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    Medalgia Commemorativa per la Campagna nell´Estremo Oriente ( Cina )

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    • 1 month later...


    I find it highly interesting to see the Italian China medal awarded to a German and mounted in a Große Ordensspange.

    All the best,


    Hello Elmar,

    it´s also the first time for me, that I´ve seen two medals from different states

    on a german medal bar.

    Kind Regards


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    • 4 weeks later...

    According to the 1901 law, this medal was awarded to all people who were involved in the Tien-Tsin facts. 2325 medals were assigned.

    Later (1903) a quite similar medal was created for the people being in China after 31 dec 1901 and in Seoul (during the Russian-Japanes war). This second medal is scarcer than the first (736 items).

    In 1908 a silver bar with CINA 1900-1901 was created to recognize the two medals which have the same front and the same ribbon.

    The Royal mint made only bronze medals. There are some private models (Johnson anf others) made of bronze or silvered metal.

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    • 2 weeks later...

    According to the 1901 law, this medal was awarded to all people who were involved in the Tien-Tsin facts. 2325 medals were assigned.

    Later (1903) a quite similar medal was created for the people being in China after 31 dec 1901 and in Seoul (during the Russian-Japanes war). This second medal is scarcer than the first (736 items).

    In 1908 a silver bar with CINA 1900-1901 was created to recognize the two medals which have the same front and the same ribbon.

    The Royal mint made only bronze medals. There are some private models (Johnson anf others) made of bronze or silvered metal.


    You are mentioning, that there were assigned 2325 from this medal. Is this the complet number of awarded medals ?

    My Brevetto has the number 2601 ! Do You have an idea ?



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    my italian is not so good, that I´m sure if I have understood the content right.

    My understanding from this text is, that there are only mentioned the italian

    contingents, those who could be awarded this medal ?

    If it is like that, could it be, that the difference could be awards to foreign troops ?



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    • 2 weeks later...

    Now the second medal for China campaigns: this one was created in 1903 for the military in service in China after 31 dec 1901 and later extended to military in service in Seoul 1904 during the Russian-Japanese war. It was not allowed to get both. This medal was made in bronze from the Royal Mint only, it was designed from Speranza, and according to Brambilla it was awarded to 736 people only, being much scarcer than the 1900-1901 one.


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    • 1 month later...

    A bit off topic, but I find it interesting. One note from the book "La marine francaise" (Alain Boulaire), page 234.

    Jean-Francois Deniau raconte, dans "Ce que je crois" que le chef d'état-major de la Marine lui avait demandé de chercher pourquoi , malgré les bonnes relations diplomatiques, la Chine refusait systématiquement la venue de la "Jeann d'Arc" lors de son tour du monde:
    "Un soir où je prolonge le diner avec Deng Xiaoping, je lui demande:
    - Et porquoi ne voulez-vous pas recevoir la "Jeanne d'Arc", notre navire-école, symbole de notre marine nationale et notre meilleur ambassadeur?
    Deng Xiaoping allume une cigarette de plus, lance le fumée vers le plafond et me dit:
    - On n'apprend plus l'histoire en France?
    - Je crains qu'on n'apprenne plus grand-chose. Cela s'appelle la réforme de l'enseignement.
    Tirant sur la cigarette, Deng Xiaoping continue:
    - La guerre des Boxers, cela ne vous dit plus rien? Et l'expédition punitive d'une armée regroupant tous les pays occidentaux, commandée d'ailleurs par un gènèral allemand? Une canonnière a bombardé... Vous voulez le nom de cette canonniére?
    Je comprends avant qu'il n'ait terminé sa phrase. La canonniére s'appelait "Jeanne d'Arc". C'est moi qui enchaine:
    - Le premier bateau francais à venir en Chine pourrait etre le "Duguay-Trouin" ou le...
    - Celui que vous voulez, dit Deng Xiaoping. Toute votre marine ne s'appelle quand même pas "Jeanne d'Arc". Elle viendra ensuite."

    After more than 100 years the Chinese still remember...

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