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    Gaelic ranks on Scottish Police LSGC medals

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    In 2006 the 4 Welsh police forces, began having the option to have the ranks on their LSGC’s engraved in Welsh. This was due to the 1993 Welsh language act.


    As Scotland has a similar Gaelic language act, will be interesting to see whether the Scottish police force, follows suit?

    I’m not a Gaelic speaker so forgive me if the below potential police ranks are incorrect. But I believe they would be something along these lines.

    Constable - Constabal 
    Sergeant- Sairdseant 
    Inspector - Neach-sgrudaidh 
    Superintendent- Stiuireadair 

    It would appear that Constable would be the same Const, but the other ranks would be clearly identifiable as Gaelic.

    Would be interested to hear any Scottish Bobbies views on such a concept? Is Gaelic widely spoken north of border?

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    I was only having this discussion in a Facebook group recently, I mentioned Northern Ireland and Scotland should have the option of Irish and Scots Gaelic respectively. Will be interesting to see whether it happens or not, but as far as I am aware Scots Gaelic has only about 3000 speakers.

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    6 hours ago, Zulu_00 said:

    I was only having this discussion in a Facebook group recently, I mentioned Northern Ireland and Scotland should have the option of Irish and Scots Gaelic respectively. Will be interesting to see whether it happens or not, but as far as I am aware Scots Gaelic has only about 3000 speakers.

    With a population in Scotland of 5.5 million and only 3000 of those speaking Gaelic. Compared with Wales at approx 3.3 million and 800,000 of those being Welsh speakers. I don’t think we’ll be seeing any Gaelic engraved police medals anytime soon……

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