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    I picked this up at a local gun show last weekend. Nothing spectacular but neat. Does the Ernestine/Wurttemberg combo suggest a particular unit?


    I wouls say that since the Saxon award is before the Wurttemberg that the officer was a Saxon. That being said there may have been a Saxon regiment that had the King of Saxony as the Chef.



    Paul, I'm not sure that this ribbon bar belonged to an officer. There is no wreath (gold or green) on the Wurttemberg ribbon. So it is for the silver medal.

    Without reading my books I don't remember seeing one Thüringian unit with Wurttemberg connection.




    Paul, I'm not sure that this ribbon bar belonged to an officer. There is no wreath (gold or green) on the Wurttemberg ribbon. So it is for the silver medal.

    Without reading my books I don't remember seeing one Thüringian unit with Wurttemberg connection.


    OOPS, you are correct.

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