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    Any know the Medals and Decorations of AUGUST VON GOEBEN

    The biography of Wikipedia

    Born at Stade in Hanover, he aspired from his earliest years to the Prussian service rather than that of his own country, and at the age of seventeen, obtained a commission in the 24th Regiment of Prussian infantry. But there was little scope for the activities of a young and energetic subaltern, and, leaving the service in 1836, enlisted in the Carlist army fighting the First Carlist War in Spain. In the five campaigns in which he served Don Carlos, he had many turns of fortune. He had not fought for two months when he fell, severely wounded, into the hands of the Spanish royalist troops. After eight months detention, he escaped, but it was not long before he was captured again. This time his imprisonment was long and painful, and on two occasions, he was compelled to draw lots for his life with his fellow captives. When released, he served until 1840 with distinction (I BELIEVE THAS WAS AWARDED WITH THE ORDER OF SAINT FERDINAND, AMONG OTHERS). In that year, he made his way back, a man without means, to Prussia. The Carlist lieutenant colonel was glad to be re-admitted into the Prussian service as a second lieutenant, but he was still young, and few subalterns could claim five years meritorious war service at the age of twenty four. In a few years, he was a captain on the Great General Staff, and in 1848, he had the good fortune to be transferred to the staff of the IV Army Corps, his immediate superior being Major Helmuth Graf von Moltke. The two men became fast friends, and their mutual esteem was never disturbed. In the Baden insurrection, Goeben distinguished himself on the staff of Prince William, the future emperor. Staff and regimental duty (as usual in the Prussian service) alternated for some years after this, until in 1863, he became major-general commanding the 26th Infantry Brigade. In 1860, he was present with the Spanish troops in Morocco, and took part in the Battle of Tetuan.

    Also I believe that this was awarded with the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross

    Any info and images are very wellcome


    Finallly, thanks to Paul C these are the identification

    Rote Adler Orden 2. Klasse mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern

    Kronen-Orden 2. Klasse mit Schwertern

    Orden pour le Merite ohne Eichenlaub (27 July 1849)


    (BV3) Militair Carl Friedrich Verdients-Orden, Ritterkreuz (Gro?herzoglich Badensche)

    (SLVM) Militair-Verdienst-Medaille(F?rlisch Schaumburg-Lippesche)

    (MMV) MIlitair-Verdienst-Kreuz (Gro?herzoglich Medlenburgische)

    (?L3) Leopold-Orden, Ritterkreuz (Kaiserlich-K?niglich Desterreichische)

    (RSt2) St. Stanislaus-Orden, 2 klasse (Kaiserlish-Koniglich Russische)

    (HESH2a) Haus-Orden, Com-Kreuz (Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinische)

    (SC2a) Orden de Carlos III, comendador (Espa?a)

    (SF1) Orden de San Fernando de primera clase (Espa?a)

    (SJ3) Orden de Isabel la Cat?lica, cruz de caballero (Espa?a)

    (SEK) Ehrenkreuz (Cruz de la Orden del M?rito Militar) (Espa?a)


    Yes. Any information are very welcome, include images, photos, etc. Von Goeden death in 1880. Perhaps other Ranklist include this general

    Its one of about 250 foreings that are in the Carlist army fighting the First Carlist War in Spain


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