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    Posted (edited)

    Hey all, I added these to my Hungarian collection 


    All three grades for Police and the Bronze grade for Border Guards 


    Stay well my friends 






    Edited by gjw
    Posted (edited)
    On 09/06/2024 at 02:52, Megan said:

    Nice - you just need some Army ones now (ribbon red with a white-edged blue stripe).


    Thanks again for the kind words!  I do have a couple of the Army ones coming to me.


    Stay well my friend!



    Edited by gjw

    Hey all, added a Gold and Bronze Armed Forces to the collection.


    Now to find the silver grade.


    Stay well my friends 







    Silver grades seem to be like hen's teeth - I'm struggling to even find images of them!


    But another nice addition to your hoard, well done!




    As this topic is discussing Public security medals, I thought I should ask this question here:

    What are the differences in variations between the Rakosi-era awards, and the Kadar-era awards? I appreciate that the very earliest had "1948" inscribed on the reverse, however the revised version did not. I am deeply puzzled, as I can find no differences myself?🤷‍♂️:unsure:


    Many thanks,



    1 hour ago, Philip.S said:



    As this topic is discussing Public security medals, I thought I should ask this question here:

    What are the differences in variations between the Rakosi-era awards, and the Kadar-era awards? I appreciate that the very earliest had "1948" inscribed on the reverse, however the revised version did not. I am deeply puzzled, as I can find no differences myself?🤷‍♂️:unsure:


    Many thanks,



    Greeting Philip.S

    This medal(Közbiztonsági Érem alapításáról) was established in 1951, so I think you may be confusing it with an earlier medal(Közbiztonsági Szolgálati Jel).The latter does have 1947 engraved on the back.According to the 1951 decree, although the old medal was cancelled, the new medal could be conditionally awarded instead based on the recipient's performance or years of service.

    I will attach the original text of the 1951 Act below:


    76/1951. (III. 17.) MT rendelet
    Közbiztonsági Érem alapításáról
    (Közigazgatási rendszám: 0.720.)
    1. §

    (1) A Magyar Népköztársaság minisztertanácsa a közbiztonság fejlesztése körül szerzett érdemek elismerésére "Közbiztonsági Érem" alapítását határozta el. 

    (2) A Közbiztonsági Éremnek hárem fokozata van: arany, ezüst és bronz.

    2. § A Közbiztonsági Érmet a belügyminiszter adományozza.

    3. § A Közbiztonsági Érem alapszabályait a belügyminiszter előterjesztésére a minisztertanács hagyja jóvá. 

    4. §

    (1) A Közbiztonsági Érem egyes fokozatainak viselési sorrendjére a Közbiztonsági Szolgálati Jelre megállapított rendelkezések irányadók.

    (2) A büntető és egyéb jogszabályoknak a rendjelekre vonatkozó rendelkezéseit a Közbiztonsági Éremre is alkalmazni kell.

    5. §

    (1) A "Közbiztonsági Szolgálati Jel" alapítására vonatkozó rendelkezések hatályukat vesztik; e jelvény adományozásával szerzett jogok a jelen rendelet hatálybalépésének napjával megszűnnek.

    (2) Az előző bekezdésben megszüntetett "Közbiztonsági Szolgálati Jel" helyett a volt tulajdonosok részére az 1951. évi június hó 30. napjáig a jelen rendelet 1. §-ának (1) bekezdésében alapított Közbiztonsági Érem megfelelő fokozatát lehet adományozni.

    (This clause stipulates the replacement relationship between the new medal and the old medal)

    Dobi István s. k.,

    a minisztertanács elnöke


    Regarding the specific differences between the medals of the Laksi era and the Kadar era, I think it is reflected in the specific manufacturing process of the medals and the external appearance caused by the manufacturing process.To better illustrate this statement, I quote a picture made by a Hungarian collector.


    Finally, I thought it would be useful to add to this theme some portraits of the gentlemen who received the award.








    屏幕截图 2024-06-17 192357.jpg

    屏幕截图 2024-06-17 192427.jpg

    屏幕截图 2024-06-17 192443.jpg



    333175039_941137096885564_2369492635511741942_n (1).jpg




    That's absolutely brilliant! Many thanks!

    yes, you are quite right, I must have got confused between the reverse of the '47, and later versions.


    The diagram you attach is superb, I thank you for that as well!


    Many thanks,






    An excellent explanation of this award.  Below is a translation of the Hungarian text above.

    76/1951. (III. 17.) MT decree

    On the foundation of the Public Safety Medal

    (Administrative registration number: 0.720.)

    § 1

    (1) The Council of Ministers of the Hungarian People's Republic decided to establish a "Public Safety Medal" to recognize merits achieved in the development of public safety.

    (2) The Public Safety Medal has three grades: gold, silver and bronze.


    § 2. The Public Security Medal is awarded by the Minister of the Interior.

    § 3 The basic rules of the Public Safety Medal are approved by the Council of Ministers upon submission by the Minister of the Interior.

    Section 4

    (1) The order of wearing the individual grades of the Public Safety Medal is governed by the provisions established for the Public Safety Service Badge.

    (2) The provisions of the penal and other legislation regarding the insignia shall also be applied to the Public Safety Medal.

    Section 5

    (1) The provisions regarding the establishment of the "Public Safety Service Mark" shall expire; the rights acquired by donating this badge will cease on the date of entry into force of this regulation.

    (2) Instead of the "Public Security Service Badge" abolished in the previous paragraph, the appropriate grade of the Public Security Medal established in § 1, paragraph (1) of this decree may be awarded to the former owners until June 30, 1951.


    This clause stipulates the replacement relationship between the new medal and the old medal

    István Dobi s. k.,

    the president of the council of ministers



    • 6 months later...



    I present my first of the public security medals!

    It is a beautiful award, this example being from the Rakosi era, and cased!

    I imagine the missing ribbon is attached to the awardees uniform somewhere!



    Kind Regards,



    • 3 weeks later...
    On 08/06/2024 at 19:51, gjw said:



    Gentlemen, I never been able to see the award diploma for this border guards version, I must suppose it is really sarce?

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