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      Orders and medals of the napoleonic wars.

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    1. Hello, To compare, here is mine for Lieut. Paul Ruffo (prince Castelcicala). 6th (or Inniskilling) regimentof dragoons.
    2. I have never seen this type ojf signature from Lemaître. J. L. Guitera says that, from 1844 - 1845, Lemaître useda metalic label attached to the back of the star. (J. L. Guitera: Les marques de fabricants sur les plaques d'ordres de chevalerie en métal fabriquées à Paris de 1815 à 1870).
    3. " At this time, it was customary to make several copies of the same portrait. I have in my collection a portrait of general beaumont d'Autichamp which I know exists in at least two other copies! "
    4. At this time, it was customary to make several copies of the same portrait. I have in my collection a portrait of general Beaumont d'Autichamp which I know exists in ay least two other copies!
    5. This is Anthony Hoynck van Papendrecht See https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Hoynck_van_Papendrecht_(1762-1837)
    6. I didn't found him in "Militär Schematismus des österreichische Kaiserthums. 1815"
    7. Hi, It’s obviously Dams. I made a mistake while copying. I have also doubts about his presence in Nassauvian contigents. Thank you both for this research. I Welcome any further information.
    8. Hello! I 'm not sure about this information. That is inscribed on the back of this painting and also on the back of the frame with the decorations.
    9. Hello everybody, Who can help me find out information about Nicolaus DANS (Mainz, december 1, 1786 – Wiesbaden march 15, 1862), Commander of a nassauvian detachment in Russia in 1812, after the convention of Tauroggen, served as captain during the « Befreiungskrieg » in the austrian army. Decorated with the autrian cross 1813 -1814. Next, upholsterer at Wiesbaden for the duke Adolph of Nassau.
    10. Hello David! Wilhelm von Coelln, lieutenant then captain adjutant major in the westphalian 4th line regiment was knight in the wesphalian Crown order (feb. 7 1810).
    11. Hi! I found a von Bastineller in the army of Westphalia, squadron chief in the light cavalry of the Guard, major in the same regiment (02/06/1810) and colonel of the 2d cuirassiers (04/20/1811). Knight of the Crown of Westphalia (02/05/1810) and knight of the Legion of Honor. (J. Declercq: Histoire des distinctions honorifiques du royaume de Westphalie. Ed. Champs-Elysées - Deauville. Paris 2018.) I don’t know if he is the same or a member of the same family.
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