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    Addicted to medals...



    I did it again... SIGH... :blush:

    Bought over a dozen Russian medals... Then bought 1/2 a dozen Belgian medals (and Orders)... Then bought 1/2 a dozen German medals... All within a 48 hour period...

    I MUST learn to control myself. :banger:

    Seems items I am missing (needing :love: ) all suddenly and simultaneously appear! The wife will F-R-E-A-K if I can't intercept my VISA bill next week... :whistle:


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    Umm, I am guilty myself. I remeber when I started researching my family, I wanted to get little things here and there, now anytime I get a change or see something in relation to my area of interest, I buy it. My collection has since double in the year of 2011. The wife said that even had to sell some of my guns to fund it. Anyways, I think in the long term, especially when the First World War hits its 100 yr anniversary and when my kid kids older, it will be well worth it.

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    uh oh....brian, good luck with determining what you NEED versus what you impulsively want. hope you get that aspect sorted out rather quickly--otherwise, the joy of collecting will be replaced by all kinds of negativity. take care!

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    7 more this week... She'll probably wait for me to go to sleep and smother me with her pillow...

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    Please let me know if you develop an interest in the beautiful and historic medals, orders and insignia of Royal Ethiopia. Seasons greetings to all! Jah Jim


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