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    Azad Kashimir Regiment badge

    Brian Wolfe

    Recommended Posts

    Hello Everyone,

    I just got this piece in from Islamabad this week and wanted to show it off here. I believe this is a display badge for the Azad Kashmir Regiment as it seems too large at 55 mm wide X 72 mm tall for a cap badge. It is also quite heavy and from what I can see is a solid casting. It is mounted on a round piece of plexi glass for display.

    The Azad Kashmir Regiment is unique in that it raised itself during the Indo/Pakistani War and defended their territory against a greater number of better armed advisories (the Indian Army). After the war Pakistan gave the regiment formal status thereby making it a part of the Pakistan Army. You should check out the internet for more information on this interesting unit. This is a far as I will take the history as it could turn political and I have friends in both countries so I want to remain neutral.

    One of the things I like about this badge is that the maple leaf is also the emblem of my country, Canada (in case there is anyone who is not aware of this).

    I hope you like my new addition to my Pakistan collection.



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    Hello Everyone,

    I just got this piece in from Islamabad this week and wanted to show it off here. I believe this is a display badge for the Azad Kashmir Regiment as it seems too large at 55 mm wide X 72 mm tall for a cap badge. It is also quite heavy and from what I can see is a solid casting. It is mounted on a round piece of plexi glass for display.

    The Azad Kashmir Regiment is unique in that it raised itself during the Indo/Pakistani War and defended their territory against a greater number of better armed advisories (the Indian Army). After the war Pakistan gave the regiment formal status thereby making it a part of the Pakistan Army. You should check out the internet for more information on this interesting unit. This is a far as I will take the history as it could turn political and I have friends in both countries so I want to remain neutral.

    One of the things I like about this badge is that the maple leaf is also the emblem of my country, Canada (in case there is anyone who is not aware of this).

    I hope you like my new addition to my Pakistan collection.



    With greatest respect to our Canadian friends, I suspect the leaf is not a maple. There is another tree often used in heraldry of the region. I think the name is chinar, but I'm not at all sure. I suspect someone with more recent connections to the region will enlighten us.


    Edited by Hugh
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    Yes, a chinar, as used on the J&K clasp on the Indian GSM 1947 and on the J&K clasin to the Sainya Seva Medal. I think this is the Platanus orientalis.

    But that doesn't mean you should like it any the less, Brian.

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    But that doesn't mean you should like it any the less, Brian.

    Hi Hugh,

    Indeed, I do like it as well. The fellow I purchased this from identified it as maple. He was probably trying to relate it to something I would recognize.

    Thanks for everyone's comments.



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    Yes, a chinar, as used on the J&K clasp on the Indian GSM 1947 and on the J&K clasp to the Sainya Seva Medal. I think this is the Platanus orientalis.

    Hi Ed,

    I guess there is just a resemblance to the Acer and no family connection. I stand corrected.



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