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    Patriotic Women’s Association Badges


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    …and my latest installment: a First Class Merit Badge with Attachment. This was for recruiting more than 500 new members.


    The badge is 31.75 mm in diameter with a suspender bar of the same width. The badge is gilt and enamel, with the anchor in navy and the star in red, and the cherry blossom wreath enameled in green, pink, and yellow. The attachment is in the form of a 9.525 mm diameter cherry blossom between the suspender bar and the badge, enameled pink and yellow. The lacquered case is 66.675 mm wide x 92.075 mm long.


    A former owner of this badge clearly tried to clean off the tarnish on the obverse. I like to leave in place such evidence of the aging process.






    WPA 1st Class Merit w Attachment Obv.jpg


    Reverse with a single column inscription of 愛國婦人會有功章 for Women’s Patriotic Association Merit Badge:


    WPA 1st Class Merit w Attachment Rev.jpg


    Lacquered case lid (please excuse the cell phone reflection) with a two column inscription in gilt kanji. Right column of 愛國婦人會 for Women’s Patriotic Association and central column of 壹等有功附加章 for First Class Merit Badge With Attachment:


    WPA 1st Class Merit w Attachment Case Lid.jpg

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    Below are two First Class Merit Badges, for recruiting more than 300 new members, which I believe might represent two different versions. For the sake of argument I will assume that each badge was issued in the case/box in which it was purchased.


    The first difference is between the boxes. Murphy and Ackley, p. 59, state that First Class Merit Badges came in lacquered cases while Second and Third Class came in wooden boxes. However, although one of my First Class Merit Badges came in a lacquered case the other came in a wooden box. The kanji and the dimensions are the same. It appears to me that the wooden box is in the same style of construction and inscription as other boxed WPA badges (of different ranks) that I have. So, I don’t think that the wooden box was privately commissioned/purchased, although I do not have direct evidence that it was not. Perhaps the wooden box is what is commonly referred to as “late war economy”?


    The second, third, and fourth differences pertain to the badges:

    • The flower petals on the badge that came in the lacquered case are more reddish than pink in color than the flower petals on the badge that came in the wooden box.

    • The fastening pins on the back of the suspension bars are different. On the badge that came in the lacquered case the tube through which the pin is threaded is 12 mm long and the pin itself from the tip to the two circle end is 18 mm long. On the badge that came in the wooden box the tube through which the pin is threaded is 19 mm long and the pin itself from the tip to the two circle end is 24 mm long. Although the pin on the badge from the wooden box looks as if it is itself affixed to the reverse of the suspension bar, it too is threaded through a tube. However, it is threaded so tightly that the pin does not rotate at all.

    • The hanger from the suspension bar to the badge that came in the lacquered case is slightly longer than that of the badge that came in the wooden box.

    Whether they truly represent two distinct versions or not, the badge itself is beautiful. 




    Obverses side-by-side. The left is the badge from the lacquered case and the right is the badge from the wooden box. Note the difference in the color of the petal enamel. Although it looks as if the badges and suspension bars are slightly different sizes I measured them in multiple places as best as I could (not owning calipers) and they are the same size.


    WPA 1st Class Merit Cased L Boxed R Obvs.jpg


    Reverses side-by-side. Again, left is the badge from the lacquered case and right is the badge from the wooden box. Note the difference in pin fasteners. 愛國婦人會有功章 for Women’s Patriotic Association Merit Badge.


    WPA 1st Class Merit Cased L Boxed R Revs.jpg


    The two lids side-by-side. The right column is 愛國婦人會 for Women’s Patriotic Association and the center column is 壹等有功章 for First Class Merit Badge. No matter how much I tried I could not get the kanji on the wooden lid to stand out more.


    WPA 1st Class Merit Box and Case Lids.jpg

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    • 2 months later...

    It has taken me a while but I have finally acquired a Women’s Patriotic Association 2nd Class Merit Badge. This badge looks the same as the Third Class Merit, except that it is gilt. This was awarded for recruiting more than 150 new members.


