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    Czechosolvaika: Antonin (?) Sochor

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    Another Czech HSU, 21 December 1943 (medal #2854).

    A nasty translation of http://www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=1553

    Сохор (Sochor) Antoninas - the commander of a company of submachine gunners of 1st infantry battalion of 1st separate Czechoslovak infantry brigade as a part of 51st shooting case of 38th army of 1st Ukrainian front, the lieutenant.

    Was born on July, 16th, 1914 in Czechia. Served in the Czech army. When its native land has been occupied by Hitlerite armies, together with other colleagues in 1939 has emigrated to Poland and then, with the beginning of 2nd world war, in September, 1939 as a part of Czechoslovak military unit has passed to Soviet Union.

    Was among the first who in February, 1942 has entered 1st separate Czechoslovak battalion generated from Czechoslovak volunteers under command of colonel Ljudvika of Freedom in the city of Buzuluk of the Orenburg region.

    In March, 1943 the commander of a platoon of submachine gunners lieutenant A.Sohor has accepted baptism of fire in the first fight of a Czechoslovak battalion against fascist armies at village of the Sokolov of Zmiyovsky area of the Kharkov area.

    Has especially caused a stir in fights for capital of the Soviet Ukraine - the city of Kiev. On November, 5th, 1943, when 1st separate Czechoslovak infantry brigade has begun approach to Kiev, Antonin Sohor's lieutenant ordered a company of submachine gunners, which as a tank landing, operated in avant-guard of a brigade. Overcoming resistance of the opponent, the company of Sohora promoted capture of the bridge prepared for explosion on Zhitomir highway and to an exit to near suburb of Kiev from outside farm the Raw.

    The decree of Presidium of the Supreme body of the USSR from December, 21st, 1943 for skilful command of a company both the shown heroism and courage to the citizen of Czechoslovakia to lieutenant Sohoru Antonina appropriates a rank of the Hero of Soviet Union with delivery of an award of Lenin and a medal "Gold Star" (№ 2854).

    In 1944-1945 A.Sohor participated in fights under White Church, Zhashkovom. And when the spring of 1944 had been created 1st Czechoslovak army case, - took in its structure part in Karpatsko-Duklinsky operation of armies of 1st Ukrainian front, battled in Slovakia and Moravia to an outright release of Czechoslovakia from fascist invaders.

    The nice son of the Czechoslovak people, the Hero of Soviet Union A.Sohor has died on August, 16th, 1950 at the age of 36th years ?

    It is awarded the order Lenin, an award of the Red Banner, medals, awards and medals of Czechoslovakia.

    The name of the Hero is carried by streets in the cities of Buzuluk and Kharkov.

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    • 3 months later...

    Here are all the Czech HSU's

    Otakar Jaro? (1.8.1912-8.3.1943)

    Jan N?lepka-Repkin (20.9.1912-16.12.1943)

    Josef Bur??k (11.9.1911-30.6.2002)

    Anton?n Sochor (16.7.1914-16.8.1950)

    Richard Tesař?k (3.12.1915-27.3.1967)

    Stěpan Vajda (17.1.1922-6.4.1945)

    Ludv?k Svoboda (25.10.1895-20.9.1979)

    Gustav Hus?k (10.1. 1913-18. 11.1991)

    Vladim?r Remek (26.9 1948-)

    All 44 foriegn HSU winners are to be found here : http://www.soviet-awards.com/forum/soviet-...sults-date.html

    My research is still ongoing as time permits.

    BTW After the Communists took power in1948 Anton?n Sochor died under strange circumstances in a car accident.

    Vladim?r Remek is the only Czech HSU still alive today.

    Regards Eddie

    Edited by Taz
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