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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. OK... Now we are getting to the meat on the bones.... the waiting period before the attack...
    2. A more complete run down... Medals should be here in about 12 hours... :-) 24.2.1893 Born Sendlebach by Lohr 2.6.1909 Uffz Schule 25.7.11 Gefreiter 1.10.11 8 IR 21.10.11 Uffz 13.12.14 7. Komp RIR 22 (8 BRD) 7.2.-7.3.15 Stellungskampf in Oberelsass 19.2-7.3.15 Schlacht bei Münster 3.3.15 Vizefeldw. 7.3.15 wounded bullet shoulder, hospital Freiburg 13.3.15 EK2 10.5.15 to 2.EB 18 IR (?) 11.5.15 Genesenden Komp 12.6.16 24 IR 29.6.16 27 IR into the field (12 BD) 12.7.16 12. Komp IR27 28.7.-4.10.16 Stellungskampf Oberelsass Transport to Romania 10.10.16 Offz Stellv 12.10.16 7. Komp IR27 17.10.16-28.11.16 Gebirgskämpfe Torzburger Pass Fighting by Dragoslavele, Mount Matelas 20-21.10.16 Storming Mount Klabucetu 29-30.11.1916 Verfolgungs Gefechte bei Campulung 1-3.12.1916 Schlacht am Arges 9-20.12.1916 Verfolgungskämpfe an Jalomita-Prahova und Bazaul 21-27.12.1916 Schlacht bei Rimnicul Sarat 24.12.16 10. Komp IR27 28.12.1916-3.1.1917 Verfolgungskämpfe nach der Schlacht bei Rimnicul Sarat 4-8.1.1917 Schlacht an der Putna 9.1.-14.7.17 Stellungskrieg am Putna und Sereth 19.5.17 MVK 2Kl 14.7.17 Feld Laz 28 3.8.17 Release Laz 5.8.17 Erholungsheim 22.9.17 EK1 10-27.5.18 Stellungskampf B Rheims 27.5.1918 Storming the Chemain des Dames 16.5.18 Wound Badge 4.6.18 Kriegs Laz 22a 14.7.18 Laz Dresden (Friedrichsbach) 27.8.18 I./5 IR Rekrt Depot 30.11.18 to Stellv Kdo II AK 24.1.19 8 IR
    3. Here is a brief look at his career... 24.2.1893 Born Sendlebach by Lohr 2.6.1909 Uffz Schule 25.7.11 Gefreiter 1.10.11 8 IR 21.10.11 Uffz 13.12.14 7. Komp RIR 22 3.3.15 Vizefeldw. 7.3.15 wounded bullet shoulder, hospital Freiburg 13.3.15 EK2 10.5.15 to 2.EB 18 IR 11.5.15 Genesenden Komp 12.6.16 III Batl 27 IR 29.6.16 27 IR into the field 12.7.16 12. Komp IR27 28.7.-4.10.16 Stellungskampf Ober Elsass 10.10.16-12.10.16 Gebirgskämpfe XXXXXX 10.10.16 Offz Stellv 12.10.16 7. Komp IR27 24.12.16 10. Komp IR27 19.5.17 MVK 2Kl 14.7.17 Feld Laz 28 3.8.17 Release Laz 5.8.17 Erholungsheim 22.9.17 EK1 10-27.5.18 Stellungskampf B Rheims 16.5.18 Wound Badge 4.6.18 Kriegs Laz 22a 14.7.18 Laz Dresden (Friedrichsbach) 27.8.18 I./5 IR Rekrt Depot 30.11.18 to Stellv Kdo II AK 24.1.19 8 IR I will of course post the medals when i get them.
    4. normally have my "eeezy-guide" in my bag, but not today... can anyone help me before I get home? 27 bavarian Inf Regt... which division? Thanks Chris
    5. OK, Hauptmann gave me the info needed to clear this up.... Our man was not awarded the Gold medal until late 1918-early 1919.. although the action took place in Feb 1915... Here is a question... by late 18, early 19... the folks awarding the medals had many acts of bravery accross the desk... do you think they raised or lowered the bar when approving awards? Either way, it is great, means it must be his award piece....
