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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Gordon, isn't that Wilhelm I, Deutscher Kaiser u. K?nig von Preussen? Regards, Hardy
    2. The posting of the above document makes this discussion conclusive. Hallo Uwe, vielen Dank f?r deine ?usserst interessanten und aufschlussreichen Beitr?ge, wie schon erw?hnt habe ich hier zum Thema DRA/DRL mehr erfahren als in meinen zwanzig Sammlerjahren. Besonders bedanke ich mich f?r deine Zeit und Geduld, dieses umstrittene Thema ein-f?r-allemal und ohne Zweifel (zumindest f?r mich) zu kl?ren. Mit freundlichem Gruss, Hardy
    3. There might be another way to find out for sure. I looked up Sportabzeichen in the Brockhaus Lexikon of 1923 and found this: Perhaps someone could look up Sportabzeichen, Deutsches Reichs-Leistungsabzeichen or Reichs-Sportabzeichen in a German Lexikon of 1934, 35. 36, or 37 Edition. If it shows a picture it should be.....? Hardy
    4. The only picture I have of a DRL badge wearer. Oberstfeldmeister Becker of the RAD
    5. Darrell, yes an assumption I agree but not a dangerous one and subject to change. See, I do not have an DRL w/o HK and based on my assumption I will not buy one until evidence supporting that DRL's w/o HK were worn appears. This way I will not loose any money or sleep. In your case, you will not give your DRL badges away (and neither would I) based on a theory that I accept. I have a home-made KURLAND cuff title, a rather ugly thing - it was taken of a moth hole ridden tunic in the 80s. The tunic then was thrown in the M?ll (garbage). I wish I kept at least the whole sleeve, but in those days one only kept good looking stuff. I did keep the cuff title, there is just something about it but no one besides me likes it. The only provenance I had, I destroyed It will always remain in my collection and I it. http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12437 Regards, Hardy
    6. Thank you Uwe for your patience in clarifying this subject. Because of the poor overall quality of the DRL badges w/o swastika (no ^ over the ribbon bow), combined with the fact that there is no photo-evidence in the 1933 to 1938 time period of a non Hakenkreuz DRL badge being worn, I accept that the DRL w/o swastika must be post 1945. Regards, Hardy
    7. Found this in Meyers Enzyklop?disches Lexikon: it stats that the Deutscher Reichsausschuss f?r Leibes?bungen (DRA) was created in 1917 from the 1895 founded Deutscher Reichsausschuss f?r die Olympischen Spiele. It was abolished in 1933 and the new Organisation was then called Deutscher Reichsbund f?r Leibes?bungen (DRL). Then from 1938 to 1945 it was changed once again to Nazionalsozialistischer Reichsbund f?r Leibes?bungen (NSRL)
    8. I bought it 3 years ago - it is just a scanner does no other tricks but it has an attachement to scan slides. The price then was just under $ 200 Can.
    9. Darrell, I have an Epson 1260 Perfection it will go up to 9600 dpi, at 1200 dpi it renders a very good result. Regards, Hardy
    10. 1.) Darrell, 2.) Rick, 3.) mine. Regards, Hardy
    11. Darrell, it looks more like 81 now, right?
    12. for comparison: 1. Darrell's Marcus 31, 2. Rick's Marcus 31, and 3. my Marcus 81 1.) 2.) 3.) 1 and 2 look like they are from different dies
    13. Hello Uwe, I really appreciate you sharing your vast knowledge of the Sportabzeichen. I learned more about the DRA in this thread then over the last twenty years collecting. I would like to see some better pictures of your different types of the DRA Thanks again, Hardy Here is another pick of the mini. There is no maker mark on the back.
    14. Thanks Rick for the info. Here is the vaulted mini pin for the above DRA Regards, Hardy
    15. Thank you Uwe very interesting and of course plausible deduction. Regards, Hardy
    16. Thanks Guys, unmessed and best of all with original full lenght ribbon
    17. Hello Uwe, do you have any picks of pre WW1 sport badges? How do you spot the difference? Regards, Hardy
    18. Here is the cross: like the salty aged look
    19. Here is my Bronze by EUGEN MARCUS HOFJUWELIER, BERLIN W.8 U.D.LINDEN 31. It looks more like Rick's, different from Darrell's MARCUS badge Regards, Hardy
    20. Can someone help me with this maker mark? Regards, Hardy
    21. Dan, some nice cuttlery you got there there! Thanks for the pics. The portepee on the Heeres Dolch is not the right one. The one shown on your polaoid is from a Sabre. The value of the Bayonet Knot is around $60 to $90 Take care, Hardy
    22. Here a pic of how to attach the Troddel to a Seitengewehr here, what Ranks carried what kind of Troddel Hardy
    23. Hello Dan, It is a Prussian Mannschaftstroddel (Ranks below Unteroffizier bayonet knot) the colors indicate the company. Yours is a rather rare Seitengewehr Troddel of a Festungs-Maschinen-Gewehr-Kompagnie (Fortress Machine Gun Company) here you find the colors of the Troddeln: http://www.bajonett.de/Troddel/troddeln_und_faustriemen.htm and here is the same as yours: http://www.bajonett.de/Troddel/Troddel14.htm Regards, Hardy
    24. Thank you all, Eric and Paul, exactly my thought when I saw it on ebay - to use it in an LW display - It reminds me of the Fliegererinnerungs-Abzeichen. I got it for 5.50 Euros and it should arrive soon. Will let you know if it has any markings. Regards, Hardy
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