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    Some KM tallies I have added

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    I have just acquired several KM Tallies. I look forward to researching some more and finding out where some of these flotillas and such were on patrol..

    I know that Destroyer 4 was out of the North Sea.

    I don't know anything yet about the Torpedo boat divisions listed. I Hope that members will possibly share what they know and I plan on returning and posting what I find out about the various units and such.

    I thought I would post them up for review.

    I have a question: Is there a list of training schools and where were these schools like the Uboat school or artillery school, etc...

    How many were there and what were their locations?

    I have a photo album form a KM sailor who was at Glukstat but have not been able to identify if this was a military iniial training "boot camp" or a Class "A" school (for those in the US Navy or USCG will know and others as well)

    I have ordered John A's Die Kriegsmarine book since everyone has recommended that one. If there is a book that addresses this question, or if another member has asked this; I would be grateful to whom ever can point me in the right direction.

    Thanks for your time,


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    The best reference you can get is the three volume "Kriegsmarine 1939-45" by Lohmann & Hildebrand. Unfortunately the full set is hard to find but it does cover just about everything you could want to know abot the organisation of the Kriegsmarine. It does have details of all the schools, but they aren't listed together but under the various Inspectorates. For example, the section on the Signals Inspectorate has details of all of the Marinenachrichtenschulen.

    As far as orginisation is concerned you can get by with Vols 1 and 2 as Vol 3 is devoted to info on people rather the organisation.

    You can also find out a great deal online from the website "Lexicon der Wehrmacht" and this link should take you to the Kriegsmarine part.


    You can find out about your Torpedobootflottillen there.

    This site is also very useful


    Originally the destroyers were organised into Divisions, with three vessels per division. in the case of 4 Zerst?rerdivision, these were

    Anton Schmitt (41) , Karl Galster (42) and Wilhelm Heidkamp (43)

    the numbers being the tactical numbers you see painted near the bows of the ships in pre.war photos. The first digit gave the Division, the second the ships number within the division.

    The destroyers were reorganised into flotillas before the outbreak of war so 4 Zerst?rerdivision never operated as a combat formation. Also, 4 Zerst?rerdivision did not just change to 4 Zerst?rerflotille, the ships were shuffled around quite a bit in the reorganisation and in some cases more than one Division went into a new Flotilla.

    The Kriegsmarine set by Angolia-Schlicht is very good but be careful with the section on tally ribbons. There are some postwar Bundesmarine ribbons listed ( and illustrated) as being Kriegsmarine.

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    • 2 months later...
    • 3 months later...

    I picked up a Kriegsmarine Schloffelmutze with the cap tally: Marine Nachrichten Schule. I also just picked up a radioman's pea jacket and trousers so that all goes well together.

    Anybody know what they wore under their pea jackets, what kind of shirt?


    (Photo by Bill Shea, The Ruptured Duck)

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    I picked up a Kriegsmarine Schloffelmutze with the cap tally: Marine Nachrichten Schule. I also just picked up a radioman's pea jacket and trousers so that all goes well together.

    Anybody know what they wore under their pea jackets, what kind of shirt?


    (Photo by Bill Shea, The Ruptured Duck)

    Bob, the Pea Jacket was worn over the regular sailors shirt with "Nelson Collar". Not too hard to find and usually modestly priced, so you should be able to complete the "set" without too much extra cost.

    Note that the Collar was worn inside the jacket. With the Parade Jacket, the collar was worn outside the jacket.

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    Thanks Gordon. I'm learning about the Kriegsmarine. I bought the 3-volume Bender set but it wasn't clear what was worn under the pea jacket. So is this what would have been worn underneith: http://www.germanmilitaria.com/Kriegsmarine/photos/K007061.html?

    I put the jacket on the mannequin, as it will be displayed this coming weekend at an event, and you can hardly see far down the neck. So even if I had the shirt with dickie and tie, it probably wouldn't be seen on the mannequin. I bought a couple of black ties to be worn by some of my mannequins; however, the high collars on most mean that you don't see them or the undershirt. And many times the addition of the shirt just adds size to it and sometimes makes fastening buttons difficult. Nothing like popping a button! I hate when that happens!

    Thanks again Gordon. I'll put up photos of the exhibit that Willi and I are doing this weekend. And on 24-25 October we are doing it again for the last time in 2009. I don't yet have an Army StuG jacket so we cannot put up Army and Waffen-SS panzer and assault gun jackets... so this is going to be a "Willi Show" as he will put up three tunics and I will provide just the one Army black panzer uniform. Hopefully some day I'll get a nice Army StuG jacket and we can then properly exhibit that theme.


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    Thank you again, Gordon. Yes, many of the open collar style tunics would require some shirt and maybe tie, etc. On that dress photo, is he wearing a white vest, which is common for those kinds of dress jackets? Or is he wearing the white version of the navy jumper? Does it depend on what time of year? In the U.S. Navy we would wear whites (dress with jumper and necktie; undress with tropical short-sleeved shirt) and then blues (dress with white trim on back flap and necktie; undress with blue jumper without white trim and necktie). Of course regardless of the time of year, when transferring and reporting to new duty station, the dress blues were worn. So did the German Kriegsmarine change with the seasons? In the KM books it appears that the KM only wore whites when in foriegn ports. It's too bad that the KM books didn't show a lot of color photos of uniforms from collectors on mannequins. A picture like that would have answered dozens of questions by themselves.



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    In the photo the guy is wearing the white version of the sailors shirt with the Parade Jacket. By regulation, the blue uniform was worn except for during the summer months but in reality it was quite common for "mixed dress" to be worn. White shirt with blue trousers, blue shirt with white trousers etc. You can even find two guys in the same photo wearing the opposite combinations.

    I'll dig out some examples.

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