    6. Nice find indeed.... I like all the titles at the top of the doc... I wonder if it is possible to research the guy in switzerland?
    7. Indeed, Schiessplatzmeister nailed it... I think.. "Am 21.2.1915 hatte das b. Res.Inf.Rgt 22 den Reichsackerkopf zu stürmen. Gegen 9 Uhr vormittag begann der Angriff des I. Batls. das sofort sehr starkes Feuer erhielt und dadurch schwere Verluste erlitt. Die links davon an einem Waldrand in Bereitschaft liegende 7. Komp. erhielt daher Befehl halbrechts vorzugehen und den Angriff des I. Batls. zu unterstützen. In Höhe dieses Bataillons angekommen, sah der damalige Unteroffizier Riethmann, wie 2 Mann aus der Schützenlinie rechts von ihm aufsprangen und nach vorwärts liefen, nach kaum 30 m aber tot zusammenstürzten. Dadurch aufmerksam gemacht, bemerkte er, daß etwa 70 m vor der Front ein Schwerverwundeter lag und sich in seinen Schmerzen krümmte. Kurz entschlossen wandte sich Riethmann an den ihm zunächst liegenden Inftr. Vogt mit der Bitte, mit ihm den Versuch zu machen, den Schwerverwundeten zu bergen. Im stärksten feindl. Kugelregen gelangten die beiden auch glücklich zu dem schwerverwundeten Hptm. Holler und brachten ihn glücklich zu dem etwa 200 m hinter der Feuerlinie eingerichteten Notverbandplatz." "Damalige" .. ie. he was Unteroffizier at the time of the action, but had been promoted at the time of the award.... I am trying to get his records to clear this up :-) best Chris
    8. I never say I "have" something until the postman gives it to me... it brings bad luck !! By coincidence I know the seller (met him about 10 years ago) and knew of the group... but did not know that until after the sale. From the bavarian RIR22, not THE greatest citation, or most exciting battle... but it will do for me... ;-)
    9. We get closer and closer....... More to follow tonight... Diary continued....... During which time I had an afternoon nap. At 5:00pm I washed in the baths set up by the bakery column. A wash, soap and a towel cost 50 Pfennig. Now I wait longingly for the mail. Tonight, for the first time in a long time, Herrings, Potato and butter. Thought of my dearest during the meal. A pity that we could not eat together. To my joy I got 2 letters from her. 7th Feb. Got up at 8:00am and had coffee. Wrote a few letters, otherwise nothing special. 1. Secret orders (23rd January) from the 7. Reserve Armee Korps with 2 tasks. 1. Either to relive a Corps holding trenches 2: Or to storm/attack positions in our present sector. Preparations in another book. Unfortunately no mail. Regiment takes up quarters in X. I write a letter to my dear wife. Leider blieb die Post überhaupt aus; Regiment nach (?) umquartiert. Ich schrieb trotzdem ein Briefchen ans l. Frauchen. 8th Feb 06:45am wake up, 07:10am Coffee 07:30 into the trenches, a quiet day. Looked at the K.M.K.B. No8 (42) (Dicke Bertha M_Gerät) with a range of 9km. Has to be transported in 5 loads. Huge wheels with “shoes” in order to make them 1m wide. So far in the war there has never been such a one here. Unfortunately no mail today, wrote another letter to my dear wife…. I end with the thoughts I had at the depart in Welsede (25.01.1916 at 03:32am) “Sacred duty takes me from your arms, but does not take you from my heart” Tonight we study the just issued cards of the sector we are to attack on… As we had eaten early in the evening I just ate some bread and had some carrot juice from home. I had kept the tin ever since packing it by mistake (thought it was milk) when leaving home on the 15th of August. lay down at 11:00 pm and thought of my dear wife, kissed her photo, then lay down to sleep. 