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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. How, 6 years later I managed to get the name of the gentleman... he was in the Leib regiment before the war, but mobilised in a Landwehr regiment... Steinhauer ... I managed to get a few paper items of his from his service in the leiber in about 1905
    2. Bruno Weiss was a teacher, who served as a Lt. d. Res. in the 16th bavarian Reserve Infanterie Regiment, he was killed in March 1917 at La Bassee.... This is one of a handfull of items from his parents house....
    3. Wow... that guy kills it... he must have part of the nachlass? Does anyone know who the author is?
    4. Bingo.... Other than in the small BIO, I have never seen pics of him... by coincidence I got 3-4 pages from an officers photo album... He is in 3 group photos... a rare find... higher ranks are easier to find, a lt is difficult...
    5. I just received this today.... maybe the highest decorated of any officers at Regimental level and below....
    6. Sometimes a photo Collector happens across something exceptionally rare indeed... in this case a couple of pages from the photo album of an officer in the 3rd bavarian Infantry Regiment... amongst the photos were three photos of this man.... arguably the most highly decorated combat officer in the Bavarian army, and because he was not really famous at the time, photos of him are exceptionally rare... does anyone have an Idea who he could be?
    7. I think he must have if the first one is a TOE?
    8. hmmmmm ... I don't see no breasts .... but nice medals.... Please don't confuse the members with fake titles... ... for those who came here with a logical desire to see Breast - star - Christmas tree ... here is Dolly!!! ?
    9. That is a nice set of medals! From where he is standing, I think the Flugel Adj with the spiked Helmet is probably that od Rupprecht... at this time von Malsen. And the fact that it is a Leiber uniform and seems to be corresponding medal bar... would you agree there are extremely good chances it is him?
    10. I think it is very possible that he is von Malsen... he seems to have the same medal combination... Leiber , The Scharpe and tinsel... and stands right behind Kronprinz Rupprecht.... I think this may be his flügel adjutant von Malsen! ... and could that be Leonrod to his right? 3 Generations of the crown with 3 Flügel Adjutant behind them?
    11. I know I am asking almost the impossible here.... this august 1914 pic... this may just be a guy whose tunic I have..... What could the large cross to our right be? He has a Romanina award.... Thanks, Chris He would have had MVO4Kl, PRLM, and the Romanina award at the time of the pic
    12. Hi, no problem, this is 13dble. you need to contact the BALE https://www.legion-etrangere.com/mdl/contact/index.php?titre=Contacts
    13. It is indeed 13eme DBLE, looks like an Indochine + Algeria vet I think he has a TOE, OM. Indo medal on the top row...
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