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    I wanted to get at least one group of medals with lots of paperwork and this is what I ended up with. Sadly I don't know German and so can't figure out the details about this man and his wife other than the very obvious. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

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    Translation: Lt.d.Res.a.D. D.K. Lambrecht.

    DoB 17.Aug.1891 in Aurich.

    a.military service before the war: non.

    b.after mobilization: 12.Aug.1914 as war volunteer to 2. Recruit Depot Inf.Regt. 78 (?).

    1.Sep.1914 3 Coy. Res.Inf.Regt.216.

    10.Oct.1914 to the regt. in the field.

    15.Jan.1915 to Replacement Battalion Inf.Regt.76 in Hamburg.

    19.May 1915 to Res.Inf.Regt.267 in the field.

    27.Oct.1916 named as gas Protection Officer.

    Bernhard H. Holst

    Close up 2

    Hello: Translation continued, now close-up 2:

    15.Oct.1918 became French POW, released on 19.Feb. 1920;

    2. Combat actions or presence in war zones: with his unit, among others:

    1914: 10.Oct.- 4.Nov. combats in Flanders;

    1915: 7.-12.Aug. battle near Cholm.

    1916/1917: 15.Mar. 1916 to 19.Dec. 1917 combat in position Pripjet swamps;

    1918: 10.Oct. - 15.Oct. combats in front of Hermann positions.

    3. Promotions: 15.Oct.1915 Unteroffizier; 16.Dec.1915 Vizefeldwebel and Res.Officer Candidate; 24.Dec.1915 promoted to Lt.d.Res.

    4. Decorations: 17.Aug.1916 I.C.II.cl.; 6.Jul.1918 I.C.I.cl.;5.Jan.1918 Hamburg Hanseatic Cross; 9.Apr.1920 Wound Badge in Black.

    5. Remarks: 7.Jun. 1918 and 13.Oct.1918 wounded.

    P.S. instructions on form for section 2 require only one mention per calender year or extension into the following year.

    Bernhard H. Holst


    Thank you Bernhard! This opens up an entire new world for research. I wonder if that was the norm for PoWs to be released over a year after the war ended. Flanders and Cholm I'm familiar with, but Pripjet Swamps is a new one for me. Can you tell me what he did in WWII? Thank you so very much again.

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