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    Romanian "Fruntas In Intrecere" Badges 1971 & 1977

    Guest Rick Research

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    Guest Rick Research

    These arrived from Oirland from the traveling Mister Ryan today and :cheers: 6 days delivery makes up for that time Post Eire was on strike for 2 years.

    My remaining Church Latin and vestigal Italian are baffled by the looks-like-but-isn't of Actual Real Romanian. I very much doubt these were granted for being "Foremost in Plaiting" (as in plaiting rope or girls' hair "pigtails" braids).

    The 1971 is hot enamel and the 1977 is plast-enamel:

    I must say that both of these compare quite favorably with official State decorations from other Communist Bloc countries.

    I tried a search on the word "Intrecere" and found no match, so I don't think we've seen these before:

    ? Children's school prizes, or workplace "excellence" sorts of badges?

    The red star is brass or some hard alloy while the rayed silver star is Staybrite finished aluminum-- and top quality at that.

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    I tried a search on the word "Intrecere" and found no match, so I don't think we've seen these before:

    Rick, ?ntrecere means competition. It often appeared as ?ntrecerea socialistă (the socialist competition) and was probably aimed to increase productivity through friendly competition.

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    Guest Rick Research

    Ahhhh!!!! Many thanks! :beer: These are much nicer than the usual Soviet annual Socialist Competition badges, and much different in design from the 1971 to the 1977, when Soviet ones remained the same basic shapes.

    If anybody has other years, I'd be interested in seeing those. These MIGHT just reveal when real enamel when to the plastic stuff.

    I have GOT to find a Romanian dictionary. Latin and Italian are NOT :banger: close enough, even though the words LOOK like they share soooooo much with those linguistic roots. I can usually "fake" Czech from my Russian, and Spanish from my French, but not Romanian!

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    My remaining Church Latin and vestigal Italian are baffled by the looks-like-but-isn't of Actual Real Romanian. I very much doubt these were granted for being "Foremost in Plaiting" (as in plaiting rope or girls' hair "pigtails" braids).

    Plaiting would be ?mpletire, quite different from ?ntrecere... :unsure:

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    Hallo Gents, :cheers:

    of the top of my head, I believe I have seen a version for Agriculture workers, as well,

    and a 1977 style set into a cardboard award document for a factory*, (minus backing pin).

    * pictures of that particular type will be added as soon as I get back to Transylvania.

    Kevin in Deva. :cheers:


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