    All the best,






    WPA 2nd Class Merit Badge Obv.jpg


    Reverse. Inscription 愛國婦人會有功章 for Women’s Patriotic Association Merit Badge:


    WPA 2nd Class Merit Badge Rev.jpg


    Box lid. Central column 貮等有功章 for Second Class Merit Badge and right hand column 愛國婦人會 for Women’s Patriotic Association:


    WPA 2nd Class Merit Box Lid.jpg


    Left hand corner of the box bottom: left column is 東京玉寶堂謹製 for Made by Tokyo Gyokuhō and right column is 官内省御用達 for something like “official purveyor”:


    WPA 2nd Class Merit Box Maker Stamp.jpg

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    • 1 month later...

    I haven’t posted in this thread for a while, but I recently came to possess another WPA Special Supporter Member badge. When looking through the wonderful Medals of Asia page on the different variants of this badge (see https://asiamedals.info/threads/special-supporter-member-badge-of-womens-patriotic-association.25981/) it appears as if mine could be a type of hybrid. To me there is no doubt that the obverse (looking at the stems and leaves on the bottom) is classified as the 4th variation. However, the pin construction on the reverse matches that of the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th variants.


    A hybrid?






    WPA Spec Supporter Mem Badge V4 Obv.jpg




    WPA Spec Supporter Mem Badge V4 Rev.jpg

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    Another WPA badge has come into my possession. This is a Special Member Badge. I’ve posted one previously in this thread, but this new one is a bit different. 


    This one has a red cord attached between the badge and the suspension bar.


    The pin on the reverse of the suspension bar is different from the one on the Special Member Badge posted above. The pin on the reverse of this suspension bar is of one piece such that the left end is in the form of a hook and the right end is bent in the shape of two circles such that the rest of the pin comes across and can be placed under the hook. On the reverse of the suspension bar is a small diameter tube attached to the middle second and third part of the bar and through which the pin is “threaded”. Therefore the inscription on the reverse of the suspension bar has 掛ー to the left of the pin tube and 襟半 to the right of the pin tube. 掛ー襟半 for "hanging collar half". For hanging on the kimono half-collar. Thank you JapanX for that bit of information.


    Instead of a wooden box this badge came in a red cardboard box with a blue cardboard insert to hold the badge. The red color is a paper that is affixed to the lid and its sides as well as the bottom sides. It does not fully cover the inside of the lid or the bottom of the box. The badge name is on the cover of the box in gilt: 別特会員章 for “Special Member Badge”.






    WPA Spec Mem Badge Red Cord Obv.jpg




    WPA Spec Mem Badge Red Cord Rev.jpg


    Cardboard box lid:


    WPA Spec Mem Badge Cardboard Lid.jpg

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    • 1 month later...

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted in this thread. I have recently acquired a Red Cord that is not affixed to a badge, and the cord came not only with the instructions but also the paper packet holder.


    For those of you new to this thread and interested in more information, please see JapanX’s wonderful Medals of Asia website at https://asiamedals.info/threads/history-and-badges-of-greater-japan-womens-patriotic-association.23765/ and 

    https://asiamedals.info/forums/greater-japan-womens-patriotic-association.663/. If I am not mistaken, then the meaning behind the red, white, and purple cords is as of this time unknown.




    Note that the red cord is actually brighter in color than my picture below, but my cell phone camera and the poor lighting failed to bring the true color out:


    WPA Red Cord.jpg


    Instructional sheet for the red cord. I have to correct a post that I made above, on February 18 of this year. In that post I completely mistranslated the three kanji at the top of the instructional sheet. They are 法着附 for what I believe translates to “method for wearing the attachment (cord)”. On the right and downward is 糸ニテ括ル. This clearly specifies where on the badge the cord is to be placed, as indicated by the fact that there is a dotted line from the top of the first kanji to the point at which the cord is attached to the badge. I think that a very rough translation could be “rule for fastening the string [cord] at….”


    WPA Red Cord Instructions.jpg


    Finally, the paper packet folded up around the red cord and the instructions. On the front of the 

    paper packet is 紅組 for “Red Group”:


    WPA Red Cord Packet Obv.jpg


    On the back of the paper packet is 玉寶堂謹製 for “Respectfully made by Gyokuho [workshop]:


    WPA Red Cord Packet Rev.jpg

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    Although the title of this thread only mentions badges, I decided to post these WPA door plaques here rather than revive the old Japanese Door Badges thread from 2018.


