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    Don't you just love it when you come across a dealer who doesn't what he's got !! Rare but the law of averages dictates that it has to happen once in a while. I happened upon this little cross all lonely in the back of a dealers display box at a medal fair last week. Best of all it had a price tag on it of ?22 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he clearly had no idea what it was. I have never got ?22 out of my pocket so quickly in my life !! It did cross my mind to haggle a little but that would be taking the p***. Anyway a nice issue Mecklenburg-Strelitz stekkreuz for distinction in war. I'm happy, Ferg1.




    I've got quite the jiffy bag in the mail winging its way to me right now also that'll i'll have to post here. How much does one of these book out at?



    Guest Rick Research

    Haven't a clue myself if it's real, a fake, a 1920s/30s piece. All I can say is how many were officially awarded... which is indeed


    Roll will be out next Spring. :catjava:


    No wonder you are happy!!

    Obverse detail looks good. No real signs of casting. Reverse hardware appears period (wartime or early post-war) and is in line with other EK1 equivalent variants from Meck-Schwerin, Lippe-Detmold, Braunschweig, Oldenburg, etc. I certainly like it a lot and would not have hesitated either.

    For that price, what does it matter anyway!



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