Inspired by Chris Boonzaier’s great thread on a WWI trench tunic, I decided to start one too on a similar tortured garment. The circumstances almost killed this young lieutenant but they also ended a terrible war for him and ultimately saved his life. This is the tunic of Leutnant H. Wahrheit, in May of 1944 he was severely wounded by a gun shoot to the back and hand grenade fragments to head and left arm. The jacket was cut open on the back and sleeve by the attending medic on the battlefield. After Lt. Wahrheit's wounds were dressed the jacket was placed on him to keep him warm (the medic’s safety pins that were used to hold the jacket back together are still in place). Lt. Wahrheit was taken to a dressing station and then evacuated by air to a hospital. H. Wahrheit recovered from his wounds and became a public school teacher after the war. He retired in 1979. Somehow he kept the tunic, as a lucky charm I guess, for the rest of his life. … more on the story later.