a number of the companies producing Iron Crosses 14-18 were probably Jewellers before the war, in fact, I seem to remember another maker who was also a "Goldwarenfabrik"... The demand for awards after the outbreak of the war was high... there would not have been enough demand BEFORE the war.
I suppose it depends on when the Crosses found there way into the box....
As I think it agreed that the stamps on the rings for official purloses, I think we can assume that Kling were not acting wholesalers in th Private market?
Klein Aand Quenzer may still be the most logical bet, but I forget what the source of the 1 500 000 was? would they have subcontracted?
What are the chance of finding 30 crosses, bagged, in mint condition, from the same maker... WITHOUT a box?
It may not be a smoking gun, but it does show the Klein theory is a long way from being proved, without a shadow of a doubt....