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    Guards Private Boris Nikolaevich Zhuravlev

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    Last Name, name and patronymic Zhuravlev Boris Nikolaevich

    Rank Guards Private

    Position, unit Driver of the Radio Company, 152nd Guards Separate Orders of ?Bogdan Khmelnitskij and of the Red Star? Communication Battalion, 10th Guards Ural, Lvov Red Banner Volunteer Tanks Corps

    Is recommended for the Order of the ?RED STAR?

    1. Year of birth 1913

    2. Nationality Ukrainian

    3. In the Red Army since 1944

    4. Party membership n/a

    5. Participation in the civil war and other military actions aimed at the defense of the USSR (where and when) since 1944 ? 1st Ukrainian Front

    6. Wounds or contusions received during the Patriotic War Doesn?t have

    7. Previous awards Was not awarded

    8. Drafted by what district military commissariat Kamenez-Podolsk Municipal Military Commissariat

    9. Permanent home address (of the prospective awardee or his/her family) City Kamenez-Podolsk, Street Kirova, House № 48. Wife: Korcheva Nadezhda Makarovna

    I. Brief description of personal feat

    Comrade ZHURAVLEV works as a driver of a radio transmitter vehicle; for the period of the Corps? military operation he demonstrated himself as a brave and courageous skillful soldier. On April 19th, 1945 during an attack of the enemy?s Air forces on the village KAZER?, the storage facility where an armored car was located ignited from the direct hit of a bomb. Comrade ZHURAVLEV, despite the extreme conditions, drove the vehicle out of the storage, thus saving the radio station and providing the command of the troops with the radio.

    While returning from the combat mission, Comrade ZHURAVLEV encountered a group of Germans and during the uneven battle his vehicle was hit.

    Under the fire of enemy submachine guns, Comrade ZHURAVLEV repaired the car and delivered the radio to its place undamaged.

    For the manifested courage and bravery in the battles with German Invaders, Comrade ZHURAVLEV DESERVES THE GOVERNAMENTAL AWARD, ORDER of the ?RED STAR?.

    Commander of the Radio Company

    Guards Lieutenant (Signature) / Ukhov /

    Deserves the governmental award, order of the ?RED STAR?.

    Commander of 152nd Guards Separate Orders of Bodan Khmelnitsky and of the Red Star Communication Battalion

    Guards Capitan (Signature) / Kovalenko /

    14 May 1945

    Awarded the order of the ?RED STAR?.

    Commander of the 10th Guards Ural, Lvov Volunteer Red Banner Tank


    Guards General Lieutenant

    of Tank Troops (Signed) / Belov /

    19 May 1945

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