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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Tony

    1. Gordon, I read somewhere that EY means Emergency Use but don't know why they used Y instead of U. Tony
    2. Hello, I have the ID bracelet for Lt. Nathaniel George Dobson who died of wounds 6 days after the armistice was signed. He started off the war as a Private in the Artists Rifles before being commissioned to the RFC. At some point he left the RFC and was transferred to the Border Regiment where he held the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. He was wounded (don?t know where) while serving with the Borders, dying on 17.11.18. Can anyone tell me when he joined or left the RFC and what he did while he was there? Was he a pilot? Here?s a bit more of his background: Aged 26 when he died, was the son of Nathaniel and Mary Dobson from Whitehaven, Cumberland. He was only entitled to the BWM and VM which are impressed to the Border Regiment. He also served in the Scottish Rifles and is buried at St. Sever Cemetery Extension in Rouen. If anyone has his medal pair or plaque even, please give me first refusal if they ever come up for sale. Tony
    3. Dan, I belong to the 'don't clean medals' school so no worries there. Thanks for all your positive comments, sort of makes me more chuffed than I was before. Tony
    4. Chris, It set me back a whole 100 Euros. Joe, Thanks, the cross is fast becoming my favourite although I'd swap it for your one with the picture on the reverse. The case has had a few knocks that should really be expected but, the piece at the back that's used as the hinge was missing and a normal piece of black tape was in its place. At least I didn't pay the (in my opinion) over the top going rate for it. Tony
    5. Here's the reverse and a battered case I bought a couple of days ago to put it in. I wasn't too pleased with the case but am warming to it. Tony
    6. Hello, This is my first WS EKI which arrived today, I'm well chuffed with it (and the price) so thought I'd show it off here. Tony
    7. Here are mine, both have been on here before but I like showing them. Doc Eggert, soldering technician splendiferous going by the job done on the hook. Tony
    8. I thought I'd add a pic of my one for comparison. Tony
    9. Hello Mike, I have one too but without the dot and it's magnetic. Is your one magnetic? My one, your one and one on ebay a while back are the only ones I've ever seen. The old soldiers would have been 60 odd years old when these 57 issues came out, so there should still have been enough men around to order replacements if needed. I doubt they would have been made in the same numbers as the 39 cross though. I actually paid quite a bit more for mine, 60 or 70 Euros I think. Tony
    10. That to me now looks like an impressive hat. I like it very much. David, are you thinking Vickers Irish CD helmet or something completely different? Although it is missing the attachment for the badge so forget I mentioned it. Tony
    11. Andy, This looks like a nice one if you fancy spending a lot of money or if Ralph would like another one. http://cgi.ebay.de/Eisernes-Kreuz-1-Klasse...1QQcmdZViewItem
    12. Chris, Normal (jelly type) paint remover should take that off and so long as you don't leave it on there too long it shouldn't attack the original paint. I believe the original paint job was baked on making it tough to remove but don't quote me on that. Tony
    13. Nice, I have something that will fit in that a treat and is dated 1917. What you getting me for Christmas Chris? Tony
    14. I've just done a google search Jason, this might be of interest to you http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-badges/qualification.htm I've just noticed that gg Uncle Bill is wearing a good conduct stripe in my avatar on his left lower sleeve. Tony
    15. Jason, They look like overseas stripes, good conduct stripes were larger (about the same size as rank stripes) and sewn to the same position on the left sleeve. Or am I getting them mixed up? I think the overseas stripes were in red till about 1914 and then changed to blue. All this is from something I read a long time ago so I could be wrong but I think 1 stripe for each year spent overseas. Someone help if I've got this wrong. Tony
    16. My one has the name in pencil but it's sooooooooo faint that it can't be read. Now how annoying is that?
    17. Hello Andy, They crop up on ebay.de now and then and go for crazy money. Stogie, Thanks for the tip on all of them having a seal. I have seen them without and was told they were late war cartons. Tony
    18. The light is poor this time of day but here's another view.
    19. Hello Andy, I would have thought it was issued with the outer carton. The reason being is that my one has a seal (I believe later ones didn't have the seal) and the white printed paper glued to the carton says "Nur von dem Beliehenen zu ?ffnen" which roughly translates to: only to be opened by recipient or only to be opened by the person bestowed upon etc. Tony
    20. Great drawings Jason. Is that the hooked quillion 07 bayonet on Ray's SMLE? Don't suppose you have that somewhere do you? Tony
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