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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Medalla Conmemorativa "50 Anniversario de FAR" No ribbon example available. 2006 It will be interesting as more details come available who has been actually making these!
    2. Medalla Conmemorativa "XX Anniversario de FAR" Twentieth Anniversery of the FAR, 1976. Note the device on the ribbon bar. Example of the ribbon:
    3. Medalla "Calixto Garc?a" Second highest Cuban Medal, but what was it given for? Ribbon example:
    4. Hmmm... different fold style on the ribbons, different ribbon widths, Prussian Bar in the "South-German" style... ??
    5. Hi Stan, nice to see these. They gilded Meybauer is beautiful, as is the Juncker gunner. Juncker badges can be found sans "C.E.Juncker", but marked with appropriate silver/content marks that are consistent with the usual ones we find. Best guess is they would have been made for sale through other retailers....
    6. The Saxon War-Aid Cross was an interesting award. If given to a Saxon, it had to be returned if any other Saxon War decoration was awarded subsequently....
    7. OK, so my question becomes... if all the nasty swatikas have to be covered at a military show that trades in historical objects... why are said same historical objects displayed uncovered?
    8. I wish I did win... it was "private bidding" and not me. I wanted to share these images as these are very, very difficult to find. I find the Nimmerg?t pocket guide to be helpful, but just that. A guide.... there are many, many prices in there that simply do not reflect rarity.....
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