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    good deal-looks minty.

    need a ribbon?

    Is the ribbon the same for all the crosses around this era? I have 3 different ones but don't know anything about them.

    If it's any consolaton for having paid $5, I paid 100 euros for these four crosses 4 1/2 years ago.

    A D?ppeler Sturmkreuz 1864

    A K?niggr?tz 1866 (with ribbon)

    Two Main Armee 1866.

    Edited by leigh kitchen
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    Guest IMHF

    Is the ribbon the same for all the crosses around this era? I have 3 different ones but don't know anything about them.

    If it's any consolaton for having paid $5, I paid 100 euros for these four crosses 4 1/2 years ago.

    A D?ppeler Sturmkreuz 1864

    A K?niggr?tz 1866 (with ribbon)

    Two Main Armee 1866.

    These are nice love the aged ribbon: :cheers:


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    Guest Rick Research

    Ordens Herold 1868 from the Prussian Orders Chancery. First up, the various 1864 Crosses:

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    Guest Rick Research

    Ordens Herold 1868 for the 1866 Crosses-- simplified as only combatant and noncombatant ribbons for the 3 combat and 1 noncombatant crosses:

    The good news is that, rather than looking for any original LOOSE ribbon this old (GOOD LUCK :speechless1: ) what very often does turn up are the hook backed rhomboid medal bars, stripped of their awards... and you can then rebuild them with the correct awards.

    That, of course, leads you to the Magic World of Medal Bars.... :catjava:

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