I am always a bit weary of thinking that although it is the general opinion. "look how many EKs awarded in WW1 compared to 1870" for example... but on the other hand, look how much action there was and how many men were killed in WW1 compared to 1870.
For WW2/WW1.. large sections of the front in WW2 were on hold for most of the war, Like the Western front ans Scandinavia... whereas in WW1 most fronts were always moving in one form or another.
Adding to the comparison, in WW2 the KVK was used to reward folks and this did not exist in WW1.
In WW2 a silver wound badge received an automatic EK2, in WW1 guys who were invalided received it as well, although if this was an official order I have not been able to find out.
I once did a stat comparing how many awards were made in the different months of the war. Unfortunately I have lost it... I was surprised to see that the amounts did not change throughout the war, they were however effected by what kind of action was going on at the time. 1914 lots were awarded, early 1915 very, very few. 1916 saw the Somme and Verdun and lots of awards etc. etc....
I imagine in ate 1918 guys who had served solidly for longer periods were treated favorably when it came to deciding who gets an award, and if in 1915 only 4 men in a section had it, but in 1918 28 men in a section had it... it must be remembered that it is natural that as the war goes on, more and more men get the chance to earn one...
An interesting topic!