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    Senior Administrator
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    Everything posted by Nick

    1. Nick

      Blog Skin

      I am still working on the final skin (the appearance and colour scheme) for the blog area. It may take a few days to tweak it so don't worry if things don't look quite right just yet !
    2. Cheers Greg for such an interesting background piece look forward to reading more !
    3. I am currently working on adding a new modification to support the sales section which should make selling militaria and browsing what is for sale a better experience. A little while back I tested a modification which had a number of issues around its performance, especially with Microsoft Internet Explorer. (Microsoft Internet Explorer is worthy of a entry on its own, the number of issues that this browser since IE7 has caused me over the years I have lost count with). Since that time the modification has been updated significantly. However one area which need more work on is whether to advertise in a single currency and then in the text of the advert specify prices in different currency and specify what currency is preferred payment. I.e. advertise all sales in GBP but in the text show Euro and or Dollar price and preferred method of payment. Th alternative which I am not sure is feasible yet is to advertise all sales in the preferred choice of payment out of Euro GBP or US Dollar.
    4. As part of the ongoing work to upgrade GMIC and a decision take it to a new level, I have incorporated the ability for members to start their own personal blogs. The theme for a blog must be around medals, militaria or general military history. I will be using my blog to regularly update members on any ongoing issues, upgrades or general forum information. More details to follow....
    5. Forum Icons will slowly return over the next few days

    6. If you email me the full picture and I will post it or alternatively post each section in a different post.
    7. No naming on the medal, but a lot of military units had their names/numbers labelled on the box (printed on a white sticky label) for issue purposes. The one you saw was probably an original, the Royal Mint do not sell copies of this medal, but I have seen cases of replica/fake medals in original boxes.
    8. Mobile device view option now active

      1. kapten_windu


        thank you very much!! :cheers:

    9. If you computer skills are so poor that you cannot reduce an image to at least 160kb which is the limit for your membership I am sure one of our members can assist you. Just a reminder that membership and the ability to upload images to post at GMIC is FREE or of course you could host the image yourself at your own website and you can use as many MB of space as you want or alternatively keep paying your money elsewhere.
    10. The Diamond Jubilee medal has a different design and ribbon to the Golden Jubilee medal therefore i believe you cannot issue a clasp bar it has to be the medal. If they had kept the same ribbon and design but just changed the dates on the medal then a clasp would have been an option but they didn't so it is a new medal.
    11. Copy of medal from official Gov website.
    12. No has to be EU under tendering law
    13. :off topic: It is because you rarely visit here or contribute that you lost the ability to see photos. The petty and divisive rules were established to stop freeloaders like yourself joining, taking information and not contributing. Funny how that when you lost the ability to see photos you suddenly decided to post. If you can't find the sum total of £2.75 for lifetime image upload and download, well it says it all. ? But thanks for pointing out the rules I will amend them to make it clearer. ~Dr Phil you do have the ability to see images in posts in all forum, the reason you cannot see the image in question is that it was never posted by anyone.
    14. Cheers Eric. So I take it that the the earlier Type 1 badge is rarer than the later RZM badges ? The list above has 451 names is this accurate?
    15. Perhaps someone would like to expand on what types of badge were awarded for Coburg and more importantly, why the significance of the event?
    16. Can't help but feel this is not the way to go with this. It is like trying to make one of these wan.er medals an official issue medal. Without a doubt there have operational deployments and actions which have not been given due recognition for a number of reasons, most of which is political. But these need to be addressed on an individual basis like Suez eventually was. However to give everyone who has done time in uniform a medal is in my opinion a misplaced and wrong move which undermines the British Medal system andwill cost a fortune Seems to me that there are a few old crusties who want to get on the back of the current crisis in Afghan, in an attempt to further their own recognition at the British Legion. When the reality is they may have only served 4 years in the cookhouse at Aldershot and been discharged with no medals. They should be putting their efforts into getting a medal for those poor blokes who are coming back from Afghan with limbs missing, they need a British equivalent of the Purple Heart for their sacrifices as well as a decent pension for life.
    17. Interesting item I do like a puzzle ? Mervyn out of interest does the token have a hallmark on it ?
    18. I agree, nasty SS fanboy fantasy piece.
    19. I am still doing HMS Victory partwork which thankfully is still going. So fingers crossed yours will be the same.
    20. Initially I didnt notice the maple leaves on the reverse, so the reverse design of the UK medal will probably be different, I do like the Queens image it has been very well done, shame if it changes for the UK as it is a very nice medal, but I would assume that the ribbons will be identical. Still no design or decisions made around who will qualify in the UK, but I am sure the military will be honoured en masse.
    21. If you follow what the Golden Jubilee medal was like, other than the addition of the Maple leaves and words 'Canada' the UK version will probably be identical to the above. The fact that a new ribbon is shown also indicates that it will probably not be a bar to those awarded the Golden Jubilee medal but a new medal for all that qualify.
    22. Just to update all members that a new section has been integrated within the forum which allows members to upload and download documentation and other digital files which relate to Militaria. A variety of digital formats are supported and it is hoped that the downloads will assist other members research or learn about our collective interest. To that end it is anticipated that the majority of the downloads will be shared for no charge. However GMIC does recognise that research can be a time consuming process and to compensate for that there is the ability for the members uploading documentation to charge a fixed price for the work to be downloaded. GMIC can facilitate that payment process, but as a consequence there will be a fair fixed percentage charge which is payable to GMIC for hosting and processing each download. Please note that at his time the software is in development so there may be some small teething problems to start with. I have outlined below some features of the project which should be of interest, I have also posted some guidance on what is acceptable to upload. Documentation will initially be categorised by Country but if a particular area proves to be popular the categorisation will expand by use of further sub categories. A variety of digital formats are acceptable but members are asked to use PDF files whenever possible and GMIC can assist with converting files into a PDF Format. As an item is uploaded a topic will be automatically created to discuss the upload or for any queries to be raised with the author. Members uploading files should therefore provide a detailed description of the upload, which will be used as the the basis of the initial post for the support topic. The topic will sit within a relevant country section to the category chosen for upload. i.e. a document relating to Imperial Germany will be posted within the Imperial German Forum. For any queries in relation to charges for paid downloads and methods of payment please directly contact the Chairman prior to uploading files. Members should be aware of Intellectual Property and Copyright Laws when uploading information especially where payment is required. As a guidance UK copyright law will form the basis of standards to be applied, but members need to be aware of the laws of their own country. Plagiarism, the unattributed use of others work, and the use of images which are not owned by the author or where permission has not been sought and granted is not acceptable, especially where the member seeks payment. Any clear cut incidents of such behaviour will lead to the work being removed and if warranted the original copyright holder being informed. For further guidance see here
    23. Now resolved. Thanks Nick
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