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    Napoleonic Documents


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    Hello Jay,

    I haven't posted in this thread in a long time.

    Here is an update to my collection.




    Hello Barry,

    Wow! That is an outstanding collection. Is that a portrait of Mme. Lannes? The LOH looks like mine...a type III ?

    All the best,


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    • 1 year later...


    I will soon pick up a framed letter of Marshal Ney with a high resolution print of Baron Gerard's portrait done of 'Le brave des braves' in 1805. It should be wonderful. It is a letter written in 1809 from Ney to Marshal Soult while in Spain. I love history.


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    Hi Colin,

    Thanks again for your much appreciated assistance. I got the high resolution digital image of Gerard's Ney from RMN via Art Resource, their North American distributor. Thanks to yours truly it can now be seen and available on the RMN website ($150). A professional printing company here in Grand Rapids reproduced 4 different 8" x 10" images for me on acid free paper ($125). They did a fantastic job. I then had it professionally framed by a woman I always go to for 'my stuff' (my wife says that I am running out of walls!-$300). The cost of the letter was around $550. The result of having a shadow of 'Le brave des braves'around our house-priceless!

    The letter came from the collection/estate of Marshal Soult with provenance. It is a letter from Ney to Soult in August of 1809 in Spain. It has a great autograph and post scriptum. I'll try posting some images with my wife's assistance soon.

    All the best,


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    • 5 months later...

    Dear members, I just joined the GMIC and this will be my first message.

    I would like to ask if anybody knows more about General Noel Huard. I'm uploading pics of a letter of his I have. It was written by in Dijon and dated 05/10/1799 [i guess he was commander of the 18th division]. There is only one other General (Brigade-G.) having the name Huard and that is Léonard Jean Aubry Huard de Saint-Aubin. Certainly his is not the only long French name and I have no idea if they are related. I recently ordered the book Les généraux de la Révolution et de l'Empire by Georges Six and hope to have it soon but doubt if there is any mention of Huard in there.



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    You are right - Six does not have anything on Noel Huard, only Huard de St Aubin. Perhaps Noel Huard was known by another name as many French generals were?

    This may be of use



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    Hi Colin, thank you for the link, the info on Huard de St. Aubin looks very interesting, I will surely read it . Indeed, maybe Noel Huard used another name as well. Sigh, I guess I'll be buying more biographical books besides Six's ....

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    I will check Pigeard's "Etoiles de l'Eempire" for you but its a long shot. I did some internet searchign for the 18e Division in Armee de l'Interieur and there is very little out there. MOst strange. I found a fair bit on 17e Divisions though. Let us knwo what you coem up with as I woudlahve thought that this DIvision and this general officer would appear at least in some oreders of battle available on the net as the Revolutionary wars are somewhat popular withs students and wargamers.


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    • 2 months later...

    I hadn't heard of it, till now then. Seems very interesting. It's just that I've always avoided becoming a member of facebook, I'm not too fond of the concept, which means I really hope you'll be successful in getting these researchers here :D

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    • 11 months later...

    Well, time to put some life again in this Napoleonic Documents thread , I will be posting more of my Napoleonic letters.

    Louis Baraguey d'Hilliers / GdB [Général de Brigade] April 1793, GdD [Général de Division] March 1797

    The letter is dated 28th April 1796 when he was Chief of Staff of the Armée des Côtes de l'Océan.

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    Jean-Baptiste Beaufort de Thorigny / GdB December 1793 or August 1794, sources contradicting, GdD most probably November 1794

    The letter is dated 26th October 1798 when he was commanding the subdivision at Deux-Sèvres


    He was succesful against the Vendeans, and became famous for taking out chouan leader Jean Cottereau in 1794. He did not go to extremes though - he prevented 600 captured Vendeans to be burned alive in a castle when he heard an order was given for that by an official of the government by giving the order for their immediate release.

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    • 2 weeks later...

    Louis-César-Gabriel [berluy] Berthier / GdB September 1804, GdD January 1806

    The letter is dated 3d September 1797 when he was stationed in Milan as Adjudant-Général Chef de Brigade of the Armée d'Italie

    Younger brother of Marshal Louis-Alexandre Berthier, was appointed member of the Chief of Staff the Armée d'Orient but never made it to Egypt. Instead he served as the director of the Bureau Topographique in Paris. He was present at the Battle of Marengo and served in Germany and Holland. Appointed Governor of the Ionian Islands in 1807 [The Treaty of Tilsit gave the islands back to France] but did not obey Napoleon's instructions and was replaced by General Donzelot. He suffered a stroke and died in 1819.

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    Etienne-Nicolas de Calon / GdB September 1793

    The letter is dated 25th December 1794. At this time Calon was the director of the Dépot Général de la Guerre de Terre & le Mer, the department of Cartography and Geography of the French Revolutionary Army [he was head of the dept. from April 1973 to May May 1797].

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    • 8 months later...
    • 5 years later...
    On 15/03/2011 at 23:05, Jaybo said:


    I will soon pick up a framed letter of Marshal Ney with a high resolution print of Baron Gerard's portrait done of 'Le brave des braves' in 1805. It should be wonderful. It is a letter written in 1809 from Ney to Marshal Soult while in Spain. I love history.


    Better late than never perhaps? Letter signed by Ney & d'Hautpoul, both casualties of the Empire.







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