    Here are two WPA Regular Member door plaques. They are made of wood and approximately 153mm long x 45mm wide x 6mm thick. The wood is black lacquered. One of them appears to have never been installed and the other one bears evidence of installation. On that one almost all of the lacquer on the front and sides has worn away. The uninstalled plaque has a smooth reverse and no manufacturer’s label whereas the installed plaque has two slots for a screw head and a partially torn manufacturer’s label. Despite the slots it looks as if there was a screw inserted through the top of the WPA emblem on the obverse. I note that neither slot shows signs of use/wear.


    Of course if you want to learn more and look at some great pictures see Medals of Asia at https://asiamedals.info/threads/door-plaques-of-greater-japan-womens-patriotic-association.24106/.





    Obverse of both door plaques with the WPA emblem in silver and the silver inscription 愛國婦人會通常 for “Women’s Patriotic Association Regular Member”.


    WPA Reg Mem Door Plaques Obv.jpg


    Reverse of the installed plaque. Note one of the screw head slots above the torn manufacturer’s label. Per the Medals of Asia webpage referenced above, this label belongs to the Kuroda Lacquerware Workshop based in Nagoya.


    WPA Reg Mem Door Plaque Rev Kuroda Label.jpg

    Edited by TracA
    Kanji correction per No One.
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    23 hours ago, Farkas said:

    I love the detail in your posts TracA,

    you are always an informative & interesting read, tony 🍻


    Thank you, Tony. Your comment is greatly appreciated.


    All the best,



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    Another WPA item that I’ve picked-up. Well, two of them actually.


    Two Supporting Member Badges. They are of a stickpin construction. I posted one on this thread, on April 26, but that one was without a box and had some discoloration on the obverse. These two came in the matchbox style cardboard box that is typical of these badges. However, I have no idea which one of them was actually issued in this box or if either of them were even issued in this box. Nonetheless, here they are.




    Obverse of the two badges. Notice that the pins are of different length:


    WPA 2 Supporting Mem Badges Obv.jpg


    Reverse of the two badges. On the right is 愛國婦人 and on the left is 會賛助員. 愛國婦人會 for Patriotic Women’s Association and 賛助員 for Supporting Member. Note that the pins are fastened to the reverse of the badge differently.


    WPA 2 Supporting Mem Badges Rev.jpg


    Matchbook style cardboard box. The label is affixed to the lid. The right column is 愛國婦人會 for Patriotic Women’s Association and the left column is 賛助員章 for Supporting Member Badge. Across the bottom of the label is 製謹寶堂玉京東 for “Respectfully made by Gyokuho [workshop], Tokyo.


    WPA 2 Supporting Mem Badge Matchbook Box.jpg

    Edited by TracA
    Word change. Correction to order of kanji.
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    • 6 months later...

    I haven’t posted in this thread for about six months. I was finally able to procure three more Patriotic Women’s Association badges. 


    On his website Medals of Asia, JapanX has documented five variations of the Special Supporter Member Badge. See https://asiamedals.info/threads/special-supporter-member-badge-of-womens-patriotic-association.25981/. I have finally filled a hole in my collection with the badge below, which I am quite sure is an example of the 3rd variation. The key is the stem and leaf design at the bottom of the obverse and the type of pin on the reverse.


    Thanks for looking.




    Special Supporter Member Badge 3rd variation obverse:


    WPA Spec Supporter Mem Badge V3 Obv.jpg


    Special Supporter Member Badge 3rd variation reverse:


    WPA Spec Supporter Mem Badge V3 Rev.jpg

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    Dear TracA,


    Nice one and great pictures as always. It's a real pleasure to follow your work.


    Yours sincerely,

    No one

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    The second Patriotic Women’s Association badge that I recently purchased is another Special Supporter Member Badge. This example is what I call a “true” 4th variation, so defined because the pin on the reverse is like the pin on the Medals of Asia page referenced in my post from yesterday, May 2nd. This is in contrast to the example about which I posted on August 21st of 2023, which I labeled a possible “hybrid” given the fact that the pin construction was different.


    Out of the five variations the only one not currently in my collection is the 2nd variation.




    Special Supporter Member Badge 4th variation obverse:


    WPA Spec Supporter Mem Badge True V4 Obv.jpg


    Special Supporter Member Badge 4th variation reverse:


    WPA Spec Supporter Mem Badge True V4 Rev.jpg

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    The last of the most recently acquired Patriotic Women’s Association badges is a Preferential Treatment Member Badge. This type is brand new to my collection. See Medals of Asia at https://asiamedals.info/threads/preferential-treatment-member-badge-of-womens-patriotic-association.23779/.


