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    Leslies Medals

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    Hello Chris - welcome back to GMIC. You say Leslies medals - is this someone that has been previously discussed - or,

    a new group you have just bought ? Are you ableto tell us anything further about his service ?

    The min. group seems to be the complete one , since it includes his War Medal - missing on the main group. This group is

    also missing the bar on the Africa Star. Since it is a British Group - and therefore, unnamed, it will not be difficult to add.

    The group is good in that it has Africa, Italy and France and Germany Stars. With this service I thought he may also have

    had a Defence medal.

    The cigarette case is exceptional with the map of the campaign area. Superbly engraved by hand - whoever did this must

    have had serious jewellery training. Usually they were made in the base workshops. Do you think the case is silver - are

    there any markings ?

    The badges have been put together and are not for his service - there are REME , Royal Armoured Corps , Signals and an

    RAF lapel badge. Look forward to whatever you can add. Mervyn

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    Hi guys,

    I bought this group on a small flea merket in Germany.

    The name Leslie is written on the "Ferrari box", I don´t have any further informations about the rewarded.

    I´ve tried to make new pics of the cigarette case. If someone want, I can make other new pics.

    Best wishes and thanks


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    Chris - I think you might find that the dealer has put a lot of this group together - using the Mins. as the centre part.

    Never mind, you got some good items and the engraved cig. case is in even better in the new photos. Unfortunately,

    the case is not solid silver - rather it is silver plate. However, the engraving is hand done to high quality. You must

    keep an eye on what else he produces to sell. Mervyn

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