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    Gordon Craig

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    1. An impossible assembly of medals for many reasons. Regards, Gordon
    2. dond, A medal I would not buy. The suspension is missing. Probably removed when it was glued to the plywood. Here is a link to am authentic Waterloo medal c/w proper suspension. https://www.dixonsmedals.com/product/single-medals/waterloo-medal-1815-with-original-clip-and-ring-suspension-josh-blackley-gunner-royal-horse-artillery-2/ Regaards, Gordon
    3. No one, Interesting thread. This could lead to a whole new collecting interest. Regards, Gordon
    4. Greg, No picture of medals is included in your post. Regards, Gordon
    5. SteveBobby, An excellent explanation of this award. Below is a translation of the Hungarian text above. 76/1951. (III. 17.) MT decree On the foundation of the Public Safety Medal (Administrative registration number: 0.720.) § 1 (1) The Council of Ministers of the Hungarian People's Republic decided to establish a "Public Safety Medal" to recognize merits achieved in the development of public safety. (2) The Public Safety Medal has three grades: gold, silver and bronze. § 2. The Public Security Medal is awarded by the Minister of the Interior. § 3 The basic rules of the Public Safety Medal are approved by the Council of Ministers upon submission by the Minister of the Interior. Section 4 (1) The order of wearing the individual grades of the Public Safety Medal is governed by the provisions established for the Public Safety Service Badge. (2) The provisions of the penal and other legislation regarding the insignia shall also be applied to the Public Safety Medal. Section 5 (1) The provisions regarding the establishment of the "Public Safety Service Mark" shall expire; the rights acquired by donating this badge will cease on the date of entry into force of this regulation. (2) Instead of the "Public Security Service Badge" abolished in the previous paragraph, the appropriate grade of the Public Security Medal established in § 1, paragraph (1) of this decree may be awarded to the former owners until June 30, 1951. (This clause stipulates the replacement relationship between the new medal and the old medal) István Dobi s. k., the president of the council of ministers Regards, Gordon
    6. Brent55, Is this your idea or are you searching on behalf of the family? I notice that you only have a few posts. Are you a collector? Regards, Gordon
    7. Gentlemen, Very interesting badge and thread. Thanks for posting it. Regards, Gordon
    8. No one, Very interesting read and great looking badge. Thanks for the posts of these new to me organizations. Regards, Gordon
    9. Owain, Thanks for the pictures of this award. The one of the women didn't really show what it looked like. Regards, Gordon
    10. Carlo, Excellent photos of these hard to find medals. Medals with bars are always very interesting. Good luck in your hunt to complete the set. Regards, Gordon
    11. Greg, Fakes of the Hero of the DDR and the Blucher medal, to name a few, have been in circulation for some years. As Phillip says, if they can be made cheap enough for a profit, they will be reproduced. Copies of DDR daggers have been on the market for some time as well. I'm not sure if medals etc. of other ex Warsaw Pact nations have been copied but I wouldn't be surprised that if they aren't copied now they will be in the future. Wartime Polish medals would be a perfect example. Regards, Gordon
    12. Tony, Interesting post. I've added it to my reference library. gjw, Another book of interest is; KERESZT, EREM, CSILLAG - Kitunretesek a magyar tortenelemben. There is one page of English in the back of this book that reads as follow. "CROSS, MEDAL AND STAR; Orders and Decorations in Hungarian History. In the album Hungarian state decorations, the signs of recognition are introduced to date, (the book was publish in 2002) in chronological order. It also provides a selection of foreign decorations related to Hungary or awarded to Hungarians. This just the first paragraph. It goes on to explain, broadly, the pictures in the text. There is one more book in my library that I can not put my hands on at the moment but I'll let you know the name when I find it. This particular book covers the decorations and awards used in Hungary for a two year period between the time the communist regime ended and a new set of decorations and awards were designed and introduced by the new government in Hungary. Regards, Gordon
    13. SVAPR, Isn't that an individuals point of view? We all collect from our own point of view. We, as collectors, would not all rate one of the above orders with the same amount of interest. I would not rate one of these before the other. Their only interest to me would be when they are included in a group. It would be interesting to see what others have to say. Regards, Gordon
    14. Greg, The book listed above is the best one in print for medals that were officially issued by Hungary during the HUPR period. This book does become available from time to time for sale. Regards, Gordon
    15. Noor, Interesting permanent pass. Documents for these, and similar units, that I have seen in the past were usually in English and German. Regards, Gordon
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