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    Grant Broadhurst

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    Everything posted by Grant Broadhurst

    1. WOW that,s a nice officers jacket any chance of a close up of the ribbon bar ?
    2. Greene Dudley , I,ve never seen that cammo before , i,ve seen the early splotch cammo but never this . Please enlighten us ! Any of you guys got and nice Navy uniform !!?? Did the DDR forestry service have it,s own uniform ?
    3. Hello Vic , Nice grouping to one man , the medals have a nice patina to them !
    4. Nice book and tag Vic , does the book have an awards page like the WW2 ones ?
    5. Hello Vic , Nice collection of medals you have there , that set of 3 are very pretty those and the banner of labours and next in my sights . Nice to see a fellow socialist Lancashire comrade doing well ! Grant
    6. Hello Gordon , Thanks for that , i just thought youth service would mean being an instructor in the DDR version of the hitler youth or working in a youth hostel , something along those lines . But teachers is fine !
    7. Hello Gordon , Thanks for the info , can you tell me exactly what they were awarded for i,ve found 2 answers on google one said for youth service and another stating they were given to teachers or was it both !!?? Thanks
    8. more arriving ! Here are a set of Pestalozzi medals for " Youth Service " any info appreciated !
    9. Thanks Gordon Arrived this morning , another Bronze reservist medal in card case :
    10. Very nice Gordon , wish we had uniforms that were as smart in England ! Looks very similar to the WW2 version .
    11. Yes , i,m sure if Bender released a good DDR awards reference book it would sell well . I can dream !
    12. Thanks for the info Dan , yep i,ll have to get me some reference books / CD-roms if i,m going to go the whole hog and start to collect " en masse " !
    13. What worries me is the naughty people who will buy from him and try to sell as original
    14. WOW , nice looking ! Is this meant to be a ribbon bar ? for folk dancing ? 900 silver stamp as well !
    15. medal and ribbon , looks fairly worn . I need a case for this ! :
    16. Thanks for the info Dan ! I didn't know there were different colours of the police graduation badges , so many badges so little time Here are 2 more that magically appeared on my doorstep this morning ! : Marksman bagde in gold , is this just for the workers militia or all armed services ?
    17. Thanks for showing these Andreas , i looked on Ebay and there is a seller selling these . Heads up guys !
    18. Here are 2 that arrived this morning : I think they are Police graduation badges , any addition info appreciated !
    19. Thanks for the comments Dan , Although i am determined to stay focused on East German awards or i,ll just be buying everything that crops up on Ebay again ! Straight away the Reichsbahn stuff caught my eye ( as i,m a train driver ) , there really is a lot of variety to go at . Here is the pic of the back as promised . simple pin and hook :
    20. Yes the wife is pleased that i,m buying a medal for ?5 instead of ?50 or ?500 !! As i,m on a budget DDR stuff is ideal , i think i,m a junkie now i,ve bid on 3 more !!! I also have a helmet packed away somewhere and i got given a DDR flag when i went to see my wife,s family in Buren last year . I,ll post a pic of the back tomorrow for Olivyaya .
    21. HI All, Here are the fruits of my first venture into DDR awards , i will be adding more to this thread as i get them . Comments welcome ! :
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