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    Gents, while perusing the many stalls full of nasty fakes at todays Arms fair in Brisbane, found an old friend selling off the collection of a fellow collector....he had this Red Eagle 4th class amongst other things, and was willing to trade some bits and pieces for it. My question goes to the experts here, is this an original piece? There are no makers marks anywhere on it, and it seems to be legit to me, but I've only held a total of 2 in my hands before - these aren't easily available down here in Oz....and I told him i'd let him know tomorrow if the trade will go ahead....(apologies for a couple of the pics!)

    thanks! Jason


    It may just be the photo (or my eyes), but the details look less crisp than I would expect. particularly the borders of cross and medallion. I'd also expect a "barrel" type ?se.


    I have no problem with the piece. It is not beautiful but rare. I think a second piece weakly struck possibly no silver. Maybe Buntmetall alloy. I see the value + / - 200, - Euro. Greeting Mike


    Thank you guys, I've just made the phone call, and should have it in my hands tomorrow night. :cheers:

    cheers! Jason

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