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    Posted (edited)

    This is what I have for Karl Maximilian "Max" Joseph Gustav Freiherr Schacky von Schönfeld (15 June 1842 – 26 August 1925), any additions or corrections very welcome:


    On 8 March 1889, Freiherr Schacky von Schönfeld was delegated with the leadership of the 1. Chevaulegers-Regiment Kaiser Nikolaus von Rußland and was appointed commander on 30 October 1889. On 10 February 1890, he was appointed commander of the 1. Schweres Reiter-Regiment "Prinz Karl von Bayern". From 18 August 1891 (until his promotion to colonel delegated with the leadership?) to 16 December 1899, he was commander of the Royal Bavarian 1. Kavallerie-Brigade in Munich. He was, at the same time (1895), delegated with the leadership of the Inspection of Military Penitentiaries. Since 1894, he was also a Royal Bavarian Chamberlain (Königlich Bayerischer Kämmerer). On 17 December 1899, he was placed at disposal (z. D.) with the statutory pension.


    ??.??.???? Junker

    20 May 1863 Unterlieutenant (2nd Lieutenant)

    5 July 1866 Oberlieutenant (1st Lieutenant)

    22 June 1876 Rittmeister

    1 December 1886 Major

    ... later with Patent from 24 September 1886

    30 October 1889 Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel)

    18 September 1892 Oberst (Colonel)

    17 July 1896 Generalmajor (Major General)

    17 December 1899 Generalmajor z. D. (de facto retired)

    18 June 1914 Charakter als Generalleutnant (Honorary Lieutenant General) with the title of "Excellence"


    Bavarian Army Memorial Cross 1866 (Armee-Denkzeichen 1866)

    Iron Cross (1870), 2nd Class in April 1871

    War Commemorative Medal of 1870–1871 (Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71; KD70/71) in Bronze

    Order of Saint Michael (Bavaria), Knight's Cross 1st Class in 1883

    Bavarian Long Service Cross (Königlich Bayerisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz), II. Class for 24 years (BD2)

    Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown, Knight's Cross

    Austrian-Hungarian Imperial Order of Leopold, Commander (ÖL2)

    Prussian Order of the Crown (Preußischer Kronenorden), 2nd Class (PK2)

    Russian Order of Saint Anna (St.-Annen-Orden), II. Class (RA2)

    Royal Order of Francis I, Commander's Cross 2nd Class (ScF2b)

    Anniversary Oak Leaves (Jubiläums-Eichenlaub „25“ 1870/1895) to his Iron Cross (1870), 2nd Class

    Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille)

    Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, Grand Officer's Cross (IMuL2a)

    Order of the Griffon (Mecklenburg), Grand Officer's Cross (MSchG2a/MG2a)

    Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class (PrA2)

    Military Merit Order (Bavaria), Grand Commander's Cross on 17 December 1899 (later reclassified as 2nd Class with Star)

    Anniversary Medal for the Army 1905 (Jubiläums-Medaille)

    Edited by Deutschritter
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