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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Andy, did you get this one? http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=41968&st=0&p=388311&hl=sturmbataillon&fromsearch=1&#entry388311
    2. These are the regular straps rolled up to hide the regimental numbers. When in occupied areas to not give away the positions of units. It was also an excellent way to keep the Tornister straps from sliding over the shoulders.
    3. I just found out that Major Henke was the second commander of Sturmbataillon 16. The first commander of StB 16 was Major Ludwig von Breuning. Von Breuning commanded the StB 16 from Dec 1916 until May 1918. During the 12th Isonzo battle, Oct. to Dec. 1917, he led a detachment consisting of 2.(w) Kompanie Stb16, Flammwerferzug StB16 and several companies of StB14. The group called itself Sturmbataillon von Breuning. On March 28, 1918 Major Ludwig von Breuning took command of the Württenberg Gebirgsbataillon and in May of the same year he took over as commander of Reserve Infanterie Regiment 121.
    4. Deutsche Sturmbataillone 1915-1918 Der Kaiserstuhl und das Markgräflerland als Geburtsstätte und Standort deutscher Sturmbataillone des Ersten Weltkrieges 2009, 124 Seiten, 42 Schwarz-Weiß-Abbildungen, Maße: 23,5 cm, Gebunden, Deutsch Helios Verlag ISBN-10: 3869330139 ISBN-13: 9783869330136 Great little book about Sturmbataillon 16 by: Werner Lacoste (unfortunatly only available in German) for more information: http://www.militaerbuecher.de/I-WK-und-davor/Buecher/Lacoste-Deutsche-Sturmbataillone-1915-1918::764.html
    5. Paul, there is a series of pictures in the Bundesarchiv from 1938 showing Fiehler wearing a medal-bar. You can request to download better quality images from the Bundesarchiv site. Here is a low quality scan of one of the images
    6. " Zur Erinnerung an den frölichen Nachmittag den ich in Eurer werthen Mitte so traulich zubrachte. mit den herzlichsten Grüssen und Küssen Euer dankbarer Hubertus Alumnus d. III. Jahres" In remembrance of the happy afternoon that I spent so pleasantly in your precious company. With heartfelt wishes and kisses - Your thankful Hubertus, Alumnus (scholar, student) of the third Year
    7. I thought of copper brown recce Waffenfarbe as well but there was no unit by that number.
    8. Yes, mid-war zink model showing up around 1942. (far less common than the bronze model) Have a look at post #64: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=15277&view=findpost&p=352050
    9. My favorite, a Baden Grunt http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=33950&st=0&p=318913&hl=baden&fromsearch=1&#entry318913 Congratulations Doc! Hardy
    10. They look good! considering the feldgrau wool - I would say Baubataillon around 1939/40 Bau-Bataillon 159 http://sturmvogel.orbat.com/bau.html
    11. Barry, nice portrait of an interesting man. Jacob Liegel born in Sankt Veit an der Glan, Kärnten, Austria Baron von Kaisersteinischer Werksverweser (he was an administrator for the Baron Kaiserstein before he was given a commission) Landwehr-Hauptmann Liegel commanded the first company of the I. Klagenfurter Landwehrbataillon in 1808 (the picture depicts him as such) Then became Hauptmann of the Infanterie Regiment König-Wilhelm-der-Niederlande. Hauptmann Liegel was wounded and captured in 1813, later (no date given) he died at the front near Udine of Dysenterie.
    12. The Regiment was formed in August 1914 and alotted to the 55. Landwehr-Infanterie-Brigade within the Armee-Gruppe Gaede. The LIR40 fought throughout the war on the western front. The replacement battalion was of the regiment was located in the fortress Neubreisach. The regimental headquater was relocated in 1917 to Biesheim The Regiment arrived on August 13, 1914 in Mühlhausen. The 10th company LIR40 fought the first fire fight against elements of the 14th French Division in Dornach on August 17, 1914. The battalions of the LIR40 fought very hard with heavy losses at the Hartmannsweilerkopf until October 3, 1916 when it was relieved and sent to the Argonner Front.
    13. That is the city crest of Pforzheim in Baden. Ortsgruppe Pforzheim - ehem(als) L.I.R.40 (Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment 40) Regional Veteran Association Pforzheim - members of the former Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment 40 The Baden Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment 40 fought in 1915 at the Hartmannsweilerkopf. .
    14. Here is another one I just acquired Hollow stamped in silver http://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_01_2010/post-1062-126315388196.jpghttp://gmic.co.uk/uploads/monthly_01_2010/post-1062-1263153741.jpg
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