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    Help please - IGS Indian Staff Medical Department

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    Hi there,

    Could someone please help me with the start of the research of IGS 1895 named to " Assistant Surgeon E.De Roche Indian Staff Medical Department".

    I tried FMP and Ancestry but no joy to locate anything of him.

    Where/how it would be possible to find out his full Name???

    Thanking you in advance!

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    Indian Army rolls are available, including a reprint for, I think, 1949, 1924 and maybe 1900.  I have the 1924 reprint but, not too surprisingl;y, he is not listed in it.

    Or you can root around here for clues: https://www.bl.uk/reshelp/atyourdesk/servdeliv.html.  Type in 'Indian Medical Service' and see what's available. 

    Or this. https://www.forces-war-records.co.uk/namesearch/?FirstName=E&Surname=DeRoche&RecordType=NotSelected&RecordDateStartYear=1700&RecordDateEndYear=2018&CollectionList=20

    What bar is on the medal?

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