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    Hammerstein-Equord, Günther Edmund Werner Freiherr von
    * 16. September 1877 in Forsthaus Hinrichshagen
    † 17. Oktober 1965 in Kiel


    Chef des Heeres-Personalamtes
    Inspekteur der Infanterie
    Kommandeur der Division z.b.V. 460 und Kommandant von Kopenhagen und den Dänischen Inseln
    Kommandeur der 526. Infanterie-Division
    Oberfeldkommandant 672


    Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant


    Deutsches Kreuz in Silber (DKiS) - 31.10.1943





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    On 28/10/2021 at 10:36, Dave Danner said:

    Hammerstein-Equord, Günther Edmund Werner Freiherr von



    Dave, according to Gotha: Günther Edmund Wilhelm Freiherr von Hammerstein-Equord ... you don't happen to have a picture? Did he possibly receive the KVK in WWII?




    Thanks. Werner was an error.


    No personnel file in the archives, so I have no picture and no idea about any WW2 awards. Since he was not a front officer I seriously doubt he had the Spangen to the EK1&2, so I would think the KVK2X&1X were prerequisites for his DKiS. I do not think a 1914 EK1 was sufficient to get the DKiS; you needed either a 1939 EK1 (or Spange) or a 1939 KVK1X.

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