    The badge is made of bronze and approximately 25.4 mm in diameter. The bow is approximately 29 mm wide and 40 mm long. The colors are white and red with the following stripe pattern from either top or bottom: 3 mm white; 3 mm red; 4 mm white; 12 mm red; 4 mm white; 3 mm red; 3 mm white. The stickpin on the reverse is approximately 42 mm long. There is no inscription on the obverse but the reverse has a three column inscription. In the center is 愛國婦人會 for “Women’s Patriotic Association”; on the right is 優待 for “Preferential Treatment”; on the left is 員章 for “Member Badge”.


    The box is of white cardboard in the matchbox style, with the following dimensions: 67 mm long X 55 mm wide X 14 mm high. On the lid in black, stamped kanji are the name of the badge and the maker. The center column is 優待員章 for “Preferential Treatment Member Badge” and the left column is 東京 玉宝堂製 for “Tokyo, Made by Gyokuhōdō”.  


    It is a humble but aesthetically pleasing badge.







    WPA Preferential Treatment Badge Obv.jpg




    WPA Preferential Treatment Badge Rev.jpg


    Cardboard box lid:


    WPA Preferential Treatment Badge Cardboard Box Lid.jpg

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    • 5 months later...
    Posted (edited)



    It’s been about five months since I’ve added something to my collection of Patriotic Women’s Association badges. Below is my latest addition: neither a membership nor a merit badge, but a commemorative stick pin from the Yamagata Branch. See Medals of Asia at https://asiamedals.info/threads/yamagata-branch-of-womens-patriotic-association-general-meeting-commemorative-badge.26973/.


    This commemorative is a stick pin, the face of which is 13 mm in diameter. The entire stick pin appears to be silver in color. The obverse displays the typical Patriotic Women’s Association design and the reverse is plain. The stick pin itself is 52 mm long. 


    The stick pin comes in a wooden box that is 72 mm long by 40 mm wide by 16 mm high. On the lid is a three column impressed gold kanji inscription. The the top right is 愛國婦人會 for “Patriotic Women’s Association”; the top left is 山形支部 for “Yamagata Branch”; the central column (center between and below the top right and left columns) is 總會紀念 for “General Meeting Commemorative”. Note that the actual stylization of on the box lid is in a form that I cannot reproduce. 


    Just like the example on Medals of Asia, my example has a maker’s stamp on the bottom left of the underside of the lid. The ink is purple and the kanji are within a shield shape. The top row is 屋金貴計特 for what I think is “Special Order Jewelers” (I struggled with this translation); the middle row is 市形山 for “Yamagata City”; the third row is 店本屋蜂 for “Hachiya Main Store”. Note that the actual stylization of is in a form that I cannot reproduce.


    It is a simple addition to my collection, but a nice one.


    All the best,






    WPA Yamagata Branch Gen Mtg Comm Pin Obv.jpg


    Box lid:


    WPA Yamagata Branch Gen Mtg Comm Pin Box LId.jpg


    Maker's stamp:


    WPA Yamagata Branch Gen Mtg Comm Pin Maker Stamp.jpg

    Edited by TracA
    word change
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    Hello Bruce,


    You are correct that the star represents the Army. The PWA wasn't a recruiting organization, but an aid and support organization. I cannot find more about it in English than at Medals of Asia, here: https://asiamedals.info/threads/history-and-badges-of-greater-japan-womens-patriotic-association.23765/. There is also a brief mention of it in Smethurst's A Social Basis for Prewar Japanese Militarism. I own the book and have read it. For the relevant pages see Medals of Asia at https://asiamedals.info/threads/history-and-badges-of-greater-japan-national-defense-womens-association.24021/#post-351271.


    All the best,



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    Dear TracA,


    I found in my doc. this, it may interest you: "Patriotic Women's Association Shizuoka Prefecture Branch".

    The picture is not mine. I don't remember when,where and from whom I got it, sorry.




    Yours sincerely,

    No one

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    No One,


    Thank you for the picture and information. My assumption is that there are probably a large number of different membership badges.


    All the best,



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