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    1. I have had this group, which also include a Nevsky and some other orders and medals for some years, but I wanted to share with you that special Red Banner which has hand-engraved "Mon Dvor" mintmark. This is pretty rare variation. Here is a pic of the medal bar (this is the middle Red Banner)
    2. Bottom with some text, unreadable unfortunately...
    3. Hello, I have a non military item for which I am seeking help in identification and ballpark value. This is a old German porcelaine teapot which was made before the war (not sure if the person was speaking about WWI or WWII). The item belonged to the grand-mother of a friend of mine. There is some marking on the bottom, but it's too faint to read. Anyway, here are some pics. any information as well as approximate value would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    4. And why the heck is the serial number is the center medallion and not in the upper arm of the star?
    5. It's interesting to see that he got all these awards, but no HSU. If I remember well, there were many high rankings who got HSU without being directly involved in close combats.
    6. Alex, wait for other people to put their comments before starting to panic. It is not obvious what number it is. I just agreed with Ferdinand that in my opinion it seems to be a "8". It seems the document got a bit wet and the ink leaked.. If at the end it is determined that the award card is not the one for that order, maybe then you can get your researcher to research the good number for free or get reimbursed since it doesn't appear to be your error (assuming you provided him the right serial number). And thanks for the clarification about the orders/medals showing on the first photo.
    7. For sure the award card doesn't match the orders/medals pictured. Your photo has 1 Red Banner, 1 Red Star and 1 Medal for Bravery while the award card has 2 Red Star orders and 1 medal for bravery.. and the serial numbers don't match for any of them (except maybe the red star if the award card has a "1", but it seems more like a "8" to me as Ferdinand mentioned.
    8. For reference, here is an order of precedence document I built myself from various sources (including the Red Bible and some websites). It shows the order of precedence both for awards on Uniforms (with position) and for ribbons bar.
    9. I would be happy to hear if someone actually requested and got back a recent research from any source (including Alexei). I was going to submit a request, but I am a bit concerned to pay in advance and have my money frozen for an eternal time until I am finally told research is not possible....
    10. Looks like Christophe was able to grab some of other Bazhanov stuff... http://www.soviet-awards.com/forum/soviet-...zhanov-2-a.html
    11. Respectfully, I disagree with the previous statement. On the Kutuzov 1st class group, the serial number is very weird and seem to have been altered. On the other group, there are also very weird serial numbers engraving and ugly conversions to say the least... This is not what I call problem-free groups. Even if I could afford, I wouldn't buy groups like these. But I guess these days, all the nice problem-free groups are in collectors hands and they keep them dearly... thus the reason why they don't show on the market.
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