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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Bang! There you go... the Krugs you show are the more sexy ones... better lids, better artwork... The older ones are really ladenhüter....
    2. Krugs have really come down in price over the last 20 years.... I have 11 Leiber Krugs, this one I think is maybe EUR140 tops... some similar ones I have have picked up for EUR120 ... Krugs 1890s up until maybe 1905 are really not the Renner... Most Krug collectors seem to focus on the ones from about 1905 - 1914 as they really improved in optics and quality... But even there you can get really bombastic ones for EUR350-400... I really do not have a problem with this one... it does not have the modern machine made design, it is a boring older one, Generic lid... Krugs are pretty well faked, but may be the easiest collecting field to tell the good from the bad. I hope it is here on Monday!! :-)
    3. Hi, I do not have it in my hands yet, but these older Mugs are not that much of an issue, the fakes are usually the sexier ones... 1900 muga and earlier are too "blah blah... " ... I should have it next week...
    4. Hi, usually indeed.... but sometimes there is a surprise hidden amongst the old guys... However, this gus is nowhere to be found, so I am guessing 1 of 4 things 1) He died before the war 2) He did not serve in the war 3) He served, but not in the Bavarian Army 4) Ancestry transcribed his name totally wrong. It happens quite often, and you can usually still find the guy with his first name and date of birth, but I checked 4 years of Wendolins and nothing to be found.
    5. Hi, you are correct... I had the search done wrong, there are lots of Lenhard... but absolutely no Wendelin as far as I can see... 28 000 is a lot of life invested! :-) I guess wendelin had no WW1 Service
    6. Hi, best I can do is this... if you go on the main pic it magnifies... https://www.ebay.de/itm/Reservistenkrug-Infanterie-Leib-Regiment-9-Kompanie-München-1897-99/392230109408?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2748.l2649
    7. Can anyone read this? It looks like Wendelin Lenhard ... but the name Lenhard is very eare indeed and I find no Lenhard in the Bavarian Army....
    8. Here is a great shot of men marching into hell... arriving at Verdun during the height of the battle... they would remain for 2 months......
    9. The swords on the ribbon bar make it look like a 1914 award, but the hidie would mean the guy was mounting this sometime in the mid 1930s... I think it is basically a gut feeling thing when you have it in your hand.
    10. Very nice indeed! Does the bottom right pillow back usually have a back plate?
    11. It is unusual for WW1 bars, but it could be that over the last 100 years such bars have just been taken to pieces for parts as they were unsexy. If a guy had "old Yella" he may have been too old to serve at the front... he just needs to have spent the war in Germany with a short spell in occupied Belgium, far from the guns... and already this would be possible. As Don Says... you almost automatically think 1870... but could also be a hindy from the combination... the bar hooks on the back make me think 1870, but I am no mounting expert...
    12. How much "more Alpen" can you get than this? He suffered a wound to the chin/Jaw in 1917 that kept him in hospital for almost a year... I am assuming the beard was not only traditional, but also partially to hide the wound....
    13. Hi, what throws me off would be the Fuhrpark Kolonne, were there 5 of them in DSWA?.... maybe a Feld Pionier company?
    14. The 1st bavarian Infantry Regiment in 1896... tons of great details here.....
    15. I think I may have found it in the prewar Infantry Photo..... Check out the senior NCOs.... They are wearing Blue Tunics... but the guy in the middle does not have a stiffened cap.....
    16. I am no expert (best introduction to enter as thread! ) ... but I do not like the Bullion work... it looks very loose
    17. I am going to play devils advocate here ... do we know it is a DSWA bayonet? It is not a unit marking I expect to see on a DSWA bayonet, and having found North Korean Medals in a junk store in Kuwait, and the British 14-18 War Medal to a Belgian agent in the market at Marrakesh... I am always open to the fact that Militaria moves in strange ways... So I am not sure either way... just leaving a door open that this may have wandered out there after WW1, as a souvenier from the western front....
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