1930 May, 15 Board of commandant?s office head of railway district №165

    Appointed commandant?s assistant of railway district and N-Udinsk station Commandant?s assistant 1930 June, 15 Military traffic of Siberian MD №12

    Appointed to the position for commissions Z of Transbaikalian For commissions 1932 September, 08 Military traffic of Workers' and Peasants' Red Army № 40

    Appointed to the Board Z of Transbaikalian Head of group assistant of military traffic 1933 July, 01 Military traffic of Workers' and Peasants' Red Army № 12

    Appointed at the disposal of the head of military traffic of Transbaikalian MD Military dispatcher 1935 October, 15 People's commissariat of Defense (PCD) №00444

    Conferred the rank Captain 1936 January, 27 PCD №0579

    Transferred to the reserve of Workers' and Peasants' Red Army under clause 44?в? 1938 July, 17 PCD №01180

    Restored in Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and appointed to the Board of commandant?s office head of railway district, Syzran I Deputy commandant?s office head of railway district 1939 October, 30 PCD №04567

    Railway district and Syzran station of Kuibyshev railway Deputy military commandant 1939 October, 30 PCD №04567

    Railway district and Ledeshko station of Kuibyshev railway Military commandant 1943 August, 04 South-Ural MD №0828

    - ? - Military commandant ? ? ? ?

    Arrived from the military traffic department ?

    Supply station 17 Military commandant 1945 April, 28 47th Army 0150

    Supply station 17 Military commandant 1945 June, 07 Military traffic 065

    Railway district and Konotop station Deputy military commandant 1946 February, 13 Kiev MD 0196

    Railway district and Konotop station, Moscow-Kiev railway Deputy military commandant 1946 September, 13 Kiev MD 01970

    Transferred to the reserve under clause 43 /due to illness/

    Registered at the Konotop city military commissariat of Kiev MD. Order 02182 of October 10, 1946

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