9th Feb Got up at 08:00, had breakfast, then went with the Komp. Führer and Leutnant Möllman through the positions. We had a look at „Namenloser Wald“, our objective in the coming attack. This afternoon the earth received a blanket of snow. I had the positions cleaned a final time, it was supposed to be the end of the work here. At dinner the battalion commander was informed that one company would not take part in the assault. This company would remain and pump water out of the bunkers and keep things in order. Hauptmann Raffloer (?) wanted to give this task to the company of the oldest commander (Hauptmann Andre, but he refused. In the end the 1st company was designated “pump-company” as its leader already had the EK1. In the evening, thank god, the first letter in 5 days, dated 3rd Feb. From my dear wife. Wrote Willy a Birthday card for the 11.2.16. Although we are just a few days before the attack I am quite content. Leutnant Landzettel told me about the theater play „Taifun“. It was about the Japanese Colony in Paris and showed how much they honoured and loved their country. If that kind of spirit is in our troops, our endeavor will succeed. Made the most of our sleep, we would only enjoy rest 2-3 more times. Goodnight my dears! 10th Feb Today is the second last day in the position. The Unteroffizier are given their orders. Unteroffizier Bergrath and Schröder are designated patrol leaders. I was in a very good mood! With Lt Ostermann (Komp. Führer 3/16) I had 2 wrestling matches and won both. This evening, a destructive urge, we destroyed a French gramophone and burnt the pieces, it burned very well. We packed our affairs as we were to leave at 7:00 for Reville. From there we would move into position for the attack. Wrote a letter to my dear wife. Went to bed early to make the most of the sleep time. Next day we set up Lt Ostermann’s Trench shield and our “Sturmgepäck”. Good night my dear XXX and Marga (Wife and daughter?)
    10. Thanks for the info guys! Here is aquestion for a champion... how many MVK can you find on a bar? I assume 3 or maybe even 4 (although unlikely) are possible?
    11. Here is a question for a champion.... Medal bar with EK 2, Gold Bravery, MVK2nd class with swords and crown, Hindenburg, Service medal... Missing on the bar is the Gold bravery medal, it must have been a real gold one as it was an early 1915 issue. Seperate with it is an official issue gold plated silver one (the later war one with "1000" and crescent). This is mint and on a long ribbon (ie. probably "as issued"). Also with it EK1, wound badge, 25 year Beamten service cross. The man was in the LW in WW2, and was killed in an air raid during the war. I assume a beamter, and junior grade officer or senior NCO in WW2. Medals from the family, in a box since the war... So, now the question... What could have happed to the real gold medal? And why an official "Ries" later war award piece loose with it? 1) If the family had flogged the pure gold medal to buy vodka.. why bother to get an official gold plated silver one to replace it? Expensive and NOT easy to find. I find this very unlikely. 2) Did the man himself sell the gold one and get himself a later wartime one? 3) Was there a drive for scrap gold and dutiful soldiers gave in their gold and got a silver one? 4) He seems to have worn the bar in the 1930s... the Gold plated one is in almost perfect nick though... I have no doubts this is kosher direct from the son, who had it in a box and has had little to do with it since the war... So... where did it go?
    12. Hi, Can anyone tell me just who got the Militaerverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern und Krone and approx amount awarded and Value? Thanks Chris
    13. I am guessing that it was financially not viable to have straps sewn for such a small unit?
    14. I am guessing that it was financially not viable to have straps sewn for such a small unit?
    15. There will never ever be a "final Victory"... there is no capital city to take, no govt to sign a surrender, no agreement between groups of baddies... wipe out all resistance in land A and 10 crazy guys will decide to take up the fight in land B.... However, small victories along the way are still victories. Final result will probably an acceptable level of violence for a period, then eveyone loosing interest and having something better to do.
    16. No biggie, and I had promised myself to stick to infantry docs... but this was too good to miss....
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