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    Waterloo Medal to Henry Martin


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    This may not be real or maybe it is just beat up and heavily patinated. Named to Henry martin.  12th Reg. Light Dragoons. Thought please.

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    Must be the bad pics preventing opinions. This thing is almost as black as coal with patina. It was rubber cemented to a piece of plywood with 18 other medals and framed by in the 1950s-60s. 

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    Either nobody has an opinion or nobody wants to be the bearer of bad news.

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    A medal I would not buy.  The suspension is missing.  Probably removed when it was glued to the plywood.  Here is a link to am authentic Waterloo medal c/w proper suspension.  https://www.dixonsmedals.com/product/single-medals/waterloo-medal-1815-with-original-clip-and-ring-suspension-josh-blackley-gunner-royal-horse-artillery-2/ 




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    Thanks for the replies. I know the suspension has been replaced, probably long before it was glued to the board. It came with 18 other awards all listed as "WW1" period medals. I made a $250 offer in the last 10 hours of the auction (buy it now was $500). You really could not tell what medals were there but I figured 19 medals for $250 that there was no way I could lose. Even with the replaced suspension I think Henry Martin is worthy of remembering.

    2024-07-05 14.44.46.jpg

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