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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Does anyone have any variations on these? is there a Württ. version? Thanks Chris
    2. Hi, The application forms make interesting browsing... quite a number of applicants seem to have made up their own names for battles and units ;-)
    3. Ditto for source... Entered the Army as an Fahnenjunker, Platoon-Leader and Battalion-Adjutant in the 130th Infantry-Regiment (01 Apr 1911-31 Jul 1915) Detached to the War School in Hersfeld (01 Oct 1911-00 Jul 1912) Company-Leader in the 130th Infantry-Regiment (01 Aug 1915-30 Apr 1916) With the Replacement-Battalion of the 130th Infantry-Regiment (01 May 1916-14 May 1916) Detached to the Training-Troops Lokstedt (15 May 1916-30 May 1916) Chief of the MG-Company of the 27th Jäger-Battalion (31 May 1916-08 Jul 1917) Detached as Artillery-Observer (18 Feb 1917-28 Feb 1917) Detached to Assault-Battalion Rohr (18 May 1917-26 May 1917) MG-Officer with the Staff of the 27th Jäger-Battalion (09 Jul 1917-19 Feb 1918) Released for Service in the Finnish Army (02 Mar 1918-11 Apr 1918) Retired (11 Apr 1918) Commander of the 27th Finnish Jäger-Battalion (19 Feb 1918-09 Mar 1918) Commander of the 2nd Finnish Jäger-Regiment (10 Mar 1918-31 Mar 1918) Commander of the 3rd Finnish Jäger-Brigade (01 Apr 1918-05 Jun 1918) Chief Of Staff of the 1st Finnish Division (06 Jun 1918-05 Sep 1918) Commander of the 1st Finnish Baltic-Sea-Regiment, Helsingfors (06 Sep 1918-05 Nov 1919) Retired (05 Nov 1919) Entered Service with the Finnish Border-Police as Commander of the Finnish Protection-Corps Turku (Abo) (15 Mar 1920-31 Jul 1925) Retired (31 Jul 1925) Finnish Reserve-Officer (22 Feb 1922-19 Dec 1934) Employed by the German Army (Territorial-Officer from 01 Mar 1934) as Advisor Wa Prw. 2 in the Army Weapons Office (HWA) (Development of On-Board-MG for Aircraft and for Heavy MG) (06 Nov 1933-31 May 1935) Transferred into the Luftwaffe as a Supplemental-Officer (Activated in 1941) and Advisor for the Development of light Flak-Weapons, RLM (01 Jun 1935-14 Nov 1938) Battery-Chief in the 73rd Light Flak-Battalion (15 Nov 1938-25 Aug 1939) Commander of the 731st Light Reserve-Flak-Battalion (26 Aug 1939-18 Feb 1940) Commander of the 226th Reserve-Flak-Battalion (19 Feb 1940-30 Apr 1940) At the same time, Course for Battalion-Commanders at Flak-Artillery-School I (26 Feb 1940-20 Mar 1940) Commander of the 151st Reserve-Flak-Battalion (01 May 1940-31 Jul 1940) Luftwaffe-Control-Officer with the Control-Commission I in Unoccupied France, Bourges (01 Aug 1940-24 Mar 1941) At the same time, Acting-Chief Of Staff of the Luftwaffe-Control-Commission I, Bourges (10 Jan 1941-24 Mar 1941) Commander of the 34th Motorised-Flak-Regiment (25 Jan 1941-14 Apr 1942) Commander of the 99th Flak-Regiment (15 Apr 1942-25 Sep 1942) Delegated with the Leadership of the 4th Luftwaffe-Field-Division (Formation-Commander) and for a time, Commander of Luftwaffe-Battle-Group Stahel (25 Sep 1942-31 Jan 1943) Detached into the Service-Area of Air-Fleet-Command 4 (01 Mar 1943-20 May 1943) Commander of the 22nd Flak-Brigade (21 May 1943-05 Jun 1943) Proposed Service with the Reichsführer-SS and Chief of Special-Staff Stahel but command did not become effective (01 Jun 1943-16 Jun 1943) Delegated with the Flak-Security of the entire North Coast of Sicily (28 Jul 1943-1944) At the same time, Commandant of Rome (10 Sep 1943-00 Dec 1943) Commandant of Fortress Vilna (07 Jul 1944-11 Jul 1944) City-Commandant of Warsaw (25 Jul 1944-25 Aug 1944) Battle-Commandant north of Bucharest (26 Aug 1944-29 Aug 1944) In Soviet Captivity (28 Aug 1944-30 Nov 1955) Died in Soviet Captivity (30 Nov 1955)
    4. - Ritterkreuz (397): am 18.01.1942 als Oberstleutnant und Kommandeur des Flak-Regiment 34 - Eichenlaub (169): am 04.01.1943 als Oberst und Kommandeur einer Luftwaffen-Kampfgruppe im Kampfraum von Stalingrad - Schwerter (79): am 18.07.1944 als Generalmajor und Kommandant Fester Platz Wilna - 1914 EK I: 24.03.1915 - 1914 EK II: 12.10.1914 - Finn. Freiheitskreuz III. Klasse: 08.05.1918 - Finn. Freiheitskreuz II. Klasse: 29.05.1918 - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber - Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis III. Klasse - Spange zum EK II: 16.07.1941 - Spange zum EK I: 18.09.1941 - Flakkampfabzeichen - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942” - Wehrmachtbericht: 14.07.1944 List of awards courtesy geocities.com
    5. Hi, I dont think they can help, it is the SADF /SANDF archives that have the records, notz the state ones.
    6. Hi, the big Plus is they are unique name medals.... some ABOs have 3 or 5 or 10 guys with the same initial. With these (unique names) you can order the guys application form from the archives in Pretoria... it will have (depending on how well he filled out the form) when he joined, which battles he took part in, if he was captured, who his commander was, if he was wounded etc. There are some reserchers in Pretoria that can get you the info, the prices for the service vary...
    7. Korp. Jan Hendrick Muller, Gatsrand Commando... Frederick Christiaan Swart... Ladybrand commando Luckily 2 unique names
    8. Indeed, commanded the MG Company of the Finnish Jägers from mid 1916 before that... and then , as Bernhard says.... his WW2 stuff is nothing to sniff at either!!
    9. Thats a good start indeed... but even his further service in WW1 and between the wars will excite a certain group of collectors....
    10. OK... envelope 1 arrived today..... http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/61998-who-is-the-man/
    11. Some time ago I mentioned that I thought Cross collectors all to often seperate the crosses from "History" and concentrate too much on makers marks. This was a bit unfair to the cross collectors as just as often Document collectors seperate the documents from "History" and just go for nice print variations.... That can of course work to my advantage. i just picked these up on ebay for about what most dealers would charge for just the EK1 doc... It is not a great Print variation.... 2 pretty ugly docs..... but they are soooooooooo interesting... full of history.... there is just one thing after another that comes up when you reasearch the dude.... even just googling... Here is clue one..... he wrote his Regimenatl History... which I still have to get.... Can anyone find anything else?
    12. Hi, thanks, it was just cooindidence that I always had stamped on the Pin I guess. I got his EK1 and document... now I have to see if i can get the rest of the group, the guy is selling everything seperately.
    13. Does anyone know if it is possible to find this online? Thanks Chris
    14. All part of the war on terror... I believe there is no customs duty on what we sell when it arrives in the US... so i dont see why there would be customs holdups?
    15. I have only ever had pin stamped ones before... how comman/Uncomman is this one? It comes from a Group that may unfortunately stay split... an award at the end of the war to a Machine Gun NCO
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