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    Large grouping to Oberst Wilhelm Fuhrmann

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    As promised in a previous thread, here's the rather large grouping i just received to Oberst Wilhelm Fuhrmann. Enjoy!

    First off, here's Wilhelm. Photo taken pre-war, it's actually not part of my group. Somehow it got mixed up with his brother, Otto's group owned by Ian jewison.

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    previous thread

    So let's start at the begining.

    Nice early doc for the 1914 EKII

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    Later on he also won the EKI as you can see from the photo but unfortunately there's no doc for it. However i do have his doc for the MVO 4thclass with swords

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    So, war breaks out again and it's not long before Wilhelm picks up another medal. This time the bar to the EKII.

    firstly his preliminary doc, signed by Valentin Feurstein

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    then the proper thing

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    After Poland a spell on the Westwall, unusually the doc is not signed or stamped yet is serial numbered.

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    Next comes Norway where Wilhelm picks up the bar to the EKI.

    According to the archives of the 2 Geb.Div. the division awarded just 3 EKI spange for the Norwegian campaign.

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    He also picked up the Gruppe Feurstein doc

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    Next comes a year of occupation duties before things happen again and the 2 GD along with the 3 GD are sent into Russia in order to try and take the port of Murmansk. Wilhelm is still with the division when winter comes so later on, when he gets posted back to Germany he gets his East front medal

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    Guest Rick Research

    Well, that's NOT Wilhelm's photo-- the ribbons don't match! He had a Wehrmacht 4, Austrian Annexation, and Westwall that I don't see there.

    Quite interesting usually unseen paperwork regarding his "probationary" contract before becoming an (E) officer as a former RESERVE officer. :beer:

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    Well, that's NOT Wilhelm's photo-- the ribbons don't match! He had a Wehrmacht 4, Austrian Annexation, and Westwall that I don't see there.

    Quite interesting usually unseen paperwork regarding his "probationary" contract before becoming an (E) officer as a former RESERVE officer. :beer:

    Well it's not Otto. Actually, with the group was a document to Otto mixed in with it refering to his posting to NA 220. Was there a third brother?????

    The annexation and westwall medals could easily post date this photo, the westwall definitely so as he was a major by then. The long service is the thing. I wonder, could it be that at the time of the photo he hadn't had his ribbon bar altered yet? It'd be nice to know what else is on there, i assume a bunch of Bavarian stuff? The thing that does bother me is that he appears to be an oberleutnant here yet he was a hauptmann when posted to GNA 67

    Edited by Simon Orchard
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