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    I have no references spelling out bestowal of this award for multiple lifesaving acts.

    Limiting myself to the later days of the Empire, my appreciation is:

    subsequent awards were recognized by ?

    the Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen, Silber am Bande der Rettungs-medaille

    the Kreuz des Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen, Silber am Bande der Rettungs-medaille

    the Roten Adler Orden am Bande der Rettungs-medaille

    the Kronen Orden am Bande der Rettungs-medaille.

    What I do not understand is: how the determination was made as to the selection.

    If driven to speculate, I would guess that the second award to an individual in the status below officer is the Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen, Silber and third award is the Kreuz des Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen. Is this correct?

    I am even more confused about officers. Is the second award the Kronen-Orden and third the Roten Adler-Orden? If so, what grade?

    Thanking any and all in advance.


    Even the Knight's Cross of HOH, the AEZ in bronze and the Cross of Merit in Gold, am Band der Rettungsmedaille. I think the award was directed to the ranking group of the Saviour and after the awards he already had. Greeting Mike

    Posted (edited)

    Thanks Mike.

    Can you cite references - might like to obtain if available.

    Even the Knight's Cross of HOH, the AEZ in bronze and the Cross of Merit in Gold, am Band der Rettungsmedaille. I think the award was directed to the ranking group of the Saviour and after the awards he already had. Greeting Mike
    Edited by W McSwiggan

    For the repeat awards concerung acts of lifesaving were for sure no written regulations existing.

    The Lifesaving medal was the "basic" one for every rank and status anmd it was already a very high decoration despite of his size, material and look.

    For repeat award were no higher classes available like for the Saxon medal in 3 classes.

    So if somebody did a 2nd outstandig act he received the next decoration who fittet his rank and status on the lifesaving ribbon.

    We had already discussions about that here in the forum and even exact award numbers of that kind of decorations were already sorted out.

    Best regards


    Guest Rick Research

    Rank Lists bear this out. I don't know if STATUTORY regulations ever even actually existed, or this was a matter of "customary practice." It is very rare for 2nd awards, all but mythical for 3rd awards, and more than that are literally unique, MINDBOGGLING cases.

    Our Paragon is (in 1914) Oberstleutnant Veit, commander of Ulanen Rgt 11. He had Red Eagle 3 with bow on Lifesaving Medal Ribbon, Crown Order 3 on Lifesaving Medal Ribbon, and the Lifesaving Medal on Ribbon-- as well as TWO Turkish Lifesaving Medals (on red and on green ribbons).

    He was decorated at such bizarre exalted levels because he EARNED them at such elevated rank. His Red Eagle for lifesaving was gazetted on 10 March 1914-- 5 months after being promoted to Lt Col.


    ... and not to forget his 4th Prussian Lifesaving award,

    the ONLY Hohenzollern knights cross on the lifesaving ribbon earned as full colonel in WW1.

    There wer only some dozend guys who received repeat awards. Veith was the ONLY Prussian with 3, late 4 decoratioins on that ribbon.

    I wonder, either this guy was that brave that he really put himself in the greatest dangers to save peoples lifes or he was surrounden by fools who always put themself in danger.

    Would loooove to see a pic of our good old Veith.

    Best regards


    Posted (edited)

    Thanks Daniel & Rick.

    I had forgotten about the "Rettungs" Thread and never saw the last entries. Looks like a good book goes on my shopping list!

    Edited by W McSwiggan

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