In Belgium, and I think in the Netherlands as well, Don Bosco are schools, named after Giovanni "Don" Bosco and his order the "Salesians of Don Bosco". Maybe the badge has something to do with them.
As Wat05 said: J. Fonson was known for military equipement, swords, uniforms and buttons. They did also medals, buttonhole pins, etc. Many of their work has a military connection but not all of it. This boutonniere has definetly no military connection.
Fonson is a difficult manufacturer to put a date on. It had many different names (Fonson Frères, A. Fonson, J. Fonson, Fonson & Cie, Ets. J. Fonson, J.F. Fonson et Fils, ...) and some even used at the same time. Even when they started is not certain. The years 1823, 1827 and 1848 are used as their beginning but what looks to be certain is that they went out of business